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Y/n's POV

I woke up to a sizzling sound and the savory smell of waffles and bacon wafting through the air. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was the next day.

'Must've slept through the night.'

I sit up and stretch well, knowing that was the best sleep I had gotten in months. I turn to the side and see Jon, his arm draped over me and his face peaceful. He was at ease.

I smiled and lifted his arm, quietly pulling myself off the bed and out the door, walking downstairs to see what was happening.

I made my way into the kitchen, expecting one of the girls, but instead, I found Josh and another Sideman, plates among plates of food on the kitchen island and table. "Woah, what's cooking?"

Both men turned upon hearing my voice.

"Y/n! Good morning, we just thought we'd make breakfast, as a thanks for saving us!" Josh said, motioning for me to sit down. I did so as he set a plate of food in front of me.

"You guys really don't have to thank us for anything but, wow, this looks amazing, thank you!" I said, immediately grabbing my fork and digging in.

The other Sideman, which was the shorter dark skinned one, came over and set a cup of tea in front of me. "Our pleasure. I'm Tobi by the way."

I pause my eating and swallow the food before grabbing his hand and shaking it. "Very nice to meet you Tobi, I'm Y/n."

"Nice to meet you as well."

I nodded at him with a warm smile before continuing to eat my breakfast.

Little by little, everyone made their way in and out of the kitchen, some grabbing plates and moving to eat their breakfast in the living room, others staying in the kitchen or going back to their rooms.

I grabbed a plate and a cup of orange juice as I made my way back upstairs and into my room, where Delirious still laid, peacefully sleeping. I set the plate down on the nightstand and sat next to him on the bed.

I smiled softly as his chest slowly lowered and raised with every breath. I reached over and gently ran my fingers up and down his back, then through his hair, causing him to stir slightly before turning to me, still sleepy.

"Good morning." I smiled, leaning forward slightly.

"Good morning indeed." He replies, sitting up and kissing me gently.

We pull apart and I motion to the nightstand. "Josh and Tobi made breakfast, I thought you might want some."

He glances over and his eyes brighten up as he grabs the plate. "And as usual, you are correct."

I giggled and stood up. "I'm gonna brush my teeth and shower real quick."

He hummed in response and I made my way to the bathroom to do my own routine.

After I was finished, I walked out to see Delirious, changed and ready for the day, an empty plate now sitting on the nightstand. I heard him come in and brush his teeth while I was in the shower as well, so we both started to make our way downstairs.

"Ayyyeee there she is!" I heard from Tobi and I looked to see the Sidemen all gathered on the couch, in conversation.

Delirious nodded his head and gave me a peck on the cheek before heading off to find his buddies. I smiled and made my way over, resting my arms against the couch as I looked at them. "Hey guys."

They smiled and Josh grabbed my hand, pulling me around the couch and into the circle.

"Now, lets have proper introductions, shall we?" Josh said, looking between me and the other 6 men.

Trust Issues || H2O Delirious x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora