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Y/n's POV

"Ok, but only if you wanna get your ass kicked." Terroriser smirked.

"Oh, you're on!" Jamilyne smirks back.

Delirious gets up to set up the game and for some reason, I was kind of upset about it.

Until he sat back down.

After he set up the game and tossed controllers to whoever wanted to play, he came and sat next to me, but closer. Much closer.

I ignored it thinking he must've not been paying attention. Everyone rotated between playing and during my turn, I was dominating. I had almost overlapped everyone.

"Too easy." I fake yawned, trying to exaggerate my statement even more. I stretched out my feet, but the coffee table was too far, so I put my feet on Delirious' lap instead. He glanced at me quizzically before shrugging and leaving my feet on him.

He turned to talk to Vanoss and put his hand on my ankle. I took in a sharp breath as I finished the 3rd lap, taking first place while everyone else was still in their 2nd lap. "YES!"

I heard groans erupt from around the room, clearly defeated.

"Ha ha! Y'all suck!" I bounced my shoulders in a little victory dance, causing everyone, who wasn't playing, to laugh.

I pulled myself up, using Delirious for support as I sat, leaving my legs on top of him. We made eye contact and I felt my face heat up.

I quickly looked away, catching sight of the redness of the tips of his ears. I couldn't help a tiny smile as I turned my torso more towards the screen to get ready for the next round.

I felt Delirious shift under me before lifting my legs and placing them back on the couch after standing. "I'm going to bed." He announced, causing a series of good nights to flood the room.

The twins turned to me and smirked before looking at each other with knowing glances. "What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"You guys would be so cute together."

I rolled my eyes but still felt a blush creep up on my cheeks. "Whatever satisfies your creepy little minds."

I waved them off and shifted my attention back towards the screen.

With every round I felt my eyelids growing a bit heavier and the yawn wanting to escape my throat became stronger. I finally stood up, handing off my controller, deciding it was time for bed.

"Goodnight everyone."

A chorus of goodnights followed me into the hall as I made my way to Delirious' room. I opened the door and noticed an air mattress on the floor next to the bed. Delirious was laying in it, asleep.

I noticed he had changed, he was now wearing sweatpants and no shirt, but he still had his mask on.

I was tempted to take a peek, but I knew better, plus, that's an invasion of privacy and downright rude.

I shrugged and climbed into his bed pulling the comforters over me. It was only then that I noticed how cold it was. I tossed and turned, trying desperately to warm myself up. I curled up in a ball and snuggled deeper into the sheets.

The scent was calming, but I was still freezing.

I finally sat up, upset that I couldn't get comfortable. I looked around, trying to think of how to get warmer.

I glanced down at Delirious and an idea popped in my head.

I quickly shook the thought.

'That would probably piss him off.'

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