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~5 Years Later~

Delirious' POV

5 years.

5, long years since she left.

We got Mini back, completely patched up and healed, but different.

The twins are now 22.

Things have changed.

We've moved back into our place, leaving the girls' house barren. Everything was a little hectic for a while, of course. Word got out that the Pack leader was no more, so things were slightly chaotic with other gangs fighting to move up in ranks but it's settled for now.

I took the twins in, just like she asked, and raised them like my own. She'd be so proud if she were here.

But she's not.

She said she needed time, and we gave it to her, but she never came back. She said she didn't know if she'd ever see me again, and for a few years, a part of me wished I'd see her again. But that part of me doesn't exist anymore.

If she doesn't want to be apart of this life, of my life, then I have to accept that and move on.

It was hard at the start, but now, after 5 years, everyone has come to terms with it. She's just a memory now.

We've worked hard to maintain our position, lots of gangs thinking we've grown weak due to the Pack-BBS alliance and eventual merge. We've proved time and time again that we are not to be underestimated and the message was well received.

A heist was planned for us tomorrow, nothing major, just a simple robbery and hostage situation for ransom.

I sat on my bed, preparing to go to sleep, which was difficult at first, but I've grown accustomed to it again. I sat with a teddy bear in my hands, one I took from Y/n's room when we moved out.

I knew she was gone, and I like to think I've accepted it, but that doesn't mean I don't miss her. I stared at the stuffed animal, remembering the good times with her, and when she left, how she left, why she left. Everything.

I sighed and put the bear down, knowing that there was no point in reminiscing. I knock came from the door and I looked up in confusion, it was nearly midnight, and there was a mission tomorrow so everyone was supposed to be in bed.

"Come in." I called, sitting up. Two redheads walked in, each holding a pillow and dragging a blanket with them.

"Hey Del." Macey said, rubbing her tired eyes and yawning. "Can we stay with you? We don't feel like sleeping in our room tonight." Kacey added, walking over. I nodded and motioned them over.

They each came to lay on either side of me and got comfortable. I laid back and relaxed, staring at the ceiling for a while.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Macey asked from my left. I turned to her and smiled softly. "Nothing."

She looks back at me and her eyes turn slightly sad. "Are you thinking about Y/n?"

"Macey, she's gone." Kacey said coldly, facing away from us, her back pressed up against my side.

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