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Y/n's POV

I poked at my, now cold, mashed potatoes. This has felt like the longest dinner of my life.

The entire time, Ava has been touching and flirting with Del and I couldn't say anything about it. She knows the gang, and if she found out, she would immediately tell Evan.

He has tried to brush her off and tell her to stop but she thinks he's just playing hard to get. I was so close to completely snapping on her but I bit my tongue.

"Excuse me! Waiter! Can we have the bill please?" I called, thankful that this was finally over.

"Oh? Time to go already?" Ava says, a frown on her face. Delirious shifts uncomfortably as she slides her hand across his back.

I grip my fork tightly, my fists paling.

"How about you come home with me?" She says seductively, pulling him towards her and caressing his face. He turns away and sits straight, scooting away from her, but she just scoots closer.

My teeth clenched tightly as I dug my nails into my palm.

"I don't think so Ava." He says, removing her hands from his body. She smirks and giggles.

"Aww, come one Del, don't you remember all the fun we used to have? The long, long nights... The way you used to make me feel... I miss that, especially when I couldn't walk the next morning..." She whispers in his ear, still loud enough for the entire fucking table to hear as she bites her lip and slides her hand up his leg, way, too far.

He stands abruptly as I finally snap, stabbing my fork into the wooden table with a growl and standing up as well.

"That's it! I've had enough of this shit!" I yelled, grabbing the attention of pretty much the entire restaurant. I turn to Ava, a viscous look in my eye.

"He doesn't fucking want you! Got that? Whatever you had is a thing of the past now and NOTHING, is going to fucking change that!" I snarled, starting towards her.

Delirious quickly stepped in front of me, grabbing my arms and trying to hold me back from lunging at the pink-haired female.

"Y/n! Y/n, hold on. Don't do anything irrational."

I struggled against his grasp, trying desperately to push past him.

"Irrational? Ohhh we are way past irrational, I'm gonna turn her teeth into a charm bracelet and hang her head on my wall." I sneered, jumping around him.

He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back again.

"Woah Ok! Ok, Y/n, babe, calm down!"

Ava looks at him suspiciously. "Babe?" She questions, glaring daggers at me.

"Damn straight bitch, so stay the fuck away from my man!" I yelled, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Yeah right, like he'd choose you over me." She scoffed, putting a hand on her hip. Jon turns around, still blocking me.

"I would Ava. I would choose Y/n over you any day."

Ava looks at us, dumbfounded. A waiter takes advantage of the moment of silence and walks over to us. "I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you all to leave."

I looked around and noticed that literally everyone was watching us. I gave the twins a look and we all quickly started packing them our things.

"Listen Ava, I stopped her in here to protect her from revealing her identity, but once we get outside, she won't be chained up anymore." Del said as he draped an arm over my shoulders.

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