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Y/n's POV

I sat in the small shop, Teddy next to me on his own chair. I smiled at him and nodded along as he rambled about anything and everything.

The shop was fairly full, people scattered around the place, some rushing in and out, others sitting with books and laptops. I smiled at the peaceful scene.

The bell on the door rang, causing me to turn slightly and see the person I've been waiting for. Instead of his normal blue hoodie he wore a plain white t-shirt and dark grey joggers. A hat sat on his head but nothing covered his face. I smiled as he caught my eye and made his way over to where Teddy and I were sitting.

Jon sat across from me, ruffling Teddy's hair as he passed by. Teddy squealed and put his hands on his head, smiling at Delirious. "Hey!"

"Hey to you too, little man!"

I smiled as I watched the interaction. Delirious turned to me with a small smile playing at his lips. "Hi Y/n."

I giggled and playfully rolled my eyes. "Hi Jon."

Teddy grabs my hand, pulling my gaze away from Jon. "Momma, I'm hungry."

"Ok bub, let me go get you a snack-" I began to stand up but Delirious was quicker. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to sit. "I got it."

I opened my mouth to stop him but he shook his head, standing up and walking away. I sat and smiled, turning to look at Teddy.

"Do you know who that is?" I asked, pointing at Jon. Teddy looked at me and nodded.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Deli- Dewl- Dewi- De-" I chuckled at his attempts to say 'Delirious'.

"No honey, not his name. I mean who he is." Teddy looks at me confused, not understanding what I was saying.

"Teddy, that's your Daddy."

He looks at me, slightly wide eyed. "But I don't have a daddy..."

"Of course you do bubba, and that's him, we were just away for a while, but here he is..." Just as I finished saying that, Delirious came back and set a small chocolate danish in front of Teddy and a cup of tea in front of me.

Teddy squealed at his snack and grabbed it quickly.

"Ted, what do you say?" I ask, raising my eyebrows and nodding towards Delirious. "Thank you dadda!"

Jon freezes, glancing between me and the child as his eyes gloss over slightly. A smile crawls onto his lips as he sits down, still staring at Teddy who happily ate his treat.

I smiled and picked up my cup. "And thanks from me too." He turns to me and nods, his large grin still present.

We sat for a while, in a comfortable silence but we knew it wouldn't stay that way.

"So, 5 years, huh?" Jon starts, folding his hands on the table.

"Yeah..." I state awkwardly, knowing I was the one who picked up and left.

"Where were you Y/n?"

I bit my lip, looking down, the table cloth suddenly becoming very fascinating. "I left Jon. I got out of the city and I left."

"Why?" He asked, almost like a whisper. I looked at him, catching the hurt in his eyes.

"I couldn't bring him into that life Jon. I just couldn't. I had no idea how you'd react and I assumed the worst. I was scared of gaining a target if anyone found out. It would make us vulnerable, give us a weakness. I mean, if word got out it wouldn't exactly be a secret as to whose kid it is, thanks to Harold. And I definitely didn't want anything to happen to our child. So I left."

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