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Y/n's POV

The girls and I just packed our suitcases and we are now on our way to the Vanoss Crew's base.

We decided that since we're all going to be working together for a while, we should live under one roof, it'll also be a lot more organized and safer for everyone if everyone was within reach.

These were my conditions.

I didn't care if it was our base or theirs, as long as we were all in one place. It was a joint decision to live at their place. Vanoss actually suggested it, saying that they're base is a bit more safe and they had way more technology and equipment than we do.

We pulled into the large apartment building and parked before heading straight up to the top floor.

"We're really doing this." Leann expresses, seeming to now be taking this in. Her realization caused the other girls to laugh. Everyone, of course, had their masks on, the twins wearing their old masks as a temporary substitute.

We walked out of the elevator and straight to the last door down the hall. I knocked twice then turned to the girls to talk to them before someone answered the door.

"Remember to keep your guards up, we still don't know these guys. I want masks on at all times. We are here on business, not vacation. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." They all replied, some saluting as a joke.

I rolled my eyes before turning back around just as someone opened the door. The man who came to the door was quite tall. He wore a green shirt that said "Puncakes", blue jeans, and a paper bag over his head.

"Oh welcome!" He says in a thick Irish accent. He steps aside and gestures us to come in.

We all enter, still weary about living here for a while. The man who let us in closed the door behind us before speaking up again.

"Well, I'm Nogla. I would show you to your rooms but I don't think we've settled sleeping arrangements. But anyways, you're just in time! Dinner's almost ready." He motioned towards the dining area before walking off into the kitchen.

The girls and I exchanged looks before leaving our bags neatly lined up against the wall and walking into the dining room.

When we walked in, the first thing I noticed was the large table. There was an extension put in and a couple more chairs were pulled up to accommodate for all of us.

A couple of the guys were already seated, talking amongst each other and laughing as they waited for food.

When they noticed us, their conversation ceased. We all just stared at each other for a couple seconds before one of them stood up. He was shorter than the rest and wore a red jacket, black shorts, and a monkey mask.

He walked over and stuck his hand out. "Hi, I'm Lui!"

His voice was high and it kind of shocked me.

Is he a child?

I hesitantly shook his hand and gave a nod. "Alpha."

I heard him chuckle, and this time it was in a deeper more smooth tone. I tilted my head at his sudden change in vocals. He must've noticed because he grabbed my wrist and started walking to one of the ends of the tables.

"This is my real voice, I just do the kid thing for fun sometimes." He chuckled again before pulling out the chair at the very end of the table.

I sat down and pulled it in as the girls began taking seats around me.

Lui seemed to realize something and quickly ran off yelling, "I'll be right back!"

A couple moments later he ran back in with two masks in his hands. The twins' masks.

He walked over and handed it to them. They grabbed their mission masks gratefully and quickly turned to put them on. They looked back up, now wearing their pink and purple masks.

"Girls." I say, nodding in Lui's direction. They both let out a quick "Oh!" before turning their attention to Lui.

"Thank you." They said in unison before facing forward again. Lui gave us a nod before walking back to his own seat and returning to his previous conversation.

The girls all looked at me awkwardly but before i could say anything I heard a loud yell. "DINNER'S READY!"

Immediately, many pairs of footsteps were dashing into the room to take their seats, among them, was Vanoss. He sat at the head of the table, directly across from me. We sort of just stared at each other for a bit before Nogla and Moo walked out and started placing dishes on the table.

I noticed a lot of the guys looking us up and down and whispering to each other, occasionally pointing, like they were checking us out. I suddenly became self conscience, there were many of them.

As Moo and Nogla finally took their seats, everyone looked at each other, no one touching their food yet.

Then, Vanoss spoke up. "Alright." He leaned forward a bit, staring straight at me. "I've agreed to your conditions, living under one roof, being within shouting distance of everyone, sharing our equipment, etc. Now it's time for you to agree to mine."

I could hear the smirk in his voice, causing me to tilt my head, confused. "What are you talking about?" I demanded.

"Faces, I need to see faces."

All of his men turned to look at me, and from what I could see, most of them were smirking.

My eyes averted and made contact with light blue ones.


His eyes were slightly squinted, showing he was slightly curious as to what my response would be to this demand. I stared at him for a bit, no one noticing my shift in focus.

I wonder what he looks like under that mask.

I could really only see the jet black tufts of hair protruding above his mask that were slightly swept up and to the right, a sharp jaw and those eyes.

Those gorgeous, baby blue eyes.

I never realized how entrancing his gaze was.

I hadn't noticed that everyone was still waiting for my response until I saw him lean in, breaking me from my trance.

I quickly composed myself before slowly leaning forward as well.

"What the hell makes you think I'll willingly show you the faces of my whole platoon."

Vanoss glances sideways at the table before redirecting his attention on me. "Trust. That's how this works. It's how we operate. Without trust, this gang would've been a shit show years ago. So if we're going to be successfully working together for a while, I need to see faces. I need your trust."

I took in deep breaths, slightly angry at his demands.

How could he ask for something so private as our identities?

My chest heaved a bit heavier and he took notice right away.

"Guys, introduce yourselves." Vanoss motioned towards his men before motioning back towards us.

They all looked at him, some slightly shocked, but he just nodded and waved them off.

I knew exactly what he was doing.

He was trying to gain my trust.

He was showing that he wants to trust me.

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