Chapter 41

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XXX Hospital

Yixing's Mom arrived at the hospital. She was sweating a lot and was shaking because of what happened to her son.

She went to the information desk and ask for Yixing's room no.  While she was inside the elevator she was clicking her heels in distress because it seemed like the elevator was slower than normal. The elevator arrived at the said floor and she breathe deeply in relief while dusting herself.

She went to the said room no. She saw a scene that left her shocked and full of anger, it was indeed a horrible scene for someone who has lived up to a patriarchal and strict family. She saw Suho leaning on the bed close to while holding yixing's hand to his cheeks. She almost shouted but she stayed calm because she don't want to exert energy because it will tire her out. 

She went to Suho's side and tapped him siince he was asleep.

Suho widened his eyes when he realized who it was. He immediately loosen the grip on Yixings hand and stood up while keeping his head low.

"Tell me, why did this happen ? " Mrs. Yang said in a low tone.

" I... he... he followed me and before I know it a car was approaching him and he ended up getting hit by the car. I.. I'm sor-ry" Suho kept his head low and closed his eyes because he knew what comes next.  Mrs. Yang was starting to shake from anger but kept her cool but all of it was futile because at last she made her voice loud and clear. "See? I said to him not to come for you! Look what happened. Why did you even let him get to you? Its your fault ! Because without you none of this will happen. Now do you see what happens if you get close to my son? Just get lost and don't ever show your face ! You even held his hand that made me want to puke.. Slut " Mrs Yang said with a loud and shaky voice.

"But... I did not do anything! I can't go now that he is in this situation. I'm afraid I can't agree on your wish maybe at least when he wakes up and doing goo. I will go on my own free will" Suho said almost on the vergeof crying.

"That leave's me no choice then ! So until he wakes up okay ?" Mrs. Yang agreed even though its againts her will.


Few days have passed and Yixing still did not wake up because his operation was too risky and his body was still too weak.

Everyday, Mrs. Yang visits in the morning but leaves at night because she also needs rest. Leaving Suho to take care of Yixing at night.

The very next day Mrs. Yang was enthusiastic because his son woked up , slowly opening his eyes. She brought a girl that was the daughter of her business partner who has been eyeing Yixing from the first time they met at a family dinner. They are not in a relationship but the girl was persistent and conntinued to follow Yixing around. 

Mrs. Yang cried when she saw his son woke up. "Aigoo, my son has finally woke up" She hugged his son.

Somehow Yixing was in a state of confusion. He was certainly confused because there was a girl he had not seen before standing behind his mom. 

"Mom , who is she?" Yixing asked.

His mom was taken a back by his son's question. She simple replied "She and you are going out sometimes to grab dinner and she liked you a lot"

" Really ? But I don't remember her. I only remember yesterday was my 18th birthday "

"What ? But that was 5 years ago! What's happening to you? Jae call the doctor please! " Mrs. Yang said to the girl while Yixing was in the state of confusion.

The doctor examined Yixing and after a few minutes the doctor told Mrs. Yang "I'm afraid to tell you this but because of the impact of the accident ,  he lost all of his memories 5 years ago. The best thing to do is to take it slowly and not to push him to remember anything right away because it might trigger it more"

"So you're telling me he can't remember anything that happened to him 5 years ago? as in all?" Mrs. Yang asked.

"I can't say that he lost it all but based on his response he can't remember anything and all he remembers is that he is still 18 years old. His memories may eventually come back but I can't assure it 100 % . I'm sorry to tell you about this " The doctor went out of the room.

Mrs. Yang went to his son's side and hugged him tightly " Don't worry okay? Mom is here". The girl also interrupted "Uhm.. I'm still here.. " 

"Thanks mom, but can I ask since we have gone with a dinner with her, could it be that she's my girlfriend?" Yixing asked.

Mrs. Yang felt his lips made a smirk and just realized that he can't remember anything about Suho since he met suho 5 years ago. "Yes my dear, she's you're girlfriend. She even rushed to your side when she heard about your accident isn't that right Jae?" Mrs Yang looked at Jae with a you-should-nod-and-smile gaze and the girl smiled.

After it seems like an hour Suho arrived at the hospital. He saw a woman sitting at the bench outside Yixing's room and hell she was a beauty.

"Did you visit someone?" Suho approached the girl.

"Yes. I visited my boyfriend"  the girl replied.

"Oh, I see, what room ?" Suho felt something because there are no other rooms in that hallway except for Yixing's room.

" There " She pointed at Yixing's room and continued playing with her phone. Suho was left hanging and his chest strted to ache. He was hesitant if he will go inside or not. But he still opened the door and took a deep breath.

He saw Yixing was awake and he felt his tears run down from his eyes. "Xing, you're awake" Suho went closer to yixing because he jsut wants to hug him. But before he could get closer Yixing talked "Mom, who is she?" Yixing felt a pang on his head. 

Suho was left shocked with his mouth half open. Is this even reality? or am I dreaming? 

"I'm Suho , do you remember me ?" Suho's tears are falling non-stop.

"Who are you? Do I know you from somewhere? " Yixing replied with a confused look but the pain is head whenever he sees Suho worsens.

"Wait, how?" Suho both of his hands on his face and sobbed loudly. Yixing was left with a confused looked because he did not ecpect Suho to cry so much.

"Oh, I would like to introduce you to your friend. You're not really that close and you jsut recently met him" Yixing's mom stood up and smiled at Yixing while ruffling his hair.

" But why is he crying so much?" Yixing asked.

"Ah .. maybe because he was too worried that you might not survive since he saw you when you had the accident" Mrs. Yang thought of things to feed her son so that he will really forget Suho.

"WHAT ?" Suho shouted and left the room while crying.


Happy New Year guys ..  //sobs

It has been a while.  SORRY .. I'm such a lazy author.

I will give you KaiSoo next chapter . Stay tuned !

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