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Kai was left inside the hospital room.

Kai's POV

"I thought I forgot that feeling of Kyungsoo being attaractive. But why is it that everytime I see him, I have thisurge to hold him and never let him go. Kai what the hell is wrong with you, this is the first time that this happened to you.

I think that I really like Kyungsoo because if not, I wouldn't have done those things to him and got him pregnant. Even thought I can't remember what happened, I know that if its a guy I will not do things like that. But in Kyungsoo's case, its totally different. I mean, how could a guy be so cute and at the same time adorable. 

Was I just hesistant to accept the fact that I'm gay for Kyungsoo? Was this the feeling of Love maybe? and this is the first time I felt something like this. 

I want to confirm if my feelings for him are really love. I should search it on the web to know if this is love or not.

Khayechan's 10 signs that you're in love

1. The more you think about him/her the more they get attaractive.

2. You always think of them 

3. You want to tell everyone about him/her

4. You want to put him/her first before yourself.

5. You can't picture yourself in the future with him/her.

6. You imagine how your baby would look like.

7.  You want to be with them all time time

8.  You can't say NO to them

9. You get jealous when he/she's with other people

10. You love everything about him/her even the weirdest thing about them.

When Kai read the signs one by one he realized that its really happening to him. When he thinks of Kyungsoo, he just wants to be with him forever.

"Kai you're inlove"   

The phrase kept repeating in his mind.


"Channie ...." Kai whined.

"Kai... you've got a lot of explaining to do here" Chanyeol said.

"Channie.... can you help me?" Kai said.

"Help you with what?" Chanyeol asked.

"Can you help me win Kyungsoo's heart?" Kai said while blushing.

Suddenly Tao barged in.

"I thought you won't realize it sooner. I know how special Kyungsoo was for you" Tao said.

" Kai... you're doing the right thing. You should win his heart. I know that he also has feelings for you" Chanyeol said.

"Do you think I still have a chance?" Kai asked.

"Nothing's over, unless you try it" Tao said.

"But... how am I going to say thing to mom?" Kai said.

"... Its you're problem, but we're here and we'll help you" Chanyeol said.

"Thanks my bro's, for always being here with me" Kai said.

*ring* *ring* 

"Hello Sehun? what's the problem? Is Kyungsoo safe?" the guy from the other line said.

"He's safe Suho, but somethings bugging me" Sehun said.

"What is it about?"  Suho asked.

"Its just that this evening, he got a call from his friend who was currently confined in the hospital. The thing is that he usually wants me to accompany him when he's going outside, but today he did not want me to accomapany him and whats more confusing is that when he went home, he went straightly in his room without saying a word" Sehun said.

"So what are you implying?" Suho said.

"I think his hiding something from me. Something that's very important that he doesn't want even me to know" Sehun said.

"But before I say more, did you make it sure that he doesn't find out that you talk with me? I mean what if he will find out that I'm talking to you even though he doesn't want you to" Suho said.

"Y-yes.. I made it sure that he doesn't find out. I know I'm hiding something from him and makes me guilty for not telling him. But its not a bad thing since you should know how he is doing. You're his family right? its not like Im doing bad things" Sehun said.

"Thank you for understanding out part. If he's hiding something from you, you should try to give him some space until he will be the one to tell you" Suho said.

"Thanks Suho, call you again later. See you at school" Sehun said.

Kyungsoo did not know about Sehun and Suho's meetings. He did not know that they are hanging out and talking about Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo made it clear to Sehun before that he doesn't want anyone in his previous house to know what he was doing and where he is.

Kyungsoo doesn't want to burden his family.

Everything doesn't go as planned (KaiSoo)Where stories live. Discover now