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Sehunnie! Sehunnie ! Come ! Come!

"What is it Kyungsoo?" Sehun asked.

Sehunnie..... LOOK!  My pants won't fit! huhuhu *sobs* *sobs*

"Don't cry my cute penguin... I'll buy you a new  one" Sehun patted Kyungsoo's back.

NO ! You don't have to do that Sehunnie...Its my fault because Im FAT ! *hiccups*

"No, you're not fat.. Let's just say that the baby is growing thats why your pants won't fit now" Sehun convinced Kyungsoo.

Its still the same thing! It wont fit because .... IM FAT ! FAT!  *sobs*

"You're not FAT.... You're still as beautiful just like the day I met you" 

Really? Im not fat? But... why won't my pants fit ! 

Then Kyungsoo's still throwing tantrums and started crying again because he can't get over the fact that the pants won't fit. This is the part of pregnancy where mood swings occur.

After a while .....

Sehunnie ! Sehunnie !

Sehun ran again even though he was making his assignments and went to Kyungsoo.

"What is it again !"  Sehun shouted.

Then Kyungsoo started crying.

"Wait , Why are you crying?" Sehun asked.

But... you shouted at me! Are you angry with me? *sobs*

"No... I was just caught up in the moment. Please don't cry" Sehun said.

Everything doesn't go as planned (KaiSoo)Where stories live. Discover now