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At the apartment ...

Kai woke up from a noisy ringtone that he has never heard before. He searched where could the music come from, while he was searching inside the his apartment he realized that somehow it became so so clean and organized. Its been ages since he saw the beauty of his apartment, then when he arrived in the kitchen he saw a phone on top of the fridge. "She-eesh, whose phone could this be? Was it one of the chicks that I brought home the other day? " he asked himself.

Then he opened the phone and saw a baby's picture, the baby was so cute, with big round eyes and a heart shaped lip. "Waaah! Kyeopta ..." he exclaimed. Then he browsed the phonebook, and there were just a few contacts. "Oh, how boring..... if the owner is a girl this should be filled with numbers of her friends and if the owner is a boy most of the contacts should contain a lot of chicks numbers" he concluded.

Then while browsing the phone. He went into the saved mesages. There he found out that the owner is keeping there like a secret diary. There were tons of saved massaged and he opened the newest one.


"Dear diary, Today my whole life was shaken.... My life that has been stable and worry free from

the beginning has been shaken by something. Earlier this morning the  leader of the

school's famous gang approached me and asked me a favor. He wan'ts me to teach his younger

brother who was in his last year in highschool. He gave me a spare key to his younger brother's apartment.

His name is Kai I wonder what kind of a person he is.. I'm going to meet him today "

                                                                                                                         - Kyungsoo

Kai let out a small chuckle." Oh, so this phone belongs to that boring guy earlier.... He even cleaned my apartment and made this delicious dinner for me" he said while smiling. "Who the hell keeps a diary on a phone nowadays?! " he added.

This seems interesting. Kai seemed like he was a villain from a movie and was plotting something evil. "Hmm So let's meet him up tomorrow, he goes to my bro's school hohoho... this will be fun" he added.                                                                                                                                                                                  

Morning, The next day ..

Kyungsoo woke up from a loud voice. "Kyung-ah , wake up ! or you'll be late for school !" said his bestfriend Suho.

Then Kyungsoo stood up and asked Suho, "What time is it ?".  "Its 8 am ! and you'll be late in just about 30 minutes if you will not get up your ass  right now! " answered Suho.

"What ? Its already 8 am? Omo, I have never been late in my life... Everyday I arrive at school an hour before the class starts" He whispered to himself. As a person who doesn't want to attract attention, Kyungsoo has never been late at school so that he will arrive when its still peaceful and students are just starting to arrive.

He hurriedly took a bath, ate and did everything as fast as he could. But before heading out the old man in the house shouted "Don't forget to drop by the salon and cut you hair my son, Its growing so long and you cannot concentrate with that... Take care". 

While running on the way to school he realized that his stable and peacful life was starting to change.

School ...

He barely arrived at school just in time for the first period. People were eyeing him on the hallway, murmuring something about him until he managed to reach his classroom. "Phew, I just came right on time! That was close! If Suho did not wake me up maybe I'm still sleeping right now and my aim for perfect attendance will fail" he said to himself.
But he was wondering why didn't he woke up. Then he realized that his alarm was suppose to be his cellphone but now that he left it in Kai's place, He doesn't have anything to wake him up this morning.

After class ...

He tried on contacting Tao because he wanted to say that he left his cellphone on Kai's apartment yesterday. But it won't get through, so he started on packing up his stuffs and headed home towards the gate and he remembered that he has to drop by the salon when suddenly ----

Somehow a not so familiar voice said "Hey Kyungie!"

Then when he turned back to the other side he saw Kai standing with a big smile on his face while raising kyungsoo's cellphone on his right hand.

Now, Kyungsoo's life is really starting to change..

Everything doesn't go as planned (KaiSoo)Where stories live. Discover now