Chapter 61

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"To my future Mrs. Colton." Eric held up his glass of wine and she shook her head as she raised her glass to his. "I am still trying to wrap my head around this." "And I love watching every minute of it." He smiled over his glass.

"Eric, everyone is going to think we are crazy." "We are." "If you say for each other I am going to gag." She tried not to laugh. "You said yes, so that makes you just as crazy as I am." He reached over and took her hand and she pulled him over into a sweet kiss. "I did." She whispered.

"It's I do." He grinned and she shivered in her seat. "I know." "Just practicing." He winked. "We are not rushing to the alter. I need to make sure I can deal with you." Lily poked his chest. "Too late. You are mine now." "I was always yours." "Forever." His voice cracked a little, and she saw his emotions on his face. "And ever." She added and watched him exhale, before he flashed that shy smile.

He tried to be tough all the time, but she saw the shy boy in there. The one that needed reassurance and love, and she planned to give him all that she could, every day. He was more special to her than anyone had ever been before. And for a split second, her heart ached for Corey, but it did not last. Corey would have been best friends with Eric, and she was sure he was looking down giving his blessing. She just felt it.

"Whatever that sad thought it, get rid of it." He tugged her hand. "No sad thoughts at all. I was just..." She blushed at his raised eyebrows. "I was just thinking how much I loved you and how special you are to me. You really are amazing Eric, and I am so lucky to have you." "I'm the lucky one baby." He kissed her hand and they gaze into each other's eyes.

That was until someone cleared their throat and they both look up to see Sophia. "Are you kidding me?" Lily groaned, then bit her lip as Eric looks at her, but she saw his slight grin. This bitch just kept ruining their moments.

"Sophia." He nodded and Lily noticed he did not stand. "Eric. How nice to see you, again. You never returned my calls after you left my hotel, I was worried." What? Lily looked at him, trying to hide her surprise, but he kept talking, with not even a flinch.

"I am fine. No, I am more than fine. I am the happiest I have ever been in my life." He looked at Lily with a grand smile and she felt proud. "Hello again Willow." Sophia said her name so sarcastically that she thought about saying something back, but chose to just sit and smile. After all, she was the winner here.

"Sophia, it's nice to see you again. Pretty dress." She was going to give her best self. "Thank you. Eric bought it for me." She looked back at him. "And the jewelry and the purse." She added, as if that all matter to Lily. "All very pretty. He's an amazing man." "He is. And if you would, please excuse us, I need to talk to him." She did not even look Lily's way, and for some reason, that started a small fire of anger. Nope, this witch was not getting near him.

"Actually, if you have something to say, you can say it in front of me. He bought me a beautiful piece of jewelry also, and it entitles me to know everything." She kept her temper reigned in, and just smiled sweetly. She saw Eric double take her out the corner of her eye, but she did not take her eyes off Sophia.

"Excuse me. This does not concern you." "Actually, it does." She stood up and Eric immediately stood next to her. "I am not sure who you are, but this is our conversation. Eric, please let this girl know who I am and that we have things to discuss, alone." Sophia looked bored, but Lily was not letting her off that easy.

"This girl, happens to be his fiancee, so that makes it my conversation also, so you can discuss it with me." She was ready to go, but felt his fingers fold into hers, and he pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed it. Making her shiver.

"I do not think I could love you more if I tried right now." He said to Lily, and she could see him looking at her, but she was staring at Sophia. "Excuse me?" Sophia looked at Lily and Eric held up her hand so it was clear to her what was going on.

"You want to marry HER?" She sounded disgusted. "Yes, very much." "She's..." Sophia made a face as Eric cut her off. "Not you. And that makes her perfect. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a dinner to get back to. You know where the door is. Do not contact me again." He gave her a warning and she looked at Lily and huffed.

"My ring was bigger and better anyway. You will always be his second choice." She snapped and Lily did not miss a beat. "That's because he chose incorrectly the first time around." She started to say something, then turned and stomped off.

Lily watched her go and noticed people were staring, but she did not care. She looked back and Lily gave her a small waive and she screamed as she went out the door, drawing even more attention to herself. Lily calmly sat and Eric followed.

"I have no words." He kissed their joined hands. "Did you go to her hotel?" She blurted out. "No!" "Sure?" "Very. You have had me since day one. I would never do that." He looked her right in the eyes and in a second, she knew he was telling the truth. "Not that it was my business, but good." She winked and went back to her dinner.

"Tell me who you are again?" He whispered. "Willow, your fiancee." She licked her lips making him moan. "I will never get tired of that. Say it again." "Your fiancee." She giggled. "Can we box up the rest and go home?" He groaned. "No." She leaned over and kissed him.

"Just so you know though, if she comes near you again, and I am punching her in the teeth." "I might let you." He winked before he picked up her hand again, and messed with her ring.

"I also liked that you said that this entitles you to know everything." He gave her a sexy grin. "Well, it kind of does." "I have nothing to hide." "Me either, anymore." "Let's go home." He growled and this time, she was ready. 

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