Chapter 18

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"It's a beautiful night, can we open the windows?" Lily asked as Eric started the car. "You want the windows down?" "Yes." "What about your hair?" "What about it? Is it a mess?" She smiled over at him, and he gave her a look, making her wonder if it really was a mess.

"I'm kidding. Roll them down, please." He chuckled as he took care of his and she followed, tilting her head up as the wind blew through the windows. It felt so good. Fresh air.

Lily reached over and turned on the radio, flipping stations until she found something she liked. "Sorry, I should have asked first." She stop on a station. "I will let you slide this time." "Thank you." She turned up the radio, but he turned it back down a bit.

"Please tell me you are not going to be a kill joy tonight. Windows open, radio up and you sing. That is what you do in this car." "Not what I do." "You should. It's good for your soul." She reached over and turned it back up. She began to sing as he laughed. 

Eric pulled into a place that she have never seen before, and it was packed. "What is this?" She turned down the radio, as she looked around. "Best custard ice cream you will ever have." He parked on the street, got out,  leaving the windows down and walking to her side.

"There is a lot of people here." "It's quick." He walked up and got in line, after showing her the menu painted between the windows. She made her choice, and when they got to the window, he ordered both, paid, and then told her to step to the side.

"Thank you." She took the cup from him. "Welcome." He nodded and they walked back to the car. "So good." "Told you." He leaned against the side of the car and she joined him to eat. Not too close, but just enough.

Some guys came up and looked at the car, asking a few questions, and he was happy to show it off. Lily could not help but watch him. He was so relaxed and happy, so different than usual. Maybe it was the car. Sometimes they do that.

He looked up at her and smiled as he talked and she just took a bit to keep from smiling back. How did he always know when she was thinking about him? It was odd, but sweet at the same time and she had to shake off her thoughts yet again.

She was looking around when someone turned up a radio on a good song, so she started to sing and dance to herself. She knew he was watching, even though he was talking, but she tried not to pay attention to him.

"Enjoying that?" He asked. "Very much." She answered as he stood next to her. Without thinking she danced around him as another good song came on, making him laugh. She could listen to that laugh for...a long time, she caught herself.

"Do you ever slow down?" "Why would I want to do that?" She licked her spoon and spun around in front of him, as some guy came by and danced with her for a minute, before walking on.

"You are like a ball of energy." "Join me." "No." "Come on." She held out my hand. "I do not dance." "You should. Might shock you how much fun you have." "Pass." "Don't make me find another partner." "By all means." He finished his cup and crossed his arms, but was still smiling.

"Ok. Remember that." She spun around and danced along with anyone that would stop. "Ok, you made your point." He held out his hand and she tired to pull him to her, but he pulled her back, making her step to him, but he turned, letting her go. 'Dang it.'

"Get back in the car. Let's go drive some more." He opened the door, took her cup, and walked it over to the trash can. "What if I am not ready to go?" "If we stay here any longer, I am going to have to explain to Kristen that I lost you to some random man that you danced with."

"Don't be jealous." She slid past him, as close as she could, before getting in the car. "Not jealous." "I think you are." She called out the window as he walked around. "I am not." "Jealous that you don't know how to have fun like me." "I am fine just the way I am." Oh, yes, you are, she thought.

He started the car and she laughed out. "What?" He grinned. "That gets me every time." She buckled up and he took off, making her laugh harder. They drove down the street, then he turned and went a different way than where they came from before. She was completely lost, but did not care at all. He was fun tonight, and she was enjoying it.

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