Chapter 50

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"I think I just want to sleep here." Lily stretched out on the blanket. "I have a feeling they would kick us out." Eric was laid out next to her, on his stomach, propped up to see her. "Probably." She turned back to watch the movie, and felt him lay his head on her stomach, making her jump.

"Have you ever slept under the stars?" She asked as she ran her fingers through his hair. "No. I do not sleep outside." "I will add that to our to do list." "Will not happen." "Wanna bet?" "No." He moved up to kiss her cheek, then laid on his side, propped up to his arm to watch the movie over her. 

She looked back at him, and he gave her a dazzling smile before leaning in to kiss her as his hand found hers. "This is really amazing." She whispered. "So are you." He kissed her again, causing that warm wave of comfort wash over me. She exhaled out contently before she could help herself.

"You feel that too?" He whispered. "The warmth?" "Almost like a blanket?" He said against her lips. "Yes." "Never felt that before. Keep doing it." "It's not me, it's you." "No, it is definitely you." His hand slid across her stomach, as he draped his arm over her, his fingers gripping her side.

The light from the movie brightened his face, and he looked so happy as he stared at her. "What?" She asked, but he just shook his slightly. "Tell me." She rolled to him. "I can't." "Why?" "Because I am not even sure what it is." His fingers brushed down her face and she leaned into his touch and close her eyes. It felt so perfect.

"I love when you do that." His voice was so soft. "How you close your eyes when I pull you to me, and how you lean into my touch." "It feels right." She admitted. "That it does. Too right." His hand moved into her hair as he kissed her, and she heard him moan as she squeezed his arm. 

Every hair on her body was standing on end as she realized what she saw in his eyes. "Eric?" "Hmm?" He whispered against her lips, barely leaving them to speak. She took a deep breath, and let it out before she spoke.

"I think I am falling for you." She waited for him to pull back, but she only felt his smile. "Then I will catch you." "Promise?" "Yes, because I am already there waiting." He crashed into her and kissed her so deeply that she felt it in her soul.

"Ok you two, movie is over." Tonya giggled. Lily realized they had just been laying there staring at each other for the last part of the movie. She  did not care about the end, she just never could look away from him. And his admission was still so fresh in her heart. 

"I'm sorry." Lily apologized and sat up. "I'm not." He grinned as his hand ran down her arm from where he was holding her. "I made you miss the end of the movie." "I liked watching you more." He sat up, then stood and pulled her up to him.

She stood there, looking up into his face as he gave her that little head shake. "What?" "Nothing. Get your shoes." He laughed as he let her go.

"Eric, I am not sure what she has done to you, but I like it. You are so different tonight." Tonya hugged him. "I feel different. She makes me..." He looked at her, then at his sister. "She makes me feel...alive." He smiled as he used her words.

"Whatever it is, I hope it stays. Mom is never going to believe this." "She will see it tomorrow. We are going over there for lunch." "What? And I wasn't invited?" "Talk to mom. She invited me." "I will." She huffed then stepped over to Lily.

"Willow, it was so nice to meet you. I like what you have going on here." She waived between Eric and her. "I do too." Her cheeks heated as Tonya looked at her. "It is good to see my brother happy. For real happy."

"I have been happy before." Eric laughed. "Not like this." She hugged Lily and then hugged him. "You be good to her." "I plan to be." Eric looked at Lily and her heart skipped a few beats, as she saw the look in his eyes. She saw what she needed right there, and she hoped it would never go away.

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