Chapter 28

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David stood in the doorway of the bathroom, watching her as she took of her makeup and brushed out her hair. He still looked so handsome in his suit pants and shirt

"Are you just going to stand there and watch me?" "Yes." "Ok." She turned away from him and pull off her dress as he growled. She ignored him and took off her stickies, tossing them on the sink, then pulled on a t-shirt and turned back to him as he chuckled.

After she finished, she moved past him and his hand brushed across her ass. "Felt that." She looked back at him. "Hope so." He grinned and then disappeared into the bathroom to do his thing while she crawled in bed. 

Her heart and mind were racing with the possibilities of tonight. Would he want to? Would she be able to? Will he be able to? And then there as Eric. He said he liked her too. Ugh, what should she do? How could she want both of them so much?

"You are worrying for no reason." She heard David and opened her eyes. "I am not going to do anything." He added. "I'm not worried." "You are. I see it on your face." "Not worried about you at all." She smiled and turned on her side to face him as he stood at the bed in his boxers.

"I can sleep on the couch." "No. It really is not you." She pulled down the blanket as an invitation, and after a moments hesitation, he got in next to her, laying on his back. She could tell something was bothering him also.

"Are you worried?" She laid her hand on his arm. "I am." "About?" "You. Me. Eric. The new blond guy." "I thought you were happy I did it." "I am." "Then?" There was a long pause before he answered.

"I'm jealous." He exhaled out. "Why?" She moved closer to him, laying on her stomach to prop herself up. "Lily, there are so many things I want to say to you." "Tell me." "I can't." "Why not?" "Because I am not ready too." "I'm here when you are." She leaned down and kissed his arm, and he rolled on his side to face her. 

"I am jealous of the way you leaned into Eric tonight when you kissed him." "Don't be. I lean into you like that." "No, you don't." "I feel like I do." "It's the same way you leaned into my brother." "NO. No, it is not." Anger rushed into her body.

"Sweetheart, I see things you do not." "You keep saying that." "I do. I have been watching you for years. I probably know you better than anyone. Even my brother." "Doubt that." "From someone looking in, yes, I think I do."

"I like you David." "I like you too. More than I should." "Then let's make this more than a friendship." She moved and he did not hesitate to open his arms to her.  "I want to." "So do I." "It's too hard Lily." "Why?" She asks, but she knows why.

"Don't ask me that." "I am. It's not easy for me either, but I am ready to try. You told me to move on, I am trying. Tell me what is bothering you." Running her hand up his arm, he exhales loudly and she can feel his pain.

"I cannot touch you without expecting him to show up. I can't imagine being with you and not feeling...guilty. You are my brother's." "Not anymore." She whispered and squeezed him as her body started to shake with pain.

"Lily, don't." He held her tighter. "Lily, baby, don't cry." "He's gone." "I know." He held her, rubbing across her back as the tears fell.

"Damn it. I wanted you to go one entire day with no tears or pain. I wanted you to smile and laugh and be happy." "I am happy. Today was amazing, and I had so much fun. Just because I have a few tears, doesn't mean I am not happy. There is still pain every day. You know that. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy everything else."

"Not tonight." He kissed her forehead. "You have until Sunday afternoon to figure it all out. Then when you keep me, I am taking you." She kissed his chest a few times.

"Deal. Now, stop kissing me and go to sleep. I have some sweet dreams to start." "Just don't make them wet." "Oh baby, they will be." He moved his hand down her back and onto her ass, groaning as his fingers brushed over the small strip of lace.

"You wore these to bed on purpose." "I did. Enjoy. Goodnight." She kissed his chest again and then laid her head on his chest. It felt warm and comforting.

"Sweet dreams Lily-Tree." "Goodnight my big teddy bear." She smiled against his skin and heard the rumble in his chest. She wondered if she waited for him to go to sleep if she could convince him? She grinned bigger and he groaned.

"No. Sleep." He was trying not to laugh. He knew her too well. Busted. She almost giggled before she relaxed and snuggled in. Before she could even finish the yawn, she was out.

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