Chapter 27

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"Can we all go get ice cream?" She asked David. "At that place you took me too?" She looked at Eric. "If you want too, sure." David agreed. "And where do you plan on putting it?" Eric laughed. "In my mouth." She grinned bigger as he closed his eyes. "That's what she said." David poked her in the arm. "I did say that." She giggled and high-fived David.

"I never saw that coming." Eric shook his head as Lily laughed harder. "Alright children, let's go for ice cream." Eric nods, and when she stands, they all follow. She was digging this.

"Ok boys, let's go cause some trouble." "She's riding with you." David pointed at Eric. "Hell no. I am not responsible for her tonight." "Let's not fight, you can all have a piece." She stuck out her tongue at David as she walked past him holding the door open.

"I can give you something to use that on." He growled at her. "Yeah, my ice cream." She felt a hand on her bare back and saw Eric beside her as he guided her me through the next door that he opened.

Lily made them all take selfies with her, then did a group photo before they headed out to the cars. She would cherish those pictures forever.

"Thank you so very much for tonight." She kissed David as he opened her door. "Welcome." He patted her ass as she crawled up in the truck. Before she could react, her dress blew up, giving him a face full of her backside.

"Well, now I don't need dessert." He laughed. "Sorry." She giggled as she smoothed down the dress. "I'm not. Do it again." He growled and she pull up her dress making him whimper. "Get in the truck." He groaned.

"You really do look incredible tonight. I think Eric drooled a bit when he saw you." "I think he did too. Mark obviously did." She leaned back and looked over at David, wondering what to do with him.

"What are you thinking about?" He reached over and took her hand. "You." "Me?" "You have been so good to me today." "Just making you feel special." "You do." "Good. Now tell me this place is worth this crowd." He changed the subject as he pulled into a parking space. "Yes, very much."

"Ice cream is on me boys." She announced as they stood in line around her. And as I looked at them, she knew she would be lucky to have anyone of them. That thought warms her soul and made her face glow with happiness. She felt Eric's hand brush her arm and she looked over at him, but he only grinned, and neither of them said a word. This is the best day ever.

"No Vette tonight?" She stuck out her lip to Eric as they stood at David's truck. "I will bring you back in the Vette soon." "You better." "Be nice." "I always am." "I know." He grinned as he reached over and took a spoonful of her ice cream.

"Help yourself." "I would like to." He winked. Then that grinned turn a little sexy and she shivered at the way he looked at her. She in turn reached over and took a spoonful of his. "Thanks." She giggled. "Anytime." God he was driving her mad tonight.

"No music either. How am I supposed to dance with all the cute boys?" "You want music? I can do that." David walked over and turned on the music in his truck, rolling down the windows so they could hear it. She adored him.

"Thank you, kind sir." "Welcome my lady." He touched her nose as she swayed around and they watched her, and she was loving every minute of it. David took her hand and spun her around, which made her giggle.

"For my own sanity, who is dating who? Or sleeping with who? Because I cannot figure this out." Mark waived his spoon between them, then reached over and took a spoonful from her cup too.

"I am not dating or sleeping with either of them." "Why the hell not?" Mark asked. "Neither of them has asked." She winked at Mark, who slowly pulled his spoon out of his mouth and the grin spread across his lips. 

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