Chapter 7

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Another week of working too much, even though she did not Uber, she had picked up extra shifts at her second job and she was exhausted. It was Friday night though, and she always made good money running the drunk people home, so she decided to go out for a few hours tonight.

"You work too much." Kristen called Lily when she got home and found her note. Lily knew it would be a fight, but it was just a few hours. "I am making great progress on the debt though, so do not lecture me." "At what cost?" "Just a few months and I should be able to stand up straight again." Lily was proud of that. She never thought she would dig herself out.

"Lily, I am worried about you." "Don't. I feel good this week. I made a large payment this morning and whatever ugly crept in before, it is gone. I have not cried myself to sleep in three nights." "Probably been too tired." "Probably." Lily laughed as Kristen might have been right.

"Not too late." "Yes Mom." "I'm making dinner, a beef casserole." "I will be sure to eat out." "Shut up." "I am looking forward to it. Really, all the meals you have fixed lately have been delicious. Keep it up." "I hope you are serious." "I am. Troy is going to be shocked." "Thanks Lily." "That's what I'm here for, to be your test subject." "I appreciate it. Go make lots of money and remember, you promised tomorrow night." Kristen almost whined.

"I will be there." "I would hope so." "Nothing fancy though." "You know me." "I do. And please, just us girls. Dinner and drinks for a few hours. No big deal." "Lily." She whined. "Kristen." Lily whined back, and they both laughed. Lily knew her too well.

"Fine. Simple." "Thank you." "Love you." "Love you too. I will let you know when I am headed home." "Please." "I will." "Love you." "Love you more." "Doubt it. Bye." "Bye." Lily giggled. God, she loved her so much. Lily had no idea what she would do without her some days.

Her first pickup was a group of three ladies headed out to a nightclub. They were fun and had high energy. Lily loved it. She turned up the music and they sang until she got them to the club, where she got high-fives as they got out. Those were the kind of riders that made this job worth it. Fun, energetic and full of life.

Her second one was a couple going out with friends. The woman was talkative, but he just sat and listened to them chat. "Do you really hear all kinds of confessions in here?" The woman asked Lily. "I do sometimes. Usually later in the night when everyone has had a few drinks and are more free with their thoughts. People tell me all kinds of things."

"What's the worst?" She leaned up to listen. "Had to be the night I picked up a guy from a bar who had clearly just had sex from the lipstick marks all over him. He cried all the way home that night that he cheated on his girlfriend."

"That isn't that bad." "It was when an hour later, I picked up a woman who had just done the same thing, and I dropped her off at the same house." "NO!" "Yes." "Did you tell her?" "No way." "What is the funniest?" Lily had to think for a minute.

"There are so many. Maybe the guy with the puppet. He was drunk, coming from a comedy club and his puppet was making advances on me over the seat." "Ew." "It was funny. The guy was acting like he had no idea how to control the puppet. It really was almost two people. It made me laugh the entire ride, so I liked him."

"You should write a book on all you see and hear." "I should. It would probably be hilarious." "If you do, call me." She handed a card over. "I am a publisher." She smiled. "I just might. You guys have fun." "We will." The woman pulled the guy out of the car, and after a giggle, Lily carried on with her night.

By midnight, she had done enough, and decided to take one more, on her way home, since it is from a restaurant right around the corner. Two people, so she figured another couple. Easy ride, and usually a good easy good tip.

"Lily?" A man looked in her window as she waited at the curb. "Yes." "Hi. I'm Mark. Hang on one second." "Sure." She sat back and waited as he walked over to a group of men, then came back and got in on the other side, as another man got in her the passenger side.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite driver." She turned and saw Eric sitting in her car. "Nope. You out." She pointed, but he just laughed. "You two know each other?" Mark asked, surprised. "Yes. She has taken me home a time or two." Eric smiled, no he grinned at her, making roll her eyes.

"Not like that." She glared at Eric. "No, she just drove my drunk ass home from the bar a few times." He clarified. "I did. And he is mean, so out." She looked over the seat at Mark, who was laughing. "He is that." "I tip you well." Eric smiled. "Doesn't mean I want to drive you anywhere now." She grinned back.

"I see you found your sass again." "Oh, I did, and you can plan on getting it the entire trip." She gave him a huge fake smile, making him laugh. "Ok, fair enough, but your rating and tip depend on how nice you are." He tried not to smile at her, but he was failing as much as she was.

"So, Mark, how do you know the wonderful gentleman sitting next you?" She asked as she pulled out into traffic. "He's my best friend." "Oh, I'm so sorry." She glanced up to the mirror and both men were laughing.

"I mean, how wonderful for you. He is such a great guy. I would love to have him as my best friend." She gave a fake smile and then coughed out a gag. She thought Mark was going to cry he was laughing so hard.

"Hey. You be nice to me." "Why?" She asked flatly and Mark started up laughing again. "I am a paying customer." "No Mark is a paying customer. You are just his sidekick." "Damn dude. What did you do to wind her up?"

"I do not think our trip is long enough for the list." Lily turned the corner and Mark was still laughing his ass off. Eric, not so much, but she could see the slight smile on his lips in the mirror, and could not help herself.

"Alright, I was an jerk to her when we first met, but in my defense, I was drunk. And I have since apologized." "And a jerk the second time too." "Yes, again, I did apologize last weekend, again, and bought you a drink." He tried.

"A drink. Mark, if you hurt a girl's feelings and stomped on her kindness, would you think one drink was enough?" "Not at all. At least two drinks. Maybe even flowers." Mark wiped the tears from his face as she stopped outside their destination, which was the bar she liked so much.

"You are trouble." Eric pointed at her. "I know. Wait until you get to know me. Oh wait, you won't. Out of my car." She pointed. "Mark, it was a pleasure to meet you. And you might not want to hang out with such riff-raff." She whispered loudly. Teasing him was so easy.

"I like you. Go park the car and come have a drink with me." "No." Eric said from beside him. "Two drinks, on me." Mark pulled him back into the car and gave her a smile that she was having a hard time resisting.

"I'm working." "Soda then. I just have to have more of this." "No, she's working." Eric laughed as Mark pulled him back again. "Please." Mark gave her an all teeth grin and she laughed at them. Eric seems so relaxed tonight, and something about these two made her want to go.

"One drink, you pay." She said, knowing it was probably a bad idea, but what the hell. "Done." Mark smiled in triumph, then pushed Eric out of the car while she went to park. 'What the hell am I doing?' Having fun.' She answered herself.

Thank goodness she wore good jeans, but she wished she had put on a better shirt and tennis shoes. It was not very good Friday night bar attire. Oh well. She wasn't here to impress, just to have some fun.

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