Chapter 24

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"What are you doing here?" She finally found he words as she tried to catch her breath. She was panting, and it wasn't just from laughing, or being startled, but because he was standing here, in front of her.

"Imagine my surprise when I looked out my window and saw you standing in the park below me. I had to come see if it was really you." "Really me." She heard walking and turned to see David beside her

"David." "Eric." They shook hands. "Nice to see you again." David greeted him warmly. "You too." Eric replied, then looked back at Lily, with the same look she felt on her face. Surprise and a bit of happiness to see him.

"What window?" She asked as she look around, trying to avoid eye contact with him. "I work in that building right there. I am on the fourth floor, and the fourth window from the left is my office." "How about that." She looked up to see it and tilted her head to study it.

"Eric saw us from his window." She told David in explanation. "That is weird. The entire city and we find the one park right outside his office." David smiled at her. "It is weird." She smiled back, then turned back to Eric as he started talking.

"No work today?" "I played hooky to hang out with David." "She needed a day off. She works way too much. Besides, she was pretty upset last night, and I came up to make sure she was ok. Then I decided to give her a full day of her favorite things." David stepped closer to her and she swallowed down the lump in her throat.

"And it has been the best day ever." She giggled. "It's not over yet." He reminded her. "We have been to the bookstore and the art museum and then out here to read, I am being spoiled." She felt like rattling on and on about all the amazing things he did for her.

"Remember that when you hate me later." David laughed. "Never." "You might." "Whatever." She turned back to look at Eric. "Let's go swing. All of us." She smiled at Eric, wondering why she wanted to be so nice to him.

"I am hardly in playground attire." He looked down at his suit. "Swings do not require anything special." "I can watch." He put his hands in his pockets and nodded. "Fine, your loss." She gave him smile, but not all the way. The man was hopeless.

"I'm game." David gave her that evil grin, and without hesitation she took off running and laughing. "Better run faster." He called out and she had just made it to the swings as he touched her back. "I caught you." He growled. "Not yet you haven't." She giggled as she got on a swing and start going.

"Challenge accepted." He tossed their stuff to the side and got on the swing next to her. "Not fair, your legs are longer!" She yelled. "What's the matter short stuff, can't catch up." He was twice as high as she was,but she tired harder.

"Eric, come push me!" She yelled and he looks surprised. "Don't let him win!" She was laughing so hard she was having a tough time pumping my legs. "HURRY!" She called out again, and this time he walked around behind her and pushed against her lower back gently.

"Harder!" She called out and David started laughing hysterically. "That's what she said!" "I did. I like it rough." She called back and  heard Eric laughing behind her.

When she went up the next time, she tilted her head back to see him smiling from ear to ear. "Don't fall off." He warned as she came back to him. "Catch me if I do." She giggled. "Ok." He laughed. She glanced over at David, who was grinning sweetly.

"Careful when you catch her. She bites." David was still watching her. "I do, hard." She growled making Eric laugh harder. This was awesome. These two are so much fun. She thought as she went up again, higher than before.

After they  went for a bit longer, Lily jumped off, making a perfect landing. She raised her arms and turned to the men. "TEN!" David calls out and then jumps, but fails and falls, rolling forward. 

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