Chapter 46

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She was nervous as she put out the blanket and got everything ready for their picnic. She had told him to be there at noon, but wished she would hurry, the anticipation of her surprise was killing her. 

Just as she finished, she looked up to see him walking across the street, tall and with purpose in long strides. When he saw her, the smile spread across his face, but she stood there waiting. When he got to her, he swept her up into his arms and kissed her, not caring who was watching.

"You look beautiful today." "Thank you, so do you. But then you always look so handsome in your suit." She tugs his tie. "Thank you. I am happy that you think so." "I do." She blushed before telling him to sit.

" I have a present for you before we eat." "A present?" "Yes. No matter how much you hate it, please know I worked really hard on it today." "I am sure whatever it is, I will love it. And you made it?" He looked skeptical.

"I did." She took a deep breath and handed him the canvas covered in blue paper. "Wrapped to? It's not my birthday." He laughed. "No, but it's the first one I have done in a long time, and it's special." She blushed. 

"I cannot wait to see it then." He took the package and unwrapped it slowly as she held her breath. He was just staring at it, no emotion on his face. And the longer he sat there, the more she knows he hate it.

That was until he looked up at her with complete awe on his face. "It's my car." He shakes his head and covers his mouth, holding back whatever emotion he was trying to hide. "I did it from a picture I took of her. And that is the place you took me that night we danced." She tried to explain.

"The stars." He shook his head again. "You even got the city lights." He exhaled out. "If you don't like it, you don't have to keep it." She felt shy. "Are you kidding me? This is the single best gift I have ever been given." He put it to the side gently, then took her hand, pulling her to him as he wrapped her in the sweetest, warmest hug.

"It's not perfect. I am still a little rusty." She says from against his chest. "No, it is perfect. Willow, thank you. I love it." He took her shoulders and looked into her eyes. She could see tears in his and her heart beats against the inside of her chest as she sees just how much he does.

"Thank you. This is so very thoughtful. And you painted it, which makes it even more special." "I did." He looked over at hit and she felt so proud. "It is impressive. You have so much talent, but you have even more heart. You painted her so perfectly." He brought it back in front of him as she sat back on her heels in front of him.

His finger runs over the car, then the stars. "It is almost like a photograph. This so amazing. Thank you." He puts it back to the side and pulls her to him. "I am at a loss for words. You are...perfect." His kiss was sweet.

"Ok, stop being mushy. I am glad you like it." "I love it. Would it be alright if I hung it in my office?" He surprised her as she started to take out the food. "Your office? Up there?" She looked up at the building across the street.

"Yes. Then I can see it every day." "I was thinking locked away in your house somewhere." "No way, I want the world to see how amazing this is." "Ok." She blushed. "I cannot stop looking at it. It's my car." He had the biggest smile, and she felt like she was sitting on top of the world.

"This looks so good. Did you do all this?" "Yes. I made it after I painted." "I am so at a loss." He shook his head again. "Why? It's just lunch." "No one has ever made me a picnic lunch, let alone one that they made. In fact, other than my mom, no one has ever packed me a lunch. And that painting. You have no idea what that means to me."

"Stick around and I will bring you lunch anytime I can. And if you are a good boy, maybe I will paint you something else." "I will be the best." He leaned over and fed her a grape, making her giggle.

They eat and talk for the entire hour about everything. She learned he was allergic to jelly-fish and how he found out when he was fourteen in the middle of the ocean trying to impress a girl. And she told him about the scar on the edge of my chest/armpit that she got from trying to fly when she was six to impress her dad. The garden fence bit her. That was what she told her mom as she was bleeding everywhere in her kitchen.

"Is it just you and your father then?" He asked as he fed her another grape. "Yes, he lives with his brother back home. He is where I get my humor and silliness from. He tends to get in over his head and doesn't like to do much alone, so when my uncle's wife left, they moved in together and they are like two happy ducks. They fish, hunt, and do all the old guy stuff. Uncle Ray even had a pool put in so they could invite over the ladies. They are crazy."

"Sounds like his daughter is a lot like him." He popped a grape in his mouth and then put the lid on the bowl. "Stop me from eating." He groaned. "Eat all you want. And yes, I am just like him." "I bet you are like your mom too." "Not much. Maybe my looks. What about your parents?"

"My parents, well, I guess I better tell you this first. I told mom about you." "You better have been nice." "Oh, I was. And, if you don't have plans Saturday afternoon, I kind of promised to bring you over." He looked shy.

"To meet your parents?" Her heart raced. "Yes." "It's kind of early for that. I mean we are barely dating." "Not too soon for me." He looked at her in that way that made her cheeks automatically heat. "Please?" "Ok." "Ok?" "Yes, why not." She shrugged, feeling shy and embarrassed as she packed up the left overs.

"You are so easy." "Hey!" "Not what I meant. You just are happy with with whatever I suggest." "Why wouldn't I be? It is more time with you." "And more time with you. Can I say that I am sorry about you and David, but I am so glad I get you this weekend too."

"I'm not a child in a custody battle." She teased. "That sounded terrible. I meant I am happy I get to be with you all weekend." "If you are good." "I promise to be." He pulled her back to sit next to him, and she leaned on his shoulder.

"I have to go back to work, but I will be by to pick you up at 6:30 for dinner. Stay in this." He tugged on her dress strap. "I like it." He kissed her sweetly again, and she was starting to like this side of him.

After helping her carry the stuff to the car, he wrapped her up in his arms. Making them both smile.  "Have a great rest of the day at work." "Oh baby, I will." He pinned her to the car and kissed her hard, taking my breath away. Then he popped her ass and walked back to the office, his painting held up safely as he went.

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