Chapter 33

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They alarm goes off, waking her from her sweet dream. She stretched and realized he was pressed against her back, and they were both still naked. "Morning." He growled. "Yes, it is." "It's Saturday. Go back to sleep." He kissed her shoulder. "I have to get up for work." "No." "Yes." "I want more of this sweet body against me." He ran his hand down her bare side..

"Keep that up and last night will be nothing." She giggled as his hand brushed over her breast. "I like having you naked next to me." His finger presses against her hard nipple. "I like being naked next to you." She admitted as she rolled over to face him.

"You push those against me again and I am going to give you more." "Like this?" She rubbed against him and he laughed. "Call in sick." "I can't. I already had someone take my shift yesterday." He took her face and kissed her.

"Want me to take care of that beast before I leave?" She giggled again, feeling his morning erection pressed against her leg. "No. What time do you get off today?" "In about three minutes if you play it right." She could not help herself. "Off work. Work. Not sex." She could see his humor, and his desire, and it made her want him more.

"That is all I am going to think about until I have this." She reached down and wrapped her fingers around him, making him groan. "I created a monster." He laughed. "Not yet." She kissed him, then laid against his chest for a minute, soaking up his warmth.

"Ok, last chance. I am going for a shower." "Go." He let her go, then pulled her back for a kiss. "What time should I expect your sweet ass home?" He smiled, but her heart jumped into her throat at his words.

"I get off 5, should be home by 5:30. You can have all the ass you want until about 6:30. Then it's off to Mac's. All of us." She got out of bed, walked across the room and felt him watch her. She felt so comfortable like this with him. It was weird, but nice.

After three long kisses, she finally sneaks out the door, thankful that Kristen was still in bed asleep. She did not want to face that just yet. And as she got to her car, she saw David in the doorway, still watching her and giving her a waive. She waived back thinking how sexy he was in just his shorts.

As she drove to work though, a sadness washes over her. A sadness for Corey. "I'm sorry baby." She said out loud, and she was. However, she also felt the guilt that David was talking about last night, and it was strong this morning. It was the guilt of having someone else touch her, and of moving, and mostly of it being his own brother.

Today was going to suck. She just wanted to get into work and focus on other things so she could get through this next step of ache. And to get back to...she exhaled. Corey came to mind before David, and it hurt.


When she pulled up at home, David's truck was sitting there, and she hurt all over knowing that she had to go in and face him. He had checked on her a few times today via text, but she kept telling him she was fine and busy. She was not fine, and he was going to know that the minute she walked in.

After a few deep breaths, she gathered her stuff and went into the house, where Kristen and David were sitting on the couch and looked up in surprise.

"Is it that late already?" Kristen looked at her watch. "Crap, I have to go shower." She jumped up and ran past her with a flash of a smile before closing her bedroom door. Lily looked down the hall at her, then back at David, who looked upset.

"Hey." She walked over, leaned down and kissed him. "Hi." He whisperd back. "Want to tell me what's wrong?" She asked. "No." "Want to tell me anyway?" "No." He smiled as she came around the couch and sat next to him.

"Does it have anything to do with what we did last night?" "Yes." "Then talk to me." "Let's go to your room." "Works for me." She stood up and winked, making him laugh.

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