Chapter 53

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"I think my family officially likes you better than me." "Probably." She yawned. "A little tired?" "Yes. The kids wore me out." "I think you wore them out too." He kissed her hand as he drove.

"I love kids." "I could tell. Stella never warms to anyone that fast. I think all three of them love you." He glanced over at her. "You are so good with them too. I watched how carefree and playful you were. You were so happy."

"I do love those brats." He chuckled. "I can tell." The smile on his face gave her the courage to ask. "Do you want kids?" She asked softly. "Someday I would like one or two. Not right now though, I am not at that point in my life."

"I have always wanted three or four. Corey and I had planned to start right after we were married. Sometimes it is hard to know that I have to start over and build back to that, but I will." She was surprised to find that she was not as upset as she expected to be.

"Maybe I will just knock you up." He teased. "That's not funny." On so many levels. "I would marry you first of course." "Of course." She watched him laugh and she smiled to herself. He would make pretty babies. She bit her lip at the thought.

"You do want to get married some day?" He asked. "Yes." "I just meant with what happened." He shot a quick, uneasy glance. "It will not be easy, but I think when the right one comes around, I will know. And yes, I still want to get married and have kids, and live the life I dreamed of, it will just be a little longer than I planned."

He brought her hand to his lips again, and then laid them on her leg, so his fingers brushed under the edge of her dress. His touch brought comfort and she relaxed as he held her hand.

"All this talk of kids, we might need to start practicing." He growled. "Turned on?" "A little." "Crying babies get you?" "No, but naked you does." "You haven't seen me naked." "I plan too." "Maybe." His playfulness was adorable, and turned her on.

"I remember you saying we were going for a swim." "In a swimsuit." "That may or may not come off." He squeezed her hand"Ok." She shrugged. "Ok?" His eyes light up as he looked at her. "Don't think I don't want to see you naked too." She moved their hands up her leg a little more and he tightened his hand on hers. Then he gave her that sexy grin.

"You might not make it to the pool. Or the house." He growled as his fingers brushed over the skin of her upper thigh. "You might not make it to the driveway." She was already panting let his hand go, leaving it on her leg, as she put hers on his leg and moved up slightly from his knee. "Easy. I do have to drive." He laughed as he turned down his street.

She jumped out of his car and ran to hers to get her bag as he waited in the garage. When she came back, he caught her and pulled her into a kiss, taking the bag from her shoulder. "House. Now." He growled as he let her in.

"You are welcome to change in here." He carried her bag in and laid it on the bed in the guest room that connected to the pool. "I will run upstairs and grab my shorts and meet you outside." He kissed her quickly and then left her alone to change.

When she came out to the pool, it was just starting to get dark and he had all the lights on and was messing with a speaker near the back door. When she closed the door, he looked up and smiled.

She was in her cover up and was already self-conscious about taking it off. Now she was even ore nervous as she saw him standing there in his trunks looking ten kinds of sexy.

"Hello beautiful." He walked over and tugged her hands to move into his arms. "I could say the same about you. I think you get more gorgeous every time I see you." "I haven't changed." He laughed. "You have." She disagreed.

"Ok, let's see it." He held out his hands. "See what?" "You. The suit." "It's nothing fancy." "Doesn't matter, I have been waiting all day for this. Come on." And suddenly, she did not want to take it off.

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