Chapter 23

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"What are we going to do first?" Lily asked as they walked out into the sunshine. She automatically tilted her head up for the warmth. It had been so long since she noticed things like this, that she was taking every opportunity to enjoy it again.

"First, I am going to kiss you." David pulled her over and kissed her, long and deep, making her lips tinge as he pulled back. Then without a word, he took her hand and walked her to his truck.

"That was a nice start." She giggled as she got in. "You have no idea." He shut the door and walked over to his side and gave her a huge grin before turning up the radio and inviting her to control it. She found a good song and they sang along like no one could hear them, together. 

First stop was a bookstore, which she loved. She had not been in one in so long, and she just wandered around for an hour, picking the perfect books. He knew much she loved to read, because he had mentioned it twice, and it made her feel so special.

They laughed and found each other in different aisles like kids, playful and care free. She laughed until her cheeks hurt as he showed her some adult books, and then found him in the kids section pretending to be serious about a Cat in the Hat book.

After their fun there, David took her to the art museum, another one of her favorite places. they checked out the people exhibit and gave them silly voices, as they they talked to each other. He knew just what to do to make her laugh.

"People think we are crazy." She whispered as they looked at a large painting. "We are." He whispered back. "You are." "No, you are." He started giggling, which made her laugh harder, and an older lady smiles sweetly at them in that understanding way.

"We are a just friends." He told the lady before he picked Lily up under his arm and carried her out laughing. "Stop. I have to pee." She tried to be serious as they left the gallery. "Alright." He chuckled as he put her down and brushed the hair from her face. 

"If you get me kicked out of here, I am going to be pissed." She pointed. "Won't be the first time we got kicked out of somewhere." He laughed as she spun around and headed to the bathroom. No, it wouldn't, she laughed to herself as she sent a quick text to Kristen.

'I have not had this much fun in years.'
'I am so happy to hear that.'
'I really want to know what he said, but I am in the bathroom.'
'I will tell you at another time. Just have fun. What are you doing?'
'Bookstore, bought books, art museum, now going to lunch somewhere.'
'Enjoy today.'

'I am, very much. Ok, text you later.'

When she came out, he stood there, grinning like a fool. "What did you do?" She put her hands on her hips as he held out a bag. "What is that?" "A gift." "Don't buy me stuff." "Had too." She took the bag and inside was a puzzle with pandas on it.

"OMG, PANDAS!" She hugged the box. "I saw it in the window and had to get it." "I love it. You remembered." "How could I forget? That was the greatest Christmas ever. I had never heard someone scream so loudly." He teased.

"I had never been so freaked out either." The memory of that morning came back, and she was not sad, she was happy. Happy she had all those wonderful memories with Corey. And she realized, for the first time every, she had not been sad all morning. It was all good things.

As they walked to the truck, she took his hand. It felt so natural and right as he looked down at their joined hands and smiled, but did not say a word. He did not have to, she felt the same way.

They stopped at a small sandwich shop, grabbed some food, and then headed to a park. He already had a blanket in the backseat, because of course he planned it, and they found a shady spot to kick off their shoes and read their new books.

As she laid there and read, she looked over and watched David. Could she really do this with him? He did just do so many things that she loved today. How did he remember? It was heartwarming that he took all this time to give her such a wonderful day.

From the side, he looked just like Corey, and she paused. For the first time today, she was unsure if she could see past that fact. But when he looked up and smiled, she wanted to try.

"What are you thinking about over there?" His words were playful. "If I could get away with jumping you right here." "Hey now." He sat up and she did the same, crossing her legs to face him.

"Really, I was just thinking how sweet you were for doing all this for me today." "It's not over yet." "It could be right now, and it would still be perfect. I have not been this happy in a long time."

"Good. That is exactly what I was going for." "Why are you doing all this?" "I want to." "What if we don't work?" She asked the hard question. "Sweetheart, it is worth every minute I spend with you." "Could you be any more perfect today?" "Let me work on that." He pulled her hand to his lips.

"Now, go back to reading, unless you are done, then we can move on." He smiled sweetly and her heart hit her chest. She stood up and stretched, looking over the park and noticing the playground. She saw swings, and that was what she wanted to do. 

When she turned back, David was watching her. "Now who is staring?" She teased. "Me. I am." He raised his hand. "Why?" "You want the list?" "Yes, tell me." She crossed her arms, waiting for his funny responses as he held up his hand and counted of on his fingers. 

"1. You are beautiful. 2. The sun shining off your hair gives it a red tint that I had never noticed before. 3. When the breeze blows across your skin, you get goosebumps." "You cannot see that from there." She huffed interrupting him.

"I noticed earlier. 4. That mischievous grin makes me want to chase you. 5..." He said it and without a second thought, she took off running through the grass. He shook his head and stood up, but did not run after her.

"Come get me!" She  called out. "Why, you have to come back sooner or later. I have all your stuff." He laughed loudly making her stop. Dang it. "Chase me!" "Nope." He laughed harder. "Come on!" "Nope." Then his smile faltered and she noticed him looking to her left.

She was not falling for that trick. "Not going to trick me." She laughed, but he was still looking past her, ignoring her, so she turned and saw Eric standing there, watching her.

She literally jumped in surprise. What the hell? "Eric?" She stopped laughing and blinked.

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