Chapter 29

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David talked her into staying home from work, again, but it was not that hard. Then he fixed them scrambled eggs and bacon, which Kristen was digging having someone to make her cofffe, since she was always the first one up. Lily was sure it was to avoid the awkwardness of waking up together.

"You know this is going to cost you?" She told him as they walked to his truck. "Yep. Think of how much fun you are going to have." "I already am." She kissed his check as she got in and his morning smile was almost too much for her to resist him.

They were barely out of the driveway when her phone rang. It was Eric. She looked at David who laughed when he saw who it is. It was 8:30. What did he want this early? She was curious though, so she answered.

"Hello." "Good Morning." "Morning." She immediately smiled at his sweetness. "How are you today?" He asked, and although not sure what was going on, she answered. "I'm good, and yourself?" "I'm great." "Great?" "Yes." "Why?" This she had to know.

"I'm going to the Zoo today." She could hear his smile, which only made hers bigger. "So are we...wait...who are you going with?" "You." "How?" "David invited me last night." She heard him start the Vette and shivered, before looking at David.

"Don't hurt me." He laughed and blocked her punch. "I will deal with you later." She pointed at him.. "I hope that is ok." Eric said, pulling her back to the conversation. "I guess it is now. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" "I could ask you the same. Looks like we both took the day off." "I guess we did." She glared at David, who just smiled.

"I just need to know where to meet you. David was not sure." "On the other side of the pedestrian bridge, by the entrance. You will see us. I will be standing right next to the donkey." She glared again.

"Don't hurt him. He just wanted you to have another good day." "I hope you are wearing playground attire, because a suit and dress shoes won't cut it." "I have been to the Zoo before, I know how it works. And yes, I have on the appropriate attire." He chuckled, making her feel all warm.

"How long has it been?" "A while." "How long?" "About ten years." "Ok, this going to be fun. Put on your sunscreen and I will see you soon." "Yes, you will." When she hung up, she turned to David, who was already laughing.

"Just couldn't resist, could you?" "No." "Why? Why are you doing this to me?" "I told you why. I am showing him that you are everything he wants." "And if he doesn't want me?" "Then I will have no problem taking you all for myself." "Or you could just take me now and forget about this game." "Nope." "Ugh, you are impossible." She sat back in the seat and started out the window.

"You really are waiting by a donkey." Eric laughed as he walked up and pointed to the bronze statue. "Wild Somalian Ass." She corrected him. "My apologizes Mr. Ass." He grinned.

"He accepts your apology. And approves of your attire." She looked down at his jeans and sung t-shirt that showed off those arms of his. "Even tennis shoes." He held out his foot. "Nice." She looked at his foot and then ran my eyes back up his leg and over his body.

"Ok, we all see the guns. Wipe your mouth and let's go see the animals." David groaned and she start to protest, but nothing came out. She was caught and that was that. "Speechless Lily. Never thought I would see the day." David took her hand and her damn cheeks burned as Eric grinned. Yeah, he knew it too.

They had seen the big cats, penguins, seals, and hoofed animals, and were on thier way over to the bears. They had both teased her as much as they could, and she had noticed that Eric was more relaxed and playful with her today. She was really enjoying his company.

"What is your favorite animal?" Eric asked. "Panda Bears." David laughed. "Yes they are, but my favorite here is the Meerkats though." She stuck out her tongue.

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