Chapter 45

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"Go home." Her boss told her as she came out of the bathroom from throwing up, yet again. "I'm fine." "You are not fine. I can clearly see how not fine you are. Go home, rest, get it out of your system and don't come back until you do. Besides, you look like you haven't slept in a week."

"I have only been here an hour." "Go home." He tried again. "Fine." She rolled her eyes and he put his hand on her shoulder. "We all have bad days when we lose someone we love, even all this time later." "Thanks." She started to tear up and he surprised her with a hug.

"Go home. Take tomorrow off too. Enjoy some fresh air. I will see you on Thursday." He patted her arm and let her go. She did feel like crap, and maybe some quiet time alone would be good. 

He did not need to know she was mourning another man today. A man she just left on his doorstep with a huge broken heart. A man that she could have stayed with forever. And she did not sleep all night for a reason. She laughed as her lower half burned.

A quick text to Kristen telling her she was going home sick, but was really fine, just emotional, but still fine. She also texted David to let him know. He responded that he was home in bed too, that someone broke him last night, which made her laugh.

At home, she stood at her bed and looked at Corey's pillow. She picked it up, kissed it and then moved it to her chair, where it would sit with the collection of stuffed pandas that he gave her.

"It's time baby. I will always love you, and I will never forget you, but it's time. I am sorry for what I did with David, but I really think you would be alright with it. He helped me with all of this. He is an awesome guy, and I hope you know how much he loves and misses you too. He did exactly what he promised you he would. If you can, go to him today and comfort him, he needs it. Thank you for always being my sunshine. I love you baby." She looked up at the ceiling and blew him a kiss. Then she crawled into bed, where she slept for five straight hours straight,  better than she had since the day he left.


When she woke, she felt lighter, refreshed and more herself. She took a shower,  and decided to drive to the only place she wanted to go today.

Once there, she grabbed her blanket, coffee and book out of the seat, kicked off her shoes and walked through the grass to the perfect spot. She laid on her blanket, got comfortable and started to read. This was what she needed. Fresh air and alone time.

She was on the last chapter of her book, when a shadow moved over her and she knew who it was before she even looked up. Her heart beat faster as she looked up at him.

"You sir are blocking my sun." "You miss are in my park." His grin was so big. "It's a public park." "That it is. And you make it so much more vibrant." He held out his hand for her and she smiled as he pulled her to her feet.

"Why didn't you call me to tell me you were down here? And why are you not at work?" He asked as he looks her over. "I knew you would see me." His fingers traced over her face, making her blush.

"I almost missed you. For some strange reason, I do not check out the women down here anymore." "Huh, wonder why that is?" "I have no idea." He tilted her face up to look into her eyes. He could see it, she knew he could be the way his eyes changed.

"Something is different with you." He traced over her lips with his thumb. "It is, very different." "Care to tell me?" "I would love to." "Then let's go swing." He picked up her shoes while she grabbed her other stuff and they walked to the swings, hand in hand.

To her surprise, he got on the one next to her and started swinging. "Eric James Colton." She laughed. "Don't tell anyone." He grinned. "I will." "Ok." He laughed out freely and she almost said something, but decided against it. It felt so good to just be like this, with him.

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