Chapter 32

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Lily rolled over and looked at the clock, it had only been a whopping forty minutes. Ugh. She sat up and grabbed her phone. She pulled up the message to David and was going to find something clever to say, when there was a soft knock on her door.

"I'm up. Come in." She expected Kristen, but it was David. "Why are you still up?" He smiled and she barely thought when she jumped up and ran to him as he wrapped her in his arms. "What's wrong Lily-Tree?" He held her and she felt the relief that he was ok.

"I was worried about you." "Don't worry. I am ok." He pulled back and looked down at her. His smile was bright, and he touched her face as she leaned into his touch. She needed him.

"If I didn't know better, I would think you missed me." "I did." She tugged his shirt, and he leaned down and kissed her. "I missed you too." He growled as his kiss got deeper.

Her body burned with a need she had not felt in a very long time. Her hands rand down his sides and pulled up is shirt, trying to get it of him. "Lily?" He paused and stepped back. She looked up and was panting as he held her face, studying her. 

She took his hand, pulled him to the bed and sat him down, then took the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. This time he let her. She did not waist any time as she slid her hands over his bare chest, and felt him shudder under her touch.

"Lily." He breathed out. "Shh." She leaned forward and kissed him, stepping into him. His hands glided over her bare legs, then her ass, and then onto her back, under her shirt as she held his shoulders, trying to keep herself upright.

 She moved to his lap, straddling him, and kissing him as he held her back and ass. The more she kissed him, the more she wanted him. And by the sounds he made, he wanted her too. 

"Lay back." She whispered and he did, taking her with him. She could feel him beneath her and her body burned with need. She had not wanted anyone in so very long, but tonight, she did. And she wanted him.

Her lips moved down his neck, shoulder and chest, and he held her arms as she sent. She ran her nose through his chest hair and remembered what it was like to touch a man again. The way his muscles felt below her fingertips, and the noises he made. It was making it hard to focus.

"Lily." He breathed out as her tongue moved over his nipple, causing him to arch his back into her mouth. "Do you want me to stop?" She asked as she kissed to the other side. "No." He moaned as she closed her lips over that side and ran her hand down his chest to his stomach, where her fingers ran over him, exploring as she went.

"You know if you keep touching me, I am going to have no chance. I am going to take you." "Take me." She whispered and he groaned as he rolled her over and looked down into her eyes. He held her gaze, trying to read her, but his eyes burned with the same desire she felt.

"You are making this very tough." "Don't think, just do it." She almost begged as he licked his lips. Finally, he leaned down and kissed her, harder than before. His hand moved up her side, pushing the shirt up with it. His fingers were like fire against her cool skin.

"Lily." She could hear his struggle. "David, please. If I am going to do it, I want it to be with you." She arched up and he understood as he moved to her breast. She tried so hard not to flinch as his hand closed around her, but she did and he paused, before he removed his hand.

"Not tonight." His voice was stern as he laid down next to her and pulled her in to him. "I can do this." She tried. "I know you can, but I can't." "We can try." She whimpered. "And hate each other in the morning? No thanks." "David, I would never hate you." "No, but I will hate myself." His voice was hard, but she was not ready to give up.

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