Chapter 60

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"What about this one?" Lily pointed at the power wheel on the rack. "It's a pink hummer." She giggled. "I was thinking a car, but that's cute too." "Let's get this one." She was too excited as she pulled out the slip and then walked to another aisle, so Lily could get her a doll. Which turned into a doll, an outfit, and sunglasses for her new car.

"I think you are more adorable today than yesterday. We should do more shopping." He put his hand into her pocket as they waited to pay. He looked so gorgeous holding baby doll stuff, and for a minute, she hoped that she pregnant, but that moment passes quickly when she realized how stressful it would be for both men.

"Whatever thought just crossed your mind, stop it." He leaned over to her cheek. "I do not want to see any frowns today." He added. "Just a lot on my mind." "Only thing you are worrying about today is partying with a 3-year-old." He winked.

"I am super excited about that too. I cannot believe you are buying her a power wheel." "We." "What?" "We are buying her one. We are a couple. Uncle Eric and Aunt Willow." He stood taller, almost proud, as she laughed at him.

"I am not an aunt. Just the girlfriend." "You are my other half, so that makes you the aunt." "I love when you talk like that." "I love that you blush when I do." He pinched her ass before laying the stuff out on the belt.

Eric and an employee struggle to get the box in the back of her Equinox , while she did a quick wrapping job on the doll and a gift bag for the accessories. Quietly, she drew a picture on the envelope of the card while he drove. It was a Pegasus and rainbow, fit for a little girl.

"That is great." Eric surprised her as he stopped. "Thanks." "You are talented." "Thank you. And this is just with an ink pen." She could fell him watching her, and she glanced up to meet his gaze. 

"Lights green." She teased. "Sorry, I was thinking." "About?" "Stuff." He pulled off the line gently, but she picked up the pen and waited until he was driving again.

"What stuff?" "A surprise." "I told you, I like surprises." She giggled. "Wrong thing to tell me." He growled. "I like free surprises. Not ones that cost money." She corrected. "I can't hear you over the radio." He turned it up louder.

"You can hear me just fine. Remember to choose your battles wisely grasshopper." She poked his side and he jumped, then blocked her second attempt. "Driving." He warned. "No more money on me." "Whatever." He took her hand and kissed it. Smart ass.

"WIWWHOA!" Stella came running out of the house in her little party dress. "Stella!" Lily held out her arms and picked Stella up as she squeezes around Lily's neck. "Happy birthday." "It is my birthday!" She smiled, then looked at Eric who was standing beside her.

"Did you bring me a present Uncle Eric?" She asked him. "Maybe. Do I get a hug?" He held out his arms, and she leaned over to him. "Happy birthday princess." She giggled as he tickled her before carrying her on his shoulders to house, while she got the gift bags out of the car.

After a round of hellos and hugs, Eric had his brother go out to help him put the car together, while Lily helped Jenny with putting out lunch.

"I hear you moved in together." Jenny smiled as Lily put the little sandwiches on a tray as she makes them. "You heard already?" She was shocked that Jenny knew. "Scott has talked to him more in the last two weeks than he has in months. Seems Eric is more than a little head over heels for you."

"What did he say?" She felt her cheeks warm. "I am not at liberty to tell." She teased. "That is not fair." "Ok, so I like you way more than I should, so don't you tell that I told you." She looked towards the door and then leaned towards Lily to spill what she knew.

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