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"BLAISE!" Harry scram jumping on his back.

"Whoa. Watch it." Blaise responded.

Everyone at the station was staring as the boy walked towards the train. Harry was just happy to see his friend. Draco was waiting by the entrance of the train for them. Pansy was on Draco's back. Harry was still hanging off of Blaise. The only sound was heard from the people who hadn't seen anything yet and the train.

"Couldn't be bothered to use a spell?" Draco smirked.

"Wasn't allowed to." Blaise shrugged.

"We didn't want him to." The twins said.
"Do you mind?"

Harry laughed and got off of Blaise. "Sorry boys he's all yours."

*~*(Smut warning) Basically it's been 4 weeks since their return to Hogwarts

"Fred." Blaise whispered as he walked behind everyone.

Fred stopped and turned. "You okay?"

Blaise shook his head and walked to the side so they were out of the way. Fred followed Blaise around a corner into an empty corridor.

"Fred you are going to have to stay away from me for a while." Blaise said looking at his feet.

"Why?" Fred reached out.

Blaise stepped back. "Fred. Please I don't want to hurt you."

"Follow me."

Fred walked down the corridor a little further. He looked around and then stepped into a room. He waited for Blaise to walk in then closed the door. Blaise couldn't see anything now and was starting to get anxious. Fred cast a silencing charm and then 'Luminous'. Blaise's jaw dropped.

"I've been planning this for weeks. George helped me with the set up. I just wasn't sure how to... well tell you." Fred blushed.

Blaise stepped closer to Fred. He lifted his head with two fingers and kissed him. Fred wrapped his arms around Blaise's neck.


"Blaise shut up and kiss me will you." Fred laughed.

Blaise lifted Fred up and started kissing his neck. Blaise's wings spread out and wrapped themselves around the two. Fred let out a moan as Blaise's teeth extended into his skin. Blaise stopped and stepped away. He had snapped out of his trance when he tasted blood.

"I can't control my creature." Blaise admitted.

"Blaise it's okay. I'm guessing I'm the mate for the vampire side." Fred touched his neck.

Blaise nodded taking Fred's hand. Fred reached out and stroked Blaise's wing causing him to purr out. Blaise lifted Fred and Fred wrapped his legs around his waist. Blaise could feel himself loose control of his creature. His teeth extended again and he bit into Fred's neck. Fred let out a moan as he undid Blaise's shirt. Blaise was licking at Fred's neck when Fred forced himself out of Blaise's grip.

"Something the matter?"

Fred didn't answer. He undid Blaise's buckle. Fred rubbed himself against Blaise and nipped on his neck. Blaise moaned and had to steady himself on the desk behind him. Fred carried on leaving marks on Blaise's neck. He reached under Blaise's boxers and grabbed a hold of his length. Blaise moaned again. Fred kissed him accidently splitting his lip on Blaise's tooth. In an instant Blaise was on him.

Blaise pinned Fred to the wall with one swift push from his wings. He latched himself onto Fred's neck and made quick work of discarding his clothes. Blaise kissed Fred down his body leaving marks in he wake. Fred moaned out wanting more. Blaise kissed him hard. He broke away to get air and now it was Fred's turn to attack Blaise's body. Fred was on his knees in front of Blaise and before Blaise could protest Fred took his length into his mouth. Blaise let out a grunt of pleasure. Fred continued on wanting Blaise to release.

"Fred not yet." Blaise breathed out making Fred stand.

Fred pouted. "Then fuck me already."

Blaise smiled and pulled Fred against him. He kissed Fred a few times the hoisted him up. Fred wrapped his legs around Blaise. Blaise pushed one of his fingers against Fred's entrance. He paused for a moment. Put Fred down and found a bottle of lube on the make shift bed they had forgotten about. Blaise applied the lube to his fingers and bent Fred over a desk. He inserted two of his fingers at once earning a cry from Fred. Blaise moved his fingers slowly then began to scissor. Once he felt Fred was ready he lubed himself and pressed into Fred. Fred yelped in pleasure and told Blaise once he was ready. Blaise began to move, slow at first gradually going faster until he was pounding into Fred.

Fred had felt Blaise hitting his spot with every thrust, but he didn't want to cum before Blaise. Somehow Blaise sensed this and started to pump Fred in rhythm to his thrusts. Fred reached his climax in no time and came. Blaise thrusted into him a few more time after feeling Fred tighten around him and he came inside of Fred. They managed to find their way to the makeshift bed and collapsed. Blaise pulled Fred in close and wrapped them in his wings.

"I love you Fred." Blaise whispered before falling asleep.

*~* (Smut end)

"Where's Fred and Blaise?" Draco asked at lunch.

George was staring into space completely zoned out so he hadn't heard Draco. Harry slapped the table in front of him making George jump.

"Sorry what?"

"Fred and Blaise. Where are they?" Draco repeated.

George smiled. "I'll go get them."

Blaise walked into the Hall and plonked himself next to Draco. Everyone was staring and mumbling As Fred was being half dragged by George. Blaise yawned and grabbed a banana to eat.

"Did you have to ta..."

"Yes Fred. Stop pouting." Blaise smiled.

Harry laughed. "Don't want him eating banana's do you?"

"Clearly." George laughed out.

Draco patted Fred. "I see your wings are finally gone Blaise. What took you guys so long?"

"Boys! Stop teasing Fred." Pansy said giving Fred a hug.

They stopped for the rest of the day, but Fred knew they were going to tease him more in the common room. Blaise had no idea they were going to turn the teasing on him. Sure Fred was the one that looked freshly shagged. That was because George had dragged him to the hall before he had time to make himself look better.

A paper bird landed on Blaise's plate. The lot knew it was from Hermione. She couldn't openly talk to them because she was undercover. Blaise lifted the bird and unfolded it. A puff of glitter exploded in his face. They all started to laugh.

Congratulations! It's about goddamn time too.

~H. G

Blaise looked back and gave Hermione a glittery smile. He dusted off what he could but there was still a lot of glitter in his hair. Fred and George told him not to use a cleaning spell for what was left. He had protested, but obviously the twins won that argument.

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