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The rest of the term had been somewhat smooth. Excluding every attempt to get Harry to listen to Dumbledore. Snape had stopped picking on Pansy and openly spoke to her after the 'Ron' situation was over. Harry was still pretty much angry with everyone for not letting him help. Most of all Draco for not telling him. He opted to spend his free time with Snape, Pansy or Salvitor. He made small talk with Blaise and the twins. Flat out acted like Hermione never existed.

Draco was a different story though. Harry kept him around because he was actually in love with Draco, but he couldn't bring himself to get over the hurt. They fought a lot more than they should have (I had to include a small rivalry like in the books/movies.) been fighting. Draco would spend lunch time crying. Harry would spend it pacing Snape's classroom. Of course Snape would force Harry to eat. Blaise would force Draco. By dinner time they would sit next to each other as if nothing was wrong. Come breakfast Harry would sit in Blaise's spot next to Fred and Draco would sit in another kids spot opposite George's - two seats down and across - so they were as far from each other as possible without drawing additional suspicion. They would sit together in class, but wouldn't talk.

By the time it was almost Christmas Break every one of their friends were fed up with how they acted. Snape hated seeing Harry so miserable. He put a plan together to get Harry to admit he was gay. One day Blaise stood up at dinner and told the whole school he had a thing for Fred who started to blush. The hall was in an uproar. People were teasing Blaise, not that he cared, but it frustrated Harry.

"Would you stop making fun of my friend!" Harry shouted. The hall went quiet. "Would any of you like to test my anger?"

"Your friend is a fag!" Someone shouted.

"SO FUCKING WHAT! I'M GAY!" Harry said eyeing everyone.

Gasps went through the Hall. Then whispers. Everyone, in one way or another, had witnessed a portion of Harry's magical strength and were all skittish about finding out his full capabilities. The boy who had shouted stood up.

"Sorry Harry." He said.

Harry nodded and sat down. Draco looked at him with a blush on his face. Of course Harry had noticed and he smiled slightly at how cute Draco looked. Blaise and the twins noticed this and looked at each other. Dinner the three older boys spoke to Pansy and Hermione about finally setting their plan into motion. Snape's plan had worked flawlessly.


"Ammm. S... sorry." Draco said after bumping into Harry.

Draco looked down and chewed on his lip. He turned around and tried the door. It wouldn't budge. His eyes went wide and he tried again. It still didn't budge. Harry was watching closely as Draco struggled with the door. The 'abandoned' classroom didn't look so abandoned. Harry noticed this when Fred locked him in it. He had done what Draco was doing now. Then decided to wait by the door for someone to open it. That was how Draco had ended up bumping into him in the first place.

"I tried that already." Harry said slightly amused.

Draco sighed and turned around looking at the floor. "Sorry I don't know what George was thinking."

"I half expected you to say Fred." Harry admitted. "Dray?"


"Why aren't you looking at me?"

Draco turned red and tried to hide is face more. He chewed on his bottom lip and shifted his feet. He tried stepping around Harry but Harry wouldn't let him. Harry smiled at Draco's actions. He thought it was the cutest thing ever. Draco wasn't answering Harry because he didn't know how to tell him what he was feeling.

"Draco? Are you not talking to me now?" Harry asked.

"No. I mean yes... I mean I am talking to you." Draco stammered blushing more.

Harry leaned forward. "I'm sorry for being an ass." He whispered against Draco's ear.

Draco had to bite his lip to keep from shivering. He couldn't hide his rosy red cheeks though. Harry let out a chuckle then stepped out of Draco's way. Draco immediately went to sit on top of a desk. He was twiddling his thumbs. Harry walked over and placed his hands on top of Draco's.

"Are you uncomfortable having me around now?" Harry asked.

"No. I've never had a problem with it." Draco said.

Harry leaned forward again. He placed two fingers under Draco's chin to force him to look up. Draco's eyes locked with Harry's for a moment. Then Harry kissed him. At first Draco didn't do anything. Then he slowly started to kiss back. Harry pulled away slowly savouring the moment. Then he looked at Draco. Draco still had he eyes closed and his mouth was slightly open and his breathing a little shaky.

"I really like you Dray. For a long time. That's why I was so hurt you kept something from me." Harry said running his thumb over Draco's bottom lip.

"I'm sorry Harr. I wanted to tell you I swear. It was eating me up." Draco answered now staring at Harry's lips.

"If you want to kiss me again just do it." Harry teased in a whisper.

Draco didn't wait for a second invitation. He leaned forward, almost falling off the desk, and kissed Harry. Harry had stopped Draco from falling by stepping forward and pulling Draco's legs around him. Draco pulled away and blushed. Harry kissed his nose and stepped away.

"Shall we try the door again?" Harry asked offering Draco his hand.

Draco hopped off the desk and took Harry's hand. He then nodded. He didn't trust his voice at the moment. Harry tried the door and it opened. They both walked out to find Blaise, Fred, George, Pansy, Hermione and a few other students standing around.

"Coming out of the closet together are we?" Blaise teased.

Draco blushed and tried to pull his hand from Harry's. A few of the students started to laugh. Harry shot them a look and pulled Draco into his arms.

"As a matter of fact we are. Is that a problem?" Harry said holding Draco close.

"Harry can we just leave?" Draco asked I a whisper, but everyone close by heard.

"Sure Dray." Harry said.

The two walked hand-in-hand, much to Draco's dismay, back to the dorms. Harry had said he didn't want Draco to slip through his hands again so he wasn't going to let go. Draco just accepted it with a flushed face and a happy heart.

Is it Potter? Or Snape? HJP To HSSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin