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Professor Dumbledore was tried and sentenced to Azkaban for numerous reasons. Professor Snape was once again headmaster of Hogwarts and he still refused to give up his classes. Snape allowed the students to sit with their friends from other houses during lunch. Breakfast and dinner the students sat at their own tables. The ranking boards were back and they changed after every major assignment given. Even though the rankings changed the points still accumulated. Every Professor was put under review to verify their credentials. By the time Christmas break came around the students were much happier. Snape had decided to go through every file over Christmas break. Since he would have more time on his hands.

Harry was impressed by how Snape adapted his time. Lucius, Tom, Bellatrix and Draco thought he was going mad. They couldn't believe how easily he divided his duties and time for Harry. Harry of course kept Snape in check when it came to being bias when grading. As the headmaster he set an example to the other Professors. Harry made sure his fair grading gave the students enough courage to call out the bias Professors.


"It's good to finally meet you Harry." A man said leaning against the wall.

Harry raised his eyebrow and turned to Tom. "Explain."

"This is Sirius Black. He was my closest..."

"You wanted to screw him. You forget I can still sense everything. Sirius Black as in the godfather I was supposed to have?" Harry bluntly said leaving Tom speechless.

Sirius smiled. "Yes cub. I was manipulated by Dumbledore into confessing to killing a man. I was sent to Azkaban and basically lost my mind. Mrs Malfoy was so kind to repair my mind."

"You mean Aunt Trix. I thought father was doing that." Harry responded.

"I could only do so much. Bella is much more skilled than me anyway. By the way how is Draco taking the marriage?" Snape asked.

Harry shrugged. "He's still furious they got married without him. And so am I. Draco doesn't want to talk to them yet though. So Sirius, are you going to ask Tom out or just keep drooling over him? You both like each other. Get it over with. Father do you mind if I leave now. Sirius isn't going anywhere and I need to check on a certain blonde before he stops talking to me."

Snape laughed. "Sure go on. Maybe we can go visit Sophira later."

Harry nodded and left.


It was a week before Christmas. Pansy, Hermione, Blaise, Draco and Harry were sitting outside under the gazebo. The adults were walking around as Sirius was catching up with all of them. Blaise started to pace again for about the tenth time. It had become a cycle. He would pace, sit for 5-10 minutes, stand up and pace.

"Blaise. Chill. They are fine." Harry sighed hanging his head back.

"I will believe that when I see them." Blaise huffed.

Draco groaned and Pansy shook her head. "Blaise sit."

Hermione laughed at them. "I'm sure Severus would..."

"I would what?" Severus asked as he sat down next to Harry.

"He's pacing again father."

Blaise turned and almost pounced on Snape. "Why would you just let them got. Halfway through the term no less. I haven't heard from them since. Where are they? Are they okay? What happened? Why did they..."

"Blaisey we are touched, but put away those fluffy wings." Everyone turned to see four red heads.

Blaise hadn't realised his wings had shown. He blinked, once, twice then ran forward. He almost crashed to the ground with the twin Weasleys. His wings being the only thing that prevented it.

"Okay we are glad" (G)
"You didn't put away" (F)
"Your wings"
"Before crashing"
"Into us" They laughed.

Blaise straightened himself out and put his wings away. He started to inspect the two. After a minute he stepped back and frowned.

"Something is different. You smell different. Don't get me wrong I love it. But why?"

"Long story Blaisey." (F)
"But the short version" (G)
"Arthur isn't"
"Our father."

Snape raised his voice enough for Blaise to hear. "They received their inheritance in the middle of the term so I let them leave with Bill and Charley. Family matters are to be sorted out with family."

Harry stood up. "Well since everyone is here. I have something I need to do." Everyone was now looking at him. "Draco I know I say this a lot but I don't believe I could ever say it enough. I love you and you make me really happy. So, after reading about wizarding traditions, I just had to be old fashioned because I'm a sucker for that stuff. I spoke to Lucius a week ago about something." Harry got down on one knee in front of Draco. "Draco Lucius Malfoy. I know this may be a bit sudden. Will you do me the honour of becoming my fiancé? Make me the happiest person to ever walk this earth."

Everyone was now looking at Draco. Draco was speechless. Harry had produced a small ring box after he finished his whole speech. The ring in the box was almost an exact replica of the mark on Draco's arm. The only difference was that Harry had an emerald green stone put in the one side and a pure cut diamond in the other side where the puncture marks should have been. Draco stared and slowly started to nod his head. A few seconds later he was vigorously nodding and saying yes over and over again. Hermione and Pansy let out an 'Aww'. Blaise and the twins were clapping. Harry kissed Draco only to stop him from saying yes.

"Well I guess now I have no choice." Snape said turning to Lucius. "50 gallons. Since Harry didn't wait until after Christmas. Now hand me that marriage contract will you."

Harry grabbed the small sack of gallons before Lucius could. "You bet 50 gallons for what?"

Lucius laughed. "I told Severus you would pop the question before Christmas. Severus said you would probably wait until New Years. So I made a bet I was right. He also said he would sign as soon as you asked Draco. Poor little Sev doesn't want to loose his boy." Lucius teased.

Harry handed the sac to Lucius and flung his arms around Snape. "You will never lose me father. You still got four and a half years of me torturing you at school."

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