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Blaise, Pansy, Harry and Draco had come to an agreement. The twins would not be spending Christmas Break by themselves at the castle. Since Blaise had admitted to the younger three that he had feelings for both Fred and George they figured the twins should stay with his family. Blaise had protested complaining that they didn't feel the same and they were straight. Harry pointed out that he had already made things awkward if that was the case. This lead Pansy to point out George's odd behaviour towards Fred. It was like he was jealous. Leaving Draco to point out that the three older Slytherins had actually gotten closer.

"For a bunch of brats you are all actually correct." Blaise had said.

On the last day the twins were a little edgy. Hermione had asked them what was wrong and they told her all their stuff were gone. The three hadn't known what the others planned so they were all somewhat upset. Hermione, because the twins were genuinely distressed.

"Why so gloomy?" Snape asked quite bored.

"Lost out stuff Professor." Fred said.
"More like it was stolen." George said.

Snape walked away because he knew what was going on. It was up to him to get them on the train anyway. He thought this would be useful.


The next day everyone was heading for the train. Except for George and Fred. They were saying goodbye to everyone when Snape showed up behind them.

"Boys." The man said.

"Yes professor?" The twins replied.

"I do believe I have found your belongings. If you would come with me." Snape climbed into a carriage with the boys.

They got to the train station just before the train was about to leave. Harry was standing and waiting for them to get there. Snape stepped down from the carriage and handed Harry Salvitor. Snape then turned to the twins.

"Harry told me your things were on the train. I thought you should fetch them since they do belong to you." He said.

"Thank you professor."
"But why are they..." The train horn sounded.

The boys rushed to get their things. Harry and Snape shared a smile.

"See you at home father." Harry said walking away.

"See you at home son."


"Harry. It's time uncle Sev is waiting." Draco said from the door.

Harry had been pacing a hole into his room floor Snape said he should wait there until everyone had arrived. It would be better to explain to everyone at once than bits by bits. Harry refused to wear robes though, so he was sporting a plain black v-neck t-shirt, a pair of faded sky blue jeans and black studded boots. Draco had a slight blush when Harry had turned to face him.

"Is something wrong?" Harry asked stepping closer to Draco.

"N... no you just look..."

Draco was cut off when Harry kissed him. Instinctively Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's neck. A moment later Harry pulled away. He rested his forehead against Draco's.

"Can we not just stay here?"

"As much as I'd like that Harr. Everyone is waiting."

Draco took Harry's hand and lead him to the lounge. Snape had explained to everyone that he had adopted Harry but didn't say why. When the boys showed up at the doorway everyone went quiet. They turned and looked at them and Harry all of a sudden felt overly small. His hand tightened around Draco's and he took a step back.

"Harry it'll be okay son." Snape said holding out his hand.

Harry immediately launched himself forward into Snape's arms. Snape chuckled and rubbed Harry's back. Draco smiled at this and went to sit by his father.

"Harry. Harry Potter. Could it really be?" A man said from next to Lucius.

Snape tensed for a second then relaxed. Harry noticed this and got angry. He didn't like that name anymore. He frowned and turned to look at the offender.

"It's Snape." Harry barked out. "Harry Salazar Snape!"

"Harry manners." Snape said.

"Sorry father. I thought you told them though." Harry protested.

"He did. Sssssome ssssstill don't believe it." Salvitor said as he slithered into the room.

"Well they better. Father doesssssn't like that sssssurname." Harry responded almost immediately.

"Ssssssorry Massster." Came the response.

"Come here and sssstop calling me Massster." Harry demanded.

Salvitor snaked himself around Harry's shoulders. Snape cleared his throat.

"Care to translate son?" He asked.

"The snake was telling him that some of us didn't believe you." The man said.

Harry only realised then that he had spoken Paseltongue. His eyes went wide and he paled. He turned to Snape tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry father I didn't realise. I'm sorry I broke my promise."

"Shh Harry it's okay." Snape hugged him.

"That one can undersssstand me?" Salvitor said lifting his head.

"Yessss. I am a sssspeaker." The man said.

"How issss that possssssible?" Harry asked.

"Enough you three." Snape growled.

The man laughed. "Sorry old friend. Caught in the moment. As for you young Harry I am sorry for offending you and your father. You see I was lead to believe you were a threat to me. I am after all known as Voldemort."

Everyone in the room gasped. The 'Dark Lord' laughed and then apologised. Almost everyone. Harry snorted while he petted Salvitor. Then smiled at the man.

"Well now that you know I am no threat would you address me by my proper title in the future." Harry said with a smile.

"Certainly young heir-Snape. You may address me by my real name if you so wish. I am Tom Marvolo Riddle." The man said.

"Thank you Mr Riddle." Harry nodded his head.

"Well we haven't spent much time together but..."

"Do you mind if I call you uncle Luci? Father told me he made you my godfather." Harry interrupted.

"Not a problem Harry." Lucius said.

Draco had blushed at Harry's mention of Lucius being his godfather.

"And may I call you Aunt Cissy?" Harry asked the woman behind Draco.

"Narcissa is fine." She said abruptly.

Harry nodded turning his attention to the others. They introduced themselves in turn and told Harry what he was allowed to call them. Harry had decided to use his default of 'sir' and 'ma'am' for most of them. Finally all the introductions were given ending with Bellatrix.

"Call me Trix if you don't mind." She said to Harry.

"Massster I'm bored." Harry ignored the snake.

They carried on chatting for a while getting to know Harry's life story from before Snape saved him.

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