Nothing Happened

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Snape had added a new feature to the Great Hall. After the end year exams everyone was ranked according to their marks. Of course the marks weren't shown, but this way the students could know who is above them. They were, of course, grouped according to the year they were in. He awarded the top ten students 25 points each for their houses. Top 20 - 11 to 20 - were awarded 15 points. The top 50 - he was in a good mood when he planned this - got 5 points. He felt it would motivate the students more. It also seemed to be a fair opportunity. No bias deductions and additions. Most would suspect Ravenclaw students populated that list and got the points. As first years the top ten students consisted of; Pansy, Draco, Hermione, Neville, Harry, Dean, and Lavender. (Can't think of others.)

Snape was right. The students who were top tier were thrilled and even congratulated those above and below them. It gave each house a fair chance. At the bottom of the list was the total points each house gained. At the end of year feast he decided to announce the winning house in a different way than usual. He stood in front of the students wishing them the best of luck and safe return for the next year then he said his goodbye wishes to the graduating students.

"And now. The colour of the house cup. I bet you are all eager so let's get this over with. 105, 950 points just so happens to be our lowest. Leaving the highest at 350, 750 points. The second lowest is 200, 500 points and the second place has 342, 800 points. I am proud of my snakes for coming so close to first. Unfortunately this is not their year. Slytherin takes second place. Gryffindor as your new principle I'll take it easy on you from next year. As for now you take fourth place. Hufflepuff well done in coming third. That means Ravenclaw takes the house cup." Snape snapped his fingers and the Hall turned Blue and Bronze.


"Can the two of you explain this?" Lucius was staring down Draco.

Draco and Harry gave the man a shy smile. Of course Lucius had trapped them in front of Severus, Tom, the Lestrange brothers and Bellatrix. The two boys shared a guilty look before turning back to the adults. They didn't want them to know yet.

"Nothing Happened." They responded in unison.


Draco and Harry were staying at Severus' place. Since what happened at Hogwarts Draco didn't want to leave Harry's side. Lucius had agreed since the Lestrange brothers were staying at the manner along with Tom. After the first two weeks back Snape finally allowed the boys to go about a more normal routine. Meaning they didn't have to report back to him and he would stop checking on them every hour. Neither would admit it but they were happy.

"Sooo, My Slytherin Prince, now that Father isn't going to be interrupting us..." Harry trailed off.

Draco blushed. "Harry we could get in trouble."

"Oh come on it's a harmless prank. Only Tom may be able to see it coming since he's a Pasel." Harry shrugged. "They won't be that mad."

"How did you even get her out? She's HUGE no way she got out of Hogwarts unseen." Draco said.

Harry smiled. "Remember when we fought about me going out late at night? Well I was finding a way to get her out unseen. I found passages she could hide in during the day and one she could get onto the grounds from. Then I had her stay in the Shreeking Shack."

"So you really weren't meeting with Theo." Draco smiled.

Harry scoffed. "That ass just caught me on my way to see her. So I had to go to the astronomy tower instead. Well it all worked out in the end I guess."

"Are you going to tell me her name?"

"Why don't we go visit her. I think father might want to check up on us soon." Harry offered his hand to Draco.

Draco took hold and then boys walked off towards the surrounding forest. Salvitor slithered off of Draco and into the forest as the boys took their spots on the ground.

"Sssshe issss not there." Salvitor slithered back.

Harry paled and jumped up. "We have to find her Draco. She's not in the forest."

They both ran into the house going from room to room looking for her. A few things may have been knocked over in the process alerting the adults that were in Snape's office. They exited the office swiftly following a trail of subtle destruction. That is how they ended up trapped between the door of Harry's practice room and six adults.


"Harry explain." Snape deadpanned.

Harry looked around, fidgeted a bit, then flashed Snape a smile. "Only if you promise not to be mad."

Snape nodded. Draco took Harry's hand not knowing what was going to come out of his mouth. Then he noticed the giant piece of snake skin sticking out from under the door. Harry was trying to block it.

"We lost Salvitor and I didn't want him disturbing you so I got frantic." Harry rushed out.

Tom raised his eyebrow, having seen what Harry was trying to hide. "And I suppose Salvitor has grown into a giant since the last time so you couldn't keep him around your shoulders."

Draco gulped only realising then that none of them believed Harry because Salvitor was hanging around Draco's shoulders. Harry paled realising the same thing and looked at the floor defeated. Snape heaved a sigh and stepped forward. He kneeled in front of Harry and made him look up.

"If you lie to me again there are going to be serious consequences." Snape said.

Harry nodded. Before he could get a word out a hiss came from behind him.

"Ssssshall I kill them massster Sssalazssar?"

Tom frowned at Harry as he barked out a response. "No keep quiet!"

Lucius cleared his throat. "Did Salvitor say something out of place again?"

"It wasn't Salvitor." Tom and Harry said at the same time.

Tom held Harry's gaze as everyone else was looking between the two. Harry sighed taking Salvitor from Draco and turning back to the rest. He had his hand on the door handle now.

"Promise you won't hurt her. All of you." He waited for all of them to swear on their magic. "Sssssophira make your eyessss normal. I don't want harm coming to my family."

"Yesss Massster." At her response Harry opened the door and rushed forward to stand in front of the giant snake.

"Beautiful." Tom said. "But where..."

"Hogwarts. I found her egg when I was wondering around one night. It hatched almost immediately." Harry explained as he ran his hand over her scales. "She's a red eyed Basilisk. When her eyes are red they present no threat. Orange petrifies. Yellow kills. Tom knew her father."

"You mean the Basilisk I found in the Chamber of Secrets. But he..."

"Yes he was a common Basilisk. It's actually extremely rare to find a male red eyed Basilisk. Changes are you would find 2, 000 female ones before finding a male." Harry wasn't making eye contact with anyone now.

"Her father..."

"Dead. Dumbledore killed him. She told me her father was protecting her when it happened. That's why I had to get her out. She had already grown too much for me to walk out with her during our break. I had to find another way. I was too late to save her father, but I could save her." Harry hadn't realised he started crying.

"Don't cry massster Sssssalazssar." Both snakes hissed.

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