Harry's Confrontation

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It was nearing their mid term break. Harry and Draco were still 'undercover' even though most of the school suspected their relationship. Fred and George had been getting picked on. One day at dinner Blaise's creature lost control. He had pinned Ron against the wall just below the ceiling. It had taken all of them, minus Hermione, to get him under control again. After that Blaise had stopped going to the Great Hall. Snape had the house elves deliver Blaise food. Dumbledore had tried a few times to 'brainwash' Harry with little luck of getting him alone for long periods of time. Hermione, still playing the good solider, had convinced Ron to make nice with Pansy (for obvious reasons). Ron's condition, after many arguments, was that he would only hang out with her when she was away from the others. Dumbledore had finally caught Harry 'alone' one evening in the astronomy tower. Of course Harry was with someone, but he handed the person his invisibility cloak when Dumbledore was heard.

"Harry my boy. I was hoping to get a little more time with you before the break." He gave Harry a sickly sweet smile.

"Sir how can I help you?" Harry said not looking at the man.

Dumbledore frowned at the melancholy Harry displayed. "Well my boy I just wanted to know what Severus has told you about this world. Did he tell you about the man he used to follow? The man that killed your parents?"

Harry carried on staring at the sky trying to keep calm. "He told me everything I needed to know and more. Not that it's any of your business. Sir."

"Of course it is my business. I am your magical guardian and..."

"Then tell me why I was left with a family of muggles?" Harry interrupted. "If you are my magical guardian why was I not living with you?"

"Oh my boy I could not take care of you like Petunia." Dumbledore slipped up using her first name.

Harry tried not to react. Instead he opted to ask about something that had been bugging him. "What were your plans? I mean why do you think F... Severus has brainwashed me. All I really know is that he answers to your every beck and call. He trusts you so I don't see why I shouldn't, but I can't if I don't know the truth."

Dumbledore was shocked and so was the person standing under the cloak. Neither had expected that to come from Harry's mouth. Little did they know he was baiting the man. Hermione had told Harry two weeks prior that Dumbledore was having trouble with the situation because He had thought Snape was loyal to him. Harry had been planning this conversation for a while now.

"You mean to tell me Severus hasn't taken you to Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked now getting cocky.

"I don't even know who that is. I mean besides the fact that he's the bad guy. Severus just told me I was safer with you." Harry shrugged.

Dumbledore smiled a wicked smile. "Well Harry. Then I have quite the story to tell you."

Just like that the old man was hooked. Hook, line and sinker. Harry smiled but not for the reasons Dumbledore thought. Harry's trap had worked. He knew the person hiding near by would have so many questions about what happened. Not that he owed any explanation. Harry was also feeling quite tired anyway. So another day he would find out everything.

"Can you tell me tomorrow? I believe it is rather late and I am tired." Harry said.

Dumbledore nodded. Harry got to the door and pretended like he wanted to say something. This allowed the other person to escape without a problem then Harry shook his head and left.


"Quiet. I don't owe YOU any explanations. Now give me my coat so I can get back to the dorms." Harry growled out.

"I ought to tell Snape I caught you after hours."

Harry glared. "But you won't! Goodbye!"


"Plan on another late night rendezvous?" Someone plonked themselves next to Harry the next day at dinner.

Harry glared. "Like I said last night. I don't owe you anything."

Draco and the rest were watching their exchange. "Come on Harry. You know I could just go tell 'Daddy dearest' what you were saying yesterday. Aaand..."

"You do NOT want to make me angry. So I suggest you forget about last night before I Obliviate you. What I do with my time has nothing to do with you." Harry's eyes flashed black.

"Easy there cowboy. I just want to know what you playing at. Is that so bad?"

"It is for you. I could careless about you being a prefect." Harry bit into the apple he was tossing.

A huff was heard before the seat was vacated. Harry sighed slightly relieved. Getting caught was a sip up. Getting trapped by Dumbledore had worked to his advantage. Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and the twins asked him a series of questions after the person had left. Harry just shrugged watching the professor's table. Draco got fed up and left.


"Father can we talk?" Harry was sitting on Snape's desk.

"Is something wrong?" Severus asked.

"I wanna know why I was supposed to kill Tom." Harry deadpanned.

Severus raised his eyebrow. "Where did you hear that?"

"You remember I was not in class yesterday? I agreed to meet with Dumbledore alone. He believes you are only loyal to him for saving me from Tom. So he told me everything. Not entirely by choice because I spiked his drink before breakfast." Harry shrugged.

"You what? Don't tell me you used..."

"Yes Father I used veritaserum."

Severus smiled. "Do you think the old man is that stupid?"

"Father I'm smarter than him. I mean the old man thinks I believe him." Harry rolled his eyes. "Never the less I know what he prefers. The potion wasn't in his goblet. I put it in the one jug."

"You mean you drugged every other teacher who had that as well?"

"Yes father. That brings me back to my previous enquiry. Why was I supposed to kill Tom?"


Harry and Draco had returned to Malfoy manner for their break. Much to everyone's disapproval, Harry started questioning Tom. It earned growls from many of the followers.

"Masssster what are you doing?"

"Sssshut up." Harry was going to get answers one way or another.

Harry had known all the Death eaters were having a meeting in Lucius' study so that's where he was heading. Salvitor was hot on his heels. Ever since the third day Salvitor never left Harry's side. They had 2 days left before returning to Hogwarts. Harry was damned if he wasn't getting the answers he wanted before then. He stormed into the office with everyone there and walked right up to Tom ignoring the glares. Severus was highly conflicted.

"I want anssssswersss and I want them now. I will not leave your side. You will be forcsssed to talk to your followerssss with me around." He spoke in paseltongue so only Tom understood.

Seeing the determination in his eyes Tom paled a bit before gaining composure. "What is it you would like me to tell you?"

"I will only talk in passssel. Ssssso they don't ansssswer." Harry crossed his arms after sitting on the desk.

"Smart. But you don't expect me to answer in paseltongue do you?" Tom had his hands clasped.

Everyone else was now seated and watching. "Answer in what you like. Now what do you expect from my father?"

"Odd choice for a first question. I expect his loyalty and obedience." Tom looked at Snape indicating they were talking about him.

"Let me be more precsssisssse. Will you exssspect him to kill?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Most likely. I do have an end goal. It cannot be accomplished without a little blood."

"What isssss your end goal? Can you not asssssk anyone elsssse to kill for you?"

"He is my most trusted. No offence to the rest. And my end goal is far too complicated for you to understand." Tom now inspected Harry who seem livid.

Harry huffed and spoke in English again. "If you wish not to tell me then say that, but don't insult me. I'm smarter than most. Furthermore I advise you to find a new 'most trusted'. I will not have my father killing anyone. Definitely not for a man who doesn't understand his goals clearly."

With that Harry stormed out of the study. Salvitor stayed a moment later to stare at Tom then slithered out after Harry.

"That is one firey kid." Tom leaned back.

"I am so sorry." Severus said softly.

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