The Shopping Trip

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Snape gave in to Harry. That was the second obvious sign he was changing. He flooed Lucius and told him about the discussion with Harry. Later that day Draco flooed To the house to spend the night.

"Hi Draco. Glad your dad agreed." Harry Said with a smile.

"Would you have let him disagree?" Snape asked from behind Draco and Harry grinned.

"What do you mean uncle Sev?" Draco looked back at the older man.

"Nothing Father is just loosing his marbles." Harry said and took Draco to his room.

"So Harry are you excited?" Draco asked sitting cross-legged on the bed opposite Harry.

"Massssster issss exsssited. He getssss too be with hisssss life partner." Salvitor hissed coiling around Draco's shoulders.

"Shut is snake." Harry snapped and the snake smiled.

"Did... did he smile?" Draco asked shocked.

Harry chuckled. "Yeah he did. He was teasing me."

"About what?"

"Draco. What do you think of gay people?" Harry asked.

"They're okay. Why are you..." Realisation dawned on Draco. "Harry are you gay?"

Harry blushed then cleared his throat. "This last year father let me do so much stuff. He said because I didn't really understand much about myself I could get a free pass and do whatever I wanted. Sort of like a self discovery thing. He was always there to keep an eye on things though. I met this girl and she was very beautiful. Her name was Pansy. Anyway besides being beautiful she didn't get any other reaction from me. I spoke to father about it and he did this spell thing. So yeah I am gay. Father said if you were a true friend that I shouldn't be scared to tell you."

The room went silent and Harry thought it was a mistake to tell Draco. He started to fiddle and shift. Draco noticed and gave him a hug. Realising he was quiet for longer than intended.

"I don't have a problem with it Harry. Honest. I'm glad you trusted me with this." Draco smiled.

"So you're still my friend?"

"Yep 100%."

The boys went to sleep after that so they could wake up to go shopping the next day.


"Harry Salvitor cannot come with." Snape ran his hand over his face pinching his nose.

"Then I'm not going." Harry huffed. "Father it's the last day of my year that we agreed on. Please. Let me take Salvitor with."

"I'm glad you're keeping track. He can come then. Tomorrow we will sit down and discuss ground rules." Snape said ushering them to the floo.

"Deal." Harry said grabbing some powder. "Diagon Ally." and with that he was gone.

Snape and Draco followed soon after but Harry wasn't waiting on the other side. Snape growled and marched off with Draco looking for his Harry. Then they heard a couple of loud screams followed by hisses. They got to the place and saw Harry standing there scared. He had promised Snape he would never use his paseltongue in public.

"HARRY! What is the meaning of this!" Snape yelled.

"Father! Someone was saying stuff about me and Salvitor just dropped off my shoulders and well this." Harry gestured to the crowd and his attempts to stop Salvitor. "Father I know I promised but..."

"NO Harry!" Snape knew he wanted to use his paseltongue. "I'll deal with it."

Snape walked over to the make shift cage Harry had trapped Salvitor in. He bent down and glared at the snake who looked away ashamed. His master wouldn't talk to him which made it worse.

"You stupid reptile. Do you wish it get Harry into more trouble than he should be in?" Snape growled at the snake and it shook it's head.

"I will let you out, but you will remain with me or so help me..." The snake nodded.

Snap lifted the cage and the snake coiled itself around Snape. Snape straightened himself out and dusted himself off. The on lookers were astonished to say the least. There were so many things That were out of place in this scenario.

Snape helped a kid in trouble.
Said kid called him Father.
He now had a snake around his shoulders.
He spoke normal English and the snake obeyed.
He was the one here with Draco Malfoy instead of Draco's father.
The kid he addressed by the name of Harry.
Could that kid actually be Harry Potter.

Snape matched off growling at the people staring. When he got to the two boys he stopped. Harry was shaking scared and upset. Snape sighed and everyone was still watching.

"Draco. Would you mind taking Salvitor?" He asked.

"No uncle Sev." Draco said.

Snape bent down and told the snake to go to Draco and avoid causing trouble. It listened. And Snape told Draco to go ahead to the book store. Harry hadn't said a word and still shook. Once Draco left Snape put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Father I'm so sorry. I should have listened. I should..."

"Shhh Harry." Snape said softly surprising the observers more. "are you okay?" He asked.

"Father I just want to go home. Please I don't want to be here anymore. Can we go home?"

"Harry you still need your school things. Would you feel better if I carried you?" Snape asked and the crowd gasped.

"Yes father." Harry said and wrapped his arms around Snape's neck.

Snape stood up the boy still in his arms and made his way to the book store. He ignored all the looks he was getting from everyone. Inside he found Draco at the check out and paid for everything. they went to get everything else and Harry had fallen asleep in Snape's arms.

"Draco go get your wand at Olivanders." Snape instructed. "Want to get one last thing."

"Okay uncle Sev." Draco Walked off.

After getting what he wanted Snape went to Olivanders just as Draco was finishing up. He shook Harry awake to get his wand. It took much longer than they expected. The 'weaker' core wands where not being cooperative. Snape was anxious to get back so he stepped forward.

"Maybe try giving him a more advanced wand." He suggested.

Olivander nodded and went right to the back of the store. He retuned with three boxes. Harry tried all three wands until the last one sparked contently. Snape paid and they left. Harry Stopped outside the door and hung his head.


Snape turned. "Yes Harry."

All Harry did was lift his arms. Snape knew what he wanted though. He stepped forward and lifted Harry up. The three of them were unaware they where being watched.

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