Blaise-ing Inheritance

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Blaise hadn't told anyone it was his birthday when Fred and George got their letter. Not even Draco knew because his parents had warned him that everyone would shun him. When the pain came he tried his best to ignore it. He didn't want to be cast aside. Harry knew something was wrong he could feel Blaise's panic. He looked at Blaise deciding what to do.

"Blaise. I know." Harry said. "I'm sure Draco knows as well."

Blaise flushed. "H...How?" He breathed out heavy.

"I can sense your magic. Is it happening now?" Harry asked ignoring Pansy's questions.

Blaise whimpered and nodded. The pain was getting worse. Harry told Draco to write the twins. Blaise tried to protest, but Harry reassured him. Pansy helped Harry lay Blaise on his side. Blaise cried out as Draco got back. Harry quickly explained to Pansy what was happening and she left the room. Blaise felt hurt but he had the wrong idea. A few moments later she returned with Hermione. Blaise soon fell unconscious from the pain.


"Why wouldn't he tell us?" Draco asked on the verge of tears.

Harry held him close and tried to make him relax. The twins barged through the door. Pansy was curled up in Hermione's lap. She was scared Blaise was hurt. Fred looked to the couch and saw Red wings. His jaw fell open. Once they sat Harry told them he was fine just tired.

Draco hit Harry. "Answer my question."

"Sorry Dray. I don't know I think he was scared." Harry said.


Blaise groaned. He felt like his body was on fire. He hadn't taken notice of everyone in the room yet. He sat up and stretched his wings. His left wing rubbed his eye as he yawned. He hissed out when his lip got caught on his tooth. He ran his tongue over the pointed projections and sighed. Again he stretched out his wings eyes still closed he summoned a mirror. He struggled to open his eyes and rubbed them again. Then he let his tongue extend - Like a dragon - and licked his eyes open.

He looked at himself examining his teeth then his wings. That was when he noticed everyone. His eyes went wide and he closed his wings around him. Pansy went to touch him and cried out. His whole body was hot. It felt like touching fire.

"Ow. He's burning up." Pansy cried out.

"Just leave." Blaise's muffled voice came.

"Like Hell!" The twins said walking over.

Fred took hold of Blaise's shoulder and Blaise purred out.

"Seems someone is in need of some love." George teased.

Blaise's wings opened in a flash and he was on both twins. He purred again closing his eyes.

"You smell like Fresh rain in a dense forest and... and candy." He husked out.

He licked Fred's neck. George, feeling a surge of jealousy, stepped back. Blaise whined out and looked like he was going to cry. Harry stood up and pushed George forward. Once Blaise got a hold on him he snuggled against him. Fred let out a laugh. The two had no idea what was happening.

"Maybe we should leave them." Harry suggested.

When Blaise heard Harry's voice he snapped out of his daze.

"I'm sorry. That... That was not me... Well it was but it..."

"Was your creature." Harry offered seeing Blaise struggle for an explanation.

Blaise nodded and stepped away from Fred and George. He sat back down willing his wings away but they wouldn't leave. He whined out at this. And looked defeated.

"They won't leave yet." Hermione said. "Your inheritance isn't complete."

Blaise went pale. "But... It has to be." He looked at Fred and George for a second then at his feet.

"Blaise you know their is only one way to complete a creature inheritance." Pansy said.

Blaise let out a whimper again. Then Fred and George asked.

"Why did Pansy get burnt?"
"He didn't feel hot at all"

Harry laughed. "We should leave them."

He took Draco's hand and left the room. Pansy followed with a resisting Hermione.


"Please Explain."

Blaise sat down. "You are going to hate me."

"We won't." The twins said sitting one on either side.

Blaise took a breath. "I don't want to ruin what we have. I finally have the two of you on good terms over the whole me liking you thing."

Fred put a hand on Blaise and took his brothers hand with the other. "We weren't upset with that Blaise."
"It was just us not accepting who we were."

"But you will hate me." Blaise complained again.

"Just tell us"
"and we will decide." They said.

"My creature inheritance can only be completed once I take my mate." Blaise sighed.

"You mean."
"Like in a bed?"

"Well yes."

"Which one of us?" George asked.

"Both." Blaise said.

"Is that Possible?" Fred asked.

Blaise nodded.

"Can I kiss you?" George whispered causing Blaise to purr.
Fred laughed. "I think that's a yes."
"So do I." George kissed Blaise's neck.

Blaise flushed and stood up. "Are you guys sure about this?"

They looked at each other then to Blaise and nodded. Blaise held out his hands for them to take. Each took one hand and allowed Blaise to lead them to his room.

*~* (Light Smut warning) You can skip.

Blaise's wings were literally on fire. He explained to the twins that it was expected. They were still asking questions when Blaise pounced. He latched his lips onto Fred's. Fred let out a whelp and Blaise pulled away. Fred's lip was bleeding and Blaise cursed.

"I'm sorry I forgot about those." Blaise said. "Can I mark both of you? They won't go away if I don't." He explained hanging his head.

George walked up to him and whispered. "You can mark me." Blaise shivered.
"Mark me when you done with him." Fred added with a chuckle.

Blaise licked George's neck then kissed it. George bit his lip to keep from moaning. Blaise grabbed a hold of his legs and walked them over to the bed. After kissing and licking his neck Blaise bit down and George let out a moan. About 5 minutes passed and Blaise was advancing on Fred. He didn't toy around with Fred like he had done with George. Blaise immediately pulled Fred into him and bit down. His creature was taking over. Fred cried out in pleasure as Blaise stayed attached to his neck. He could actually feel Blaise's teeth revert back to normal. Blaise licked the spot and heard George let out a surprised squeak. He was looking in the mirror at his neck. Blaise chuckled allowing Fred to check his neck. When they stood side by side the marks were complete mirror images. Blaise stood behind them and kiss both of them.

"They are to mirror my wings. My left." He kissed George. "And my right." He kissed Fred.

"Blaise. Why don't you come fetch me when you're done with George?" Blaise whined. "I couldn't watch when you were kissing him. It hurt." Fred explained.

Blaise nodded his head and kissed Fred. "Why don't you go to the room next door then."

George had averted his eyes because he felt the same way Fred did. When Fred left Blaise asked him if he felt the same and he nodded. Blaise kissed George softly.

"I'm sorry for hurting you both. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" He asked.

George nodded and Blaise didn't wait. He took them to the bed and undid George's shirt. Blaise trailed kisses down his body. George grabbed hold of Blaise's wing by accident and Blaise let out a moan. He stopped what he was doing and frowned at George.

"Don't do that." Blaise husked out.

George smiled and stroked Blaise's wing. Blaise moaned and then growled not liking that he wasn't in control. George did it again wanting to see Blaise's reaction. Blaise's eyes flared up with pure desire. He grabbed George's arms and slammed them into the bed above his head. Blaise then attacked George's lips and neck. George used his foot to touch the tip of Blaise's wing and felt teeth dig into his lip. Blaise moaned out and pulled away.

"Stop it. You're going to make my creature take over. I don't want our first time to be with it in control." Blaise growled.

George nodded with a sly smirk. Blaise started to kiss his chest and let go of his hands. George didn't bother moving his hands. He let Blaise have his way. Blaise nipped at George's navel and goerge let out a moan. Soon both boys were naked and Blaise was leaning over George. He asked George if he was still okay with what was happening and George nodded. Blaise kissed George as he slid two of his fingers into him. George let out a cry and Blaise ceased the moment to explore George's mouth. He let out a moan at the candy taste. George moaned and pulled away.

"Do it." He breathed looking into Blaise's eyes.

Blaise held he gaze as he lifted George onto him. George closed his eyes tight at the sensation then relaxed a bit. He opened his eye's to see Blaise looking concerned. Blaise wouldn't move so George started rocking himself causing Blaise to moan out. It took a few more minutes for them to get into a proper rhythm. Blaise's wings spread out as he reached his climax and they both came. Blaise into George and George into the two of them. Blaise let out an involuntary whimper. George hadn't missed that. He wriggled out from under Blaise and cast a cleaning spell.

"Come back when you're done." George said.

Blaise nodded throwing on a robe he grabbed from his cupboard. He took quick strides to the room next door and stormed in. Fred jumped from the sudden bang. He relaxed when he saw Blaise. Blaise grabbed hold of Fred's waist and slammed their lips together. Fred pulled away and looked at Blaise.

"Is something wrong?" Fred shook his head reaching out for Blaise's wing. "Please don't. I won't be able to control my creature."

"Blaise. Will you... Do you mind not rushing I mean..." Blaise kissed Fred before he could finish what he was saying.

"Anything you are comfortable with." Blaise whispered picking Fred up and kissing him.

Fred tentatively ran his hands through Blaise's hair. His hand brushed over something and he pulled away shocked. Blaise gave him a questioning look.

"Do you have horns?" Fred asked wide eyed.

Blaise smiled. "My creature is a vampire dragon." He set Fred down on the bed. "Do you still..."

"Yes." Fred didn't let him finish the question.

Blaise didn't wait for a second invitation. He kissed Fred and climbed onto the bed next to him. His left wind flapped out over the bed as he pulled Fred on top of him. Blaise made quick work of removing Fred's shirt. Fred shivered as Blaise gently ran his hands over his body. They pulled away and Fred straddled Blaise better. Fred leaned forward and kissed Blaise's neck then bit at it leaving a love bite. He let out a soft giggle.

"Now I've marked you." Blaise laughed.

He looked at Fred seeing some unease in his eyes. "Fred. If you don't want to..."

"How else are your wings going to be hidden?" Fred said.

"I won't have you do anything you're not ready for." Blaise barked.

Fred leaned forward laying on Blaise's chest. "But your..."

"My inheritance can wait. I'm not ashamed of it anymore." Blaise wrapped his arms around Fred.

He pushed off the bed still holding Fred and walked back into his bedroom. George was curled up and asleep on the bed. Blaise glided over the bed with Fred and positioned himself between the two. He was more than grateful his parents agreed to give him a king size bed. His right wing slid under George to pull him close. Once he was snuggled in with them his wings closed around all three of them blocking out the light. Fred hadn't realised until then just how huge Blaise's wings were.

"I'm sorry Blaise." Fred whispered.

"Shhh baby it's okay. You don't have to feel pressured by anything." Blaise kissed his forehead. "Rest we can talk about it tomorrow." Fred nodded. He fell sound asleep shortly after.


Because as a writer cliffhangers and twists are my forte. Will Fred give in Before School starts? OR will Blaise be rocking a pair of Demon wings to Hogwarts?

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