Life Partner

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"Massss I mean Harry. Can I complete the bond now?" Salvitor asked looking hopeful.

"Bond?" Tom asked. "You mean you have found your..."

"No!" Harry snapped at the snake. "I explained this to you already. Leave now."

"Sssssorry ssssir." Salvitor slithered off.

"Is he still going on about it?" Snape asked and Harry turned red.

"Yes father. He hasn't stopped since we got home." Harry answered.

Snape laughed and everyone else was confused.

"What did he mean bond?" Tom asked.

Harry mentally face palmed. He turned and hid his face in Snape's chest. This caused Snape to laugh again. Harry didn't want anyone knowing, but Snape just had to tell.

"Salvitor, the snake, has known who Harry's life partner is from before Harry even knew this world existed." Snape explained.

"Father." Harry hissed.

Draco turned pale. Well paler than usual at this. He looked down hurt. Fiddled for a few minutes then stood up a bit shaky.

" May I leave?" Draco asked not making eye contact with anyone.

"Ahhh sure Draco." Lucius responded with a frown.

Draco was gone in a flash as Harry lifted his head frowning. Snape looked at Harry then to Pansy. Pansy grunted and marched over to Harry. She slapped him over the head. Then huffed. Blaise, Fred and George had to restrain themselves from laughing while everyone else, besides Snape, looked confused. Hermione stood up.

"Pan why would you do that." She asked.

"Well Harry. Are you going to carry on being stupid?" Pansy said ignoring Hermione.

"That hurt Pans." Harry moaned.

"Well if she didn't I would have." Snape deadpanned.

Everyone else still looked confused. Harry signed. He now had three problems to deal with because of Salvitor and his stupid bonding thing.

Harry stood up. "Before you ask. I haven't told him anything Pans. And no father I haven't told anyone but Pansy. Yes I should have probably said something. Are you two satisfied?" Snape and Pansy nodded. Now Harry had to address the next issue.

"Salvitor you big mouthed snake get over here." The snake slithered in and coiled around Harry's shoulders. "Since you can't keep quiet I've got this mess to deal with."

"Ssssssorry sssssir. I wasssss jusssst exsssscited." Salvitor hissed.

"No Shit." Harry turned to everyone else. "As father explained I know who my life partner is. Only father and Pansy knew besides Salvitor here. And now if you would all excuse me. I have a rather hot blonde to find so my familiar can complete his bond thingy and stop asking me about it." With that Harry turned on his heal and marched out of the room.


"Does he mean to say his life partner is my son?" Lucius asked after Harry had left.

Snape Laughed. "Yes. That's why Salvitor only wanted to be around him when we first found the snake. I only found out when Harry first 'met' Draco. He was talking in paseltongue and switched back to English before telling Draco to leave. He said, and I quote, "Life partner? Ha you must be daft." end quote. I knew he wasn't talking about me. About two weeks after his birthday Harry told me he was gay. Pansy was supposed to be visiting that day. Call it bad timing if you want, but she came just as Harry was 'coming out' so to speak and Pansy gave herself the title of best friend."

Is it Potter? Or Snape? HJP To HSSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu