Chapter 54: A little family

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15,866 words
Warning: Smut
A few months later...
Trin's POV

"Hey mommy!"

I heard Axel say from downstairs.


I say, Jacob took his shirt off and put a different one on. I heard many footsteps run up the stairs and the twins jumped onto the bed where I was laying down. Jacob hopped onto the bed along with the twins.

"Hey mommy! KJ is getting into the chocolate again!"

Aubrie says, crawling onto Jacob's back causing him to chuckle, Axel sat in my lap, hugging me. I smiled, hugging him back.

"Okay, let me go check on KJ."

I say, Aubrie and Axel ran downstairs laughing, I turned to Jacob, he smiled.

Then everything started to sound distorted and feel tingly, then I woke up to the feeling of silence. I grabbed my phone and wrote down my dream so I wouldn't forget it. I put my phone back on the nightstand, Jacob was sleeping peacefully with his arms around my waist.

It was pretty early in the morning, just an hour until the sun rises, I didn't feel like going back to sleep. I turned and faced Jacob. I slid closer to him, he moved a little and wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close to him.

"What are you doing up so early?"

Jacob says with a deep and sleepy tone.

"I couldn't really sleep, maybe a bit too much energy from that dream I had.."

I say, I felt Jacob nod tiredly.

"Do you want me to make you some tea or something?"

He says, playing with my hair tiredly, I nodded softly.

"I think it would help a lot."

I say, Jacob nodded and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"You seem really don't have to if you don't want to.."

I say, sitting up, resting my chin on his right shoulder, he pressed his head against mine and smiled.

"It's okay, I am kinda tired, but I'll make some coffee while I'm making tea, I'm not too tired since we went to bed late watching scary movies."

He says, standing up, I smiled and we tip-toed downstairs, trying to not wake the kids. Jacob grabbed a pan and put water in it, he turned the oven on and waited for the water to boil.

I grabbed a tea packet and put it in there while Jacob put water in the coffee maker and coffee powder and it started making coffee.

"What was your dream about?"

He says, leaning against the counter, holding me close to him.

"Well..the twins were at least five years old in it and they were telling me that KJ was getting into the chocolates again, and they ran downstairs and I looked at you and we smiled, then it kinda ended there."

I say, Jacob smiled and chuckled.

"Who knows why I had that dream, but I can't wait to see how big our family can get~."

I say as the coffee maker was done pouring the coffee into the mug. He grabbed the mug and took a sip of the hot coffee, he put the mug down and grabbed another for the tea.

"Alrighty, it looks done."

He says, I chuckle softly and smiled. He grabbed the pan and poured the tea in the pitcher. I grabbed the mug and Jacob poured the hot tea into it. Then I put the mug down to let it cool off.

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