Chapter 4: Cold

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Trinity's POV
I put my stuff in my binder, waiting for math class to be over, math is boring but the teacher is nice and fun.
The bell rings I get my stuff together and go to writing class.
Timeskip to the bell ringing
I sit down and put my stuff down next to me, I get my writing journal and start working, the bell rings again, I get my stuff together and go to science class to put my stuff in there and go to the cafeteria. As I get to the cafeteria, I sit next to Jacob and open my lunchbox, I grabbed my jar of soup, Jacob says "Hi Trin, how's it going?" I say " Hello Jacob, it's going okay.... and I'm starving". Me
and Jacob finish eating and throw our trash away and go outside.

Jacob's POV
Me and Trin walk out the door to go outside and hangout, I see it's cold outside and I look at Trin, shivering, I take my Minecraft hoodie off and gave it to her, she puts it on and says "Thank you Jacob❤️". I say "You're Welcome, I just can't see you cold so I let you wear my hoodie, cause I love you", Trin looks surprised and smiles sweetly " Aw, I love you too, very much~". I smile sweetly to her and nod my head, I slowly take Trin's hand into mine, intertwining our fingers, I hold onto her hand tightly, not to where it hurts but tightly to let her know I love her. Trin scoots close to me and rests her head on my shoulder and I rest my head on her head, she says " We'll be together forever right? Promise?" I look surprised at her, then I smile gently and say " Of course, why would I ever break that promise? It's because I love you too much, I don't want to ever let you go".
Trinity's POV
My eyes start overflowing with tears,
"J-Jacob... That's the most sweetest thing I have ever heard anyone tell me, you're the only one I truly love", I smile wide and hug Jacob tightly and bury my face in his chest, Jacob holds me back, embracing me in his warm arms, I sigh and close my eyes, smiling, keeping my face to his warm chest, listening to his calm heartbeat.
Timeskip to after school
Still Trinity's POV
I wait for Jacob by the classroom door, smiling at him, he smiles back at me and walks to me. Then we walk down the hall,and then go to the doors that lead outside, we walk together home, our hands intertwined.
Jacob's POV
We're walking home, holding hands.
I ask Trin " Hey, do you want to ride on my back? Your legs seem a little tired of walking". Trin looks at me, smiling and she nods". I bend down letting Trin get on my back.

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