Chapter 30: Liquor Store

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Warning: Drinking, Smut
Jacob's POV
I stared off into space, thinking of the times me and Trin went to a bar and drank, we had only gone to a bar two times, then Trin waved her hand in front of me, I snapped out of it and looked at Trin, she smiles and says "what's going on in your head?", I chuckled and said "I was thinking of the two times we went to a bar and drank, I kinda thought of going to the store to buy us some whiskey, beer, and wine, what do you think about that?", Trin says "I'd love some whiskey, beer, and wine, I'll come with you!", Trin smiles happily, I smiled sweetly back at her. We get up from the couch and I got the car keys and we got in the car and went to the store.
At The Store
We walked through the aisles to find the liquor aisle, we finally found it and we got two bottles of whiskeys, two bottles of beer, and another two bottles of wine, after we bought them, we drove back home.
Back At Home
We parked the car and stuff and we went inside the house, we put the bottles on the kitchen counter, I got two shot glasses, I ask Trin "Which do you want to drink? I'll take the same one as you.", Trin smiles sweetly and says "I want to drink the whiskey.", I pour whiskey in the two shot glasses and gave one to Trin, and we drank it down, I pour it in our glasses again and we drank it down a second time, then we drank it down a third time and we start feeling drunk, I put the bottles of liquor in the pantry, and the shot glasses in the dishwasher, then Trin and I go sit on the couch.
Trin's POV
I sat on Jacob's lap facing in front of him. Jacob passionately kisses me, I kiss back, it got more intense, Jacob takes my shirt off and he takes his shirt off too, I wrap my arms around his neck, Jacob takes my skirt off and his pants off, we were only in our underwear, Jacob pulls me closer and closer to him, he takes his boxers off and my panties off, he puts his member inside me and we moan in the kiss, he gets on top of me, we kiss passionately again, intertwining our fingers, we pull apart to catch our breaths. Jacob thrusts faster and we passionately kiss again, Jacob roughly massages my breasts, I moan softly in the kiss, then, we were in a different position, my body was against the wall, Jacob's lips hovering over mine, Jacob puts his member inside me again, I moan and say "Jacob, I-I want you t-to go further i-inside me", I stare into Jacob's eyes and smile sweetly at him, he smiles sweetly back at me. Jacob's lips hover over mine, Jacob puts his thumb over my lips, and passionately kisses me, he thrusts faster, his member going further inside me, I moan in the kiss and cum, we pull our lips apart and Jacob says "A-Am I getting closer?", I nodded at him, and passionately kiss again, getting closer to our climax, Jacob thrusts faster and gets further inside me, I moan and Jacob gets there, we reached our climax and came together, we moan loudly, I hold onto Jacob, I say "I-I love you so much that I want to just do it with you all the time, I guess that sounded a little bit embarrassing, haha", I blushed red, Jacob chuckled and said "Aww, I love you so much that I want to do it with you all the time too", Jacob smiles sweetly at me, I smile sweetly at him. We went upstairs and took a bath together, Jacob did my hair and everything and I did Jacob's hair and everything, then we were playing around with the bubbles and putting on each other's faces and goofy stuff, After that, we got out and dried each other with towels, and then we got dressed together and went downstairs to eat Olive Garden and we chilled on the couch, watching the Netflix original series called "Kiss Me First", it was so cool and crazy and wild, we had fun chilling and watching tv.

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