Chapter 35: Hawaii Vacation Part 5

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Warning: Cussing and gore
Jacob's POV
I stare at Trin, she doesn't seem to notice me staring at her, she keeps her eyes on the TV, we are watching Mirai Nikki for the third time all over again, we are on episode 24, it's our favorite anime, Yuno Gasai and Amano Yukiteru are our all time favorite couple! I look down at Trin's hand, our fingers interlock, Trin looks down at our hands and looks at me, she smiles sweetly, I smile back at her, I hug onto her, and we stay like that for a while.
Around 6PM...
We decided to go to a place to hang out, we hung out at this some kind of a Japanese place...and it's in Hawaii...we sat down on the floor, there weren't any chairs, just little mats to sit on. Trin and I sat together on a 2 person mat, we kept holding hands, Trin scoots closer to me and holds onto my arm, I chuckle and smile, I heard walking, I looked up, it was a woman named Tsubaki, like the woman on Mirai this a coincidence? The woman says "Hi, I do psychic readings, do you two want me to read your futures?", I stare at Tsubaki, then I look at Trin, she looks at me, smiling, she nods, I smile and nod too, we both look at Tsubaki, she nods and looks in her scroll thing...what a big and weird coincidence...
A Few Minutes Later...
Trin's POV
I stare at the floor, spacing out...until I heard Tsubaki say "Ready? You two will have a happy and a beautiful day on July 28th, and your love will keep rising.", I gasp, my eyes widen, I look at Jacob and smile brightly at him, I hold onto his arm tighter, he looks at me and smile brightly back at me, he hugs me tightly, I hug him back. Then people, staff that worked there were blocking us from leaving, then a guy pulls me back by the edge of my shirt, I fall back and look up at the guy, he looked really scary, that psychotic, insane, devilish smile. I got really scared, I couldn't take the fear and suffering anymore...
Jacob's POV
I stare at the guy in anger as he rips Trin's shirt off, Trin starts crying, she quickly covers her chest, I get my knife and kill every guy in the room except for Tsubaki, Trin and the one guy being an asshole. He ripped Trin's bra off too, and he starts playing around with her breasts, Trin whimpers and tries to get away, but the guy wouldn't let her out of his grip, I held the knife tightly, I aimed the knife at his head, I quickly threw it, good thing it didn't scratch or cut Trin, I would never forgive myself if I did that to her. The guy's grip loosened and he quickly fell to the ground, I took my jacket off and wrapped it around Trin, she kept crying and she wrapped her arms around my waist, burying her face in my leg, I bent down and held her, she buried her face in my chest and her hands clutches onto my shirt, I bury my face in her shoulder, we stayed like that for a little while, then I looked at Tsubaki, I said "Why did you put your fucking staff around to block us from getting out and making that one guy touch Trin!?", Tsubaki starts laughing, she said "Hahaha! I knew you guys would leave, so I thought you guys could stay and let that slut girl over there suffer more, and bring you to your anger, and see how powerful and skilled you are, I thought I could use you for killing other people.", my eyes widen, I yell "NO! I'LL NEVER KILL AN INNOCENT PERSON! ONLY IF THE PERSON DID SOMETHING THEN THEY DESERVE TO BE HURT OR KILLED! AND DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL MY TRIN A SLUT! YOU ARE A FUCKING BITCH!", I was so angry at Tsubaki, I grabbed the knife and threw it at her eye, the knife went through her skull, so she immediately fell backwards on the ground. I bend down to Trin and zip the jacket up, I grabbed her shirt and bra, I put it in my bag, we got in the car, Trin decided to put the car chair back and rest.
An hour or two later...
We finally got home, I got out and opened Trin's door, I look at her and smile, she still looks so cute when she sleeps, and she's so peaceful, no fear or anything in her expression, I pick her up and put her on my back, I close the door and unlock the front door, as soon as I closed the front door, I turn back, I saw Trin's stepdad...w-what? I s-swear I punched him to death! Trin slowly wakes up, she says "Are we home yet? What's going on?", I said "Yes, we are home, well...someone is here to take you home, but I won't let him...", Trin says "Who? I don't want to go home, I want to stay here with you, our happy day is on July 28th, and don't want anything to stop us from doing whatever we will do that is beautiful...", I nod.
Trin's POV
I look up, my eyes! It can't be him! Jacob punched him to death! B-But h-how?? I bury my face in his shoulder and I start tearing up, my grip tightens onto Jacobs shirt.
Jacob's POV
I put Trin down and hold onto her again, I said "How are you alive!? I killed you!", he chuckled and said "That was my twin.", my eyes widen, t-twin?! He never told us he had a fucking twin! I'll kill him anyways, he and his twin are exactly the same, so killing him could be the same as his twin. I grabbed the knife and pushed him down on the ground, Trin backs away closer to the wall and falls to her knees, she kept crying and buried her face in her knees, the man blocked my attack, he is a little more stronger than his brother, he dodged most of my attacks, he punched me in the stomach, he hit me pretty hard, but I didn't care, I kicked him right in the crotch, it bought me and Trin some time to hurry and run, I grabbed a knife, and I ran to Trin. I grabbed her hand and ran quickly to the little hideout that no one would find us in, it is a little door that blends in with the wall, we quickly jumped in there and shut the door, I held onto Trin, she hugged onto me, I kept holding onto her until we heard was him. Trin buries her face in my chest, I held her tightly, he says "Where are you?? You brat! You should come home, you deserve a punishment for letting that other kid killing my brother!" Trin started crying quietly, I whispered "You didn't do anything bad, I promise, it's just that guy is an ass, you don't deserve any "punishments" or anything from him at all.", Trin held me tighter, we heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, Trin got more scared by the second, I got more angry and worried by the second. We heard his foot hit the wall, on the door, he was angry that he couldn't find us so he left the room and looked elsewhere. We quickly got out of the hideout and ran to our bedroom, we hid in the closet, we heard footsteps again, they were closer and we saw the door open slowly, I dashed to the door and saw him, I stabbed him in the stomach and he fell to the floor, I got in top of him and stabbed him in the chest repeatedly until he finally died, I stabbed him in the head and let go of the knife, I still sat there and caught my breath. I stood up and turned to Trin, she runs and hugs me, crying in my chest, I hug her back, tightly. We used magic to make his dead body disappear and everything of his disappear. After that, it was around 7:30 PM, me and Trin just cuddled on the couch.

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