Chapter 60: The Tables Have Turned

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25,938 words
Warning: smut, torture

Jacob's POV

Trin had kicked Dakota in the leg, spit in her face and walked away, towards me.

"Shall we leave her here with nothing to do for the next...twenty-four hours?"

Trin says, we nodded and got into the car, leaving Dakota alone at the warehouse.


I sat on the couch, watching TV with Jonas and KJ was making some sort of racket in his room, playing around with Quinn. Jonas got up and walked to the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

He says, I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll have a coke."

I say, Jonas nodded and grabbed two sodas from the fridge and walked back to the couch. He sat down and handed me the Coca-Cola, I popped it open and took a sip. I heard Trin walk down the stairs, I looked back and saw her walking towards us. She was flapping her hands and making small noises, noticeably overwhelmed by the loud noises, bright fluorescent light, and possibly other things.

"Hey..what's wrong? Is it the light or sounds, or something else?"

I ask, Trin nodded her head, I put the coke down on the table and reached my arms out to Trin. She sat in my lap and buried her face in my chest, I rubbed her back and started rocking her, holding her nice and tight. Trin rubbed the fabric of my shirt in between her fingers, trying to self soothe and regulate.

"Can you switch off the lights and turn on the LED lights to red or green, either one. The fluorescent lights are too bright for her."

I say, looking at Jonas, he nodded and dimmed the lights off and the LED lights on. Dim red lights illuminated the room, Trin was still overwhelmed, tapping her head against my shoulder. She squeezed the fabric of my shirt and continued to rock back and forth, I rubbed her back.

"Here, let me grab this soft blanket, this shall make you feel a bit better."

I say softly, reaching behind me where a soft black blanket was folded on top of the couch, I unfolded it and wrapped Trin in it. Resuming the rocking after I had completely wrapped her up in the soft blanket like a burrito. She went back to fidgeting and rubbing the fabric of my shirt in between her fingers. I smiled softly and kept my arms wrapped around her tightly. She buried her face in my shoulder again and took a deep sigh, she then looked up at me, gesturing me to grab something to type or write with, I handed her my phone and she typed something in. She turned the screen around so I could see what she typed.

'I'm sorry I get overstimulated, or become nonverbal after a meltdown.'

I smiled softly and shook my head.

"It's perfectly fine, you don't have to talk. You can talk when you feel better. Do you want to go in the sensory swing?"

I say, Trin nodded and I picked her up, walking upstairs. She typed on my phone again as I walked into the sensory room.

'Will you hold me and wrap us up in your favorite soft blanket?'

I nodded and smiled, I grabbed my favorite black and red Breaking Bad blanket and got into the swing, adjusting myself until I was comfortable. I gestured Trin to come in and she had her knees close to her chest, and rested her head against my chest. I wrapped the soft blanket completely around us like a burrito, her favorite. Her small hands grabbed onto the fabric of my shirt, rubbing it in between her fingers, resuming stimming. I started to slowly swing us back and forth, rubbing Trin's back and arms. The room was soundproof, so there was no noise from outside to keep the room quiet, to prevent a sensory overload/meltdown, and to keep it from getting worse. I grabbed a small water bottle from outside of the swing and gave it to Trin, she smiled softly and took a sip, I could tell she was feeling tired.

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