24: Just Plain Old Friendship

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Being in a relationship with your best friends' brother was one thing but being in a relationship with a work colleague was a different matter altogether. Relationships within the office were usually frowned upon, but where else were you supposed to meet your potential other half if all you did was work then go back home?

Jason and I hadn't discussed what would happen if we ever did get caught in the workplace, but we were always careful. At least, I assumed we were.

"Did you eventually find something to get for your girlfriends' birthday this weekend?" Jakub asked Daniel one afternoon as we casually chatted while we worked away.

Daniel smiled and stood from his desk. "I think I found the perfect present" He grinned, looking like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. "I'm going to propose to her". We all exclaimed our praises and congratulated Daniel at the news. "Thanks guys. I'll just need to hope and pray she says yes"

"I'm sure she will" Madeline beamed. "I would love to hear more about it, but I've got to go into a meeting. Show me a picture of the ring once I'm back" Madeline smiled, before sauntering off to the meeting room.

"Considering it's a special birthday, her thirtieth, I wanted to do something big. We've been going out for almost five years now and I just wanted to show her how much she means to me" Daniel explained, his ears taking on a tinge of pink.

"That's so sweet" Yasmeen gushed. "Oh, to be young and in love again"

"They always say to enjoy this time of your life, right Rosie?" Daniel smirked my way.

My mind was in a world of its own, that I didn't realise what he had said "What?"

"You know what I mean" Daniel waggled his eyebrows. Yasmeen and Jakub snickered from their sides of the desk.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I shook my head, confused at my team's behaviour.

"Daniel may or may not have told us about your little adventures in Edinburgh" Yasmeen giggled.

I turned to face Daniel, wondering what she meant. "Again, I have no clue what you're talking about. I was with you guys pretty much most of the time"

"Yeah, most of the time. But the rest of the time..." Daniel raised an eyebrow. I was assuming I was meant to finish the sentence for him.

"You spent your time with a certain someone" Jakub finished for him.

I could feel my face heat up. Did they know about Jason and me? Did Daniel manage to figure out what was happening between us? We had tried to be careful, but I guess we weren't careful enough.

I shook my head, feigning innocence. "And who would you be referring to?"

"I'm not surprised" Yasmeen smiled "I heard you and Jason got to share a room together. There's nothing like sharing room to get a little closer to someone"

I blushed furiously, wondering if everyone now knew that we had shared a room together. "It wasn't like that...I mean... nothing happened"

"Sure, nothing happened" Jakub laughed. "Have you even noticed the chemistry between you two? Its so obvious you guys like each other, even when you first started here. Now, you could cut that tension with a knife seeing you two together"

Was it possible to blush even harder? Because if so, that's what I was doing right now. I probably looked like a beetroot. "Well, I can promise you, nothing is going on between us" I said, scrambling for something to say to make sure our secret wasn't discovered.

"Well, not according to Daniel" Yasmeen smirked.

I crinkled my eyes at Daniel, who pursed his lips and pretended to get back to his work. "Hey, I was only reporting back what I saw"

Oh,Brother! (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon