Chapter 50

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"Let's have dinner out tonight." Tae was suddenly asked Copter while they were having lunch together, making the guy almost choked on his food, that Tae had to hand him his drinks. Copter was taking the drinks and sip on it, calming his coughing fit earlier.

Seeing Copter was calm and okay, Tae continued. "I said, let's have a formal date. I wanted to bring you to a special dinner tonight, only you and me. What do you say?" Copter was swallowing his saliva instead of his unfinished food in front of him, looking straight at Tae's face, confused. He didn't know how to react nor to answer the guy.

"Please, tell me what you were thinking about, Cop. I want you to open up to me, even for little things, so I could understand you better. What did you think if we were to have dinner out tonight? Or maybe I hope we could have it from time to time. So, what do you think?" Tae was persuading Copter, hoping for the guy could be opened up to him.

Copter then put down his spoon and fork and was putting down his hands on his laps, fidgeting with his fingers and was looking down on it before answering Tae. "I don't know P'Tae. I'm sorry." Tae was smiling at it because he was expected as much since this wasn't the first he was trying to ask the guy.

"Are you afraid you will have your attack and you will make a problem for me?" Copter was looking up to Tae hearing his questions. To be honest, Tae was right but he still doesn't feel right to take the risk outside when he couldn't help himself even in the shop he was working at.

"How about I cook for you? We can have dinner in your room." Tae was sighed to that. "I wanted it special for you, Cop, not for me. Of course, I would love to eat your cooked food, I missed it. But, can we give it a try? You cannot avoid it forever Cop. Let's give it a try for today, and I promise you I will be with you all the time. So, if you felt afraid, you could just hold me tight, whenever and wherever. Please."

Copter was biting his lips. He actually felt bad for refusing Tae's request over and over again. He was already lost counts of how many times he did refuse the request, and he will felt guilty if he ever refused it again. But then, he couldn't help it, but to feel afraid of himself. It was something he couldn't control up to now.

Every time he saw a group of guys, the image will come back to him right away that he was afraid to the extent of paralyzed all his muscles, and sometimes, he felt hard just to breathe normally and it was hard to get himself out of it too. In the shop, Bas, his P'Tae and his P'Godt would always be there to cover for him. But to be outside, he wasn't sure.

"Cop." Copter was out from his own reverie when he realizes Tae was already kneeling beside his chair, holding his fidgeting hands. He looks down on him while Tae was looking up straight to his eyes. "Love, I know you felt afraid, and that you were worried more you will humiliate me in front of other people. I can see right through you, Cop. I hope you could understand me too. No matter what, all I want is the best for you, My Love."

Copter biting his lower lips hard, trying to fight the tears from falling. 'Why would his P'Tae was stuck with someone like him when he deserves someone better and someone normal. He was far from normal, and he was feeling bad for his love. Was he been selfish?

"Why are you such a cry baby, my love?" Tae would wipe his tears that were falling. "What if I humiliated you, P? I......" Tae was holding his hands tighter, making Copter stopped with his trails of words. "You will never humiliate me, Cop. No matter what happened."

After so much persuasion, finally, Copter gives in to Tae's request. So, here they are on the way to the restaurant that Tae was already made reservations earlier that day, and was borrowing Kimmon's car. He thought it was inappropriate to bring Copter to dinner with a motorbike, so here they were together in the borrowed car with Tae was smiling widely while driving and Copter was quite nervous, fidgeting in his seat.

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