Chapter 7

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"When I asked you to prove things more to me, I wasn't talking about things like this, P'Tae. Now I feel offended." Copter was walking away from Tae who was standing inside the phone store, trying to buy Copter a cell phone, which denied by the said guy.

Tae was shocked by it and was running after the petite guy, trying to understand the reason. "Cop, Cop, please, love, what happened? Why? I just want you have it so I could contact you and called you. It's time for me to go home, but I don't want to leave you either. Please, Cop, I'm sorry if you feel offended by it. I did it so that I could contact you and talk to you even though I wasn't there with you."

Copter was stop at the walk path in front of various store at the town, turning back to Tae. They were currently at the town, when Tae had followed Copter running almost an hour to the school just to get the bus from the bus stop in front of the school. Once they were arrived at the town, Tae was heading to the place supposedly his motorcycle had been park before he had been attacked by all those guys. And luckily the motorcycle was still there, but he had to deal with the bank and the phone store to restore his old phone number and to make a new bank card, reporting the loss of his old card, while Copter had done with his groceries and his money saving process.

Once they were meeting at the place they promise to meet after settling everything, Tae was dragging Copter to the phone store. "We were not beggars P'Tae. I know a phone was something very important nowadays and you thought I don't know that? I just don't want you think that what I felt to you had anything with your background, P. And besides, we were still new, P'Tae for me to accept expensive things from you, P. Let's give ourselves sometime more. Whenever you miss me, you just can come to me, since you had the ability to do that. You know my house, and I don't have any other place to be except for school, and you were there too."

Called it ego or whatever, but Copter had to make P'Tae understand his position. He might be poor but he wasn't a beggar. He loves Tae for he is but not for anything he has. But he knew he accepted Tae with all he is, but it doesn't mean he had to take advantage of that. He believe that there are always time for everything. And now wasn't time for him yet to accept expensive things from him. He wanted their relationship was pure and strong based on what they had in heart, instead of what they had in hands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you think that way, Cop. I'll do better, I promise. Please don't get mad at me na?" Copter was smiling and nodding his head while patting Tae's cheek. "How could I be mad at you for long, P'Tae. Look at your face, so funny." Copter then walked away while laughing leaving dumbfounded Tae,

Tae then running after Copter choking him from behind. "You trick me again, do you?' Copter was struggling while patting on Tae's hand on his neck. "P'Tae, P'Tae, P'Tae." But then, the hold of Tae's arm loosening slowly and that he was quiet all of a sudden, making Copter astonished. He was turning around looking at Tae and then turn to the direction of that guy's gaze just to face a familiar faces. The minions.

"Tae, we couldn't contact you on the whole week, and here you are, with the village boy acting lovey-dovey? What? You might hurt your head that hard for you to forget that he was our target." Tae was frowning and Copter was staring sharply on the guy that Copter knew named Pin. He was acting as the leader whenever Tae wasn't with them.

"Nobody knows that I'm been hit on the head, except for the one hitting me, or being there watching me been hit, or saving me after that. You obviously not the one who saved me, so, was it you who hit me or you watch me get the hit? Were you there, Pin?" Pin's expression suddenly changed that he couldn't utter a word to even deny the whole things. He must be so stupid then, that's why he couldn't be a leader, and never could be.

"I know you were stupid, but I never knew you were this stupid. That gang you were thought your friends will make you the next target after me. Better watch your back." Tae then hold Copter's hand and pulled him leaving all four of them dumbfounded. But just right after they both past the four guy, Tae was turning back to them, while his hand still holding onto Copter's hand.

"Aaaa, from now on, we were not friends anymore, if I could call 'us' as friends, and don't look for me anymore. And don't think to touch even a hair of Copter, if you still remember who I am. Let's go, Cop." They both were leaving those ungrateful bastards. After being friend more than a year with Tae, how dare they stabbed him on his back just like that.


"I thought you said you were going home." Copter said when he saw Tae was getting down from his motorbike too. Copter was taken aback when suddenly Tae had dragged him and ride a motorbike when they were going back home. He didn't say anything when Tae was putting on the helmet on his head and just ride on his bike going straight home.

"I want to be with you longer. And besides, I need to say my greetings and appreciation to your father and brother, right?" Copter just rolled his eyes to Tae's silly reason but then he was smiling anyway. He was getting into the house right away and putting down his backpack. Since he needs to run his way going there and back home, Copter would usually bring a backpack so that he could put things on the bag, easier for him to run around.

Tae was heading straight to the field where Godt and Weerawat would be, but then he just past them with a smile, and Godt would just ignore him. He was still angry with Tae for the fact that he was the one who always bullied Copter before, even though he knew Copter now loving the guy.

Tae was coming closer to Somchai, greetings him and talk to him for a while. Copter who was just coming to the field, take the seat at the usual place and watch Tae who was having a conversation with Somchai. He wondered about what things they have that they could talk to each other like that, but then again, Copter just ignored it thinking it wasn't his business.

But then, once Tae was taking a seat beside him, he couldn't help but to ask, "What are you talking about with P'Somchai?" Tae would just shrugged his shoulder making Copter giving out his revulsion expression, unsatisfied, but then he didn't asking further. Tae who could see the guy's face was just laughing and pulled him by his shoulder, while watching Weerawat and Godt finished weeding and cleaning the paddy field. It was near the time for them to harvest seeing the yellow of the paddy color, beautify the view even more.

"Just asking him about Oat. He would tell me the same things you did. I thought maybe he had other information I could use." Copter then was frowning. "Use for what?" Tae would just shaking his head, "Nothing for you to worry about, okay?"

End of Chapter 7

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