Chapter 13

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They were already halfway through the journey when suddenly Godt had a nature calling. He was trying to keep it in, but considering the long way ahead, he was nudging the seat in front of him, trying to wake Copter up. He didn't feel comfortable talking straight to Kimmon but Copter was in deep sleep. So he was nudging some more and Kimmon was realized what he was doing making him smile but didn't say anything to it.

Only a few minutes after that, Copter wakes up and was turning back to his brother who was sitting at the backseat. Godt would just give him a signal and Copter was looking at Kimmon who focused on his driving. "P'Kim, P'Godt needs to go to the toilet." Kimmon would be smiling hearing that earning a scowl from Godt.

"There will have a gas station in a few miles. Please hold it in for a little more while." Godt would just look out of the window and Copter could see his brother was uncomfortable. Once they were stopped at the gas station, Copter was coming out from the car right away, opening the door behind him, to help his brother to the toilet. But then when he was about to pull his brother up, another pair of hands had beat him to it.

"Let me help him. He was my height, so it was easier for me. Hand him his crutch, and you just wait here. I didn't turn off the engine." Copter was stunned and will just do what Kimmon had told him to do while Godt would give Kimmon a confused look. Unfortunately, he wasn't in a position to decline the guy's help. They were silent all the way to the toilet but it was different when they were coming out from it.

"I don't know why you help my brother, and I hope you didn't have any other intentions. This is my warning to you, if you ever had other intentions on Copter, I..." Kimmon was cut Godt's words since he didn't like the tone he was using, though he understand Godt's position.

"I don't. Trust me or not, to me he was just like a brother I need to protect, just like my own brother. So, chill, I wasn't that dirty old man you saw on me." Kimmon then turns to Godt who faces wasn't that far from him, making Godt turn to him too. "If anything, I'm more interested in you." Kimmon was giving out his cunning smile while Godt was shocked and was pushing Kimmon out of reflex, makes both of them fall down the floor.

Copter was seeing both of them falling down, running to them. "P'Godt, P'Kim, are you both alright?" but he was heading straight to his P'Godt and help him get up, while Kimmon would get up by himself and was rubbing the dirt on his butt in the process. Godt was standing up with the help of Copter but was staring straight at Kimmon, giving him his scowl expression.

Copter and Godt were just walked to the car, leaving Kimmon behind. Kimmon was watching the two brothers retreating back while scratching his un-itchy head, frustrated with himself. He didn't know why he makes that comment and he was shocked himself when he realizes what he was doing. He knew the guy was hating him enough because of Copter, been suspicious of him and why did he have to make it worse?


Copter was helping his brother getting out of the car right away when Kimmon pulled his car in front of the coffee house. It was already 12.03 am when they arrived and the coffee house was already closed. Kimmon was out getting the door opened for both of the brothers to get in.

Godt was refusing Kimmon's help and Copter more than willing to help his brother taking the stairs up to their room. Kimmon would just follow with little things they had to their room. Once getting in, Godt was in awe to see a hundredth times better place than their house with all the setup. A comfy bed, a big space to just call a room, cabinet, and closet that looks luxurious though it was just a normal cabinet.

He turns to Copter with that face and Copter could just giving him a smile since he had the same reaction when he first saw the room yesterday. Then Copter would just proceed pulling his brother to sit on the bed, so he could have a rest he needed. Kimmon then put all the things in his hands down the floor beside the bed.

"Cop, you could have some rest tomorrow so you could settle in with your brother. My brother will help you through and bring you around. I'll introduce him to you two tomorrow. I'll get going first, see you later." Kimmon was leaving the two brothers right after that.


"How did you meet him?" Godt was asking Copter right after they both were finished taking a bath and settle on the bed, about to go to sleep, with all the lights were turned off. The light from the outside lamp was helping them looking around, though. "I was walking around for hours trying to find some jobs while looking for someplace to sleep. I've seen the notice in front of this coffee shop and getting in right away for a walk-in interview. That's how I met him."

"Please, don't roam around by yourself again, no matter what happens, okay? I could be dead worrying about you, you know? Then how could he decide to help you with all this?" Godt was still curious and still in not believing the guy state that Copter would just shake his head.

"I'm telling him the truth of what happened to us. And somehow, he believed me. I'm in no condition to refuse his offer, and it wasn't that bad. All I have to do is to give my best working for him, and he even said he would make me try various tasks just to see which one suitable for me."

Godt was sighing to that. "I hope he doesn't use this opportunity to just bossing you around." Copter was laughing at that. "Even if he did, he had every right, P. Let's not talking about him anymore, I'm sleepy." Copter was turning his back to his brother, sleeping on his right side, closing his eyes, trying to sleep.

Even after an hour, he couldn't really sleep. Maybe he had too much sleep in the car that he couldn't lull himself to sleep. But the truth is, his mind was still active thinking about certain someone he didn't know where and what he was doing. Or even what had happened to him?

Just thinking about him some more, making his tears fall and he was silently crying for he had missed the guy so much though. All he could do was to wish for him to be okay and that the guy didn't forget about him, even though he was afraid the guy would, but still had his hopes high that what they have between them was real.

He didn't have anything to remind him of the guy, but the memory they had together for that one week. Yes, it just a week span, but it was a whole lot meaningful to him and he hopes it was meaningful enough for the guy too. That were all the moment he could cherish forever and hoping he would meet the guy again someday, since that was all he had, to hope.

End of Chapter 13

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