Chapter 47

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"What should I do, P'Tae? I shouldn't do this to you, it wasn't fair for you. I......" Tae put his pointing finger on Copter's mouth, shutting him up.

They were both cuddling with each other, ignoring their dinner for the meantime after all the crying mess earlier. Copter was leaning on Tae's shoulder in Tae's arm while he would fiddle with Tae's end shirt.

He looks up to Tae when the guy puts his finger on his mouth, shutting him. "You just have to be here beside me. You don't have to do anything, let me do everything else."

Copter then suddenly pushed himself up to give Tae's a quick peck then hide his face away on Tae's chest, blushing, shocking the h*ll out of Tae. But then the guy was smiling widely pulling Copter closer, if that possible, trying so hard so that he wouldn't have a tent between his legs, or he will have big problems. Copter was still in trauma, he needs to calm down.

It wasn't their first kiss, and h*ck, it wasn't even a kiss, just a peck, but that the sweetest gesture he felt ever from the petite guy. But then, he felt Copter's body was shaking so badly, so he was soothing the guy while rubbing his arm up and down. "Don't force yourself Cop. I'm happy enough just you being here. As I said, you don't have to do anything, let's take things slowly, so you could take your time."


"You look happy. Have you had a good talk with Tae?" Copter was stopped for a while when he was about to put on his other set of uniforms, which Godt had brought it for him this morning. He then continues to finish putting on his uniform on, before sitting beside Godt at the bedside. He ends up cuddle the whole night with Tae and the guy had to start to work earlier, since he had to open the shop.

But then, Godt was frowning saw him with a sigh. "I don't know if what I do is right, P." Copter was looking down the floor. "When you are happy and Tae is happy too, I don't see any wrong with it, Cop." Copter then turns to his brother.

"But I don't deserve his love, P. I..." This time Godt had to let out his sigh before he cut Copter's words. "So, what makes it different, Cop? You still are my brother even after all this. And to Tae too, you are....." Copter was shaking his head and cut Godt's words.

"It was different P'Godt. You and he are different. You are family no matter what, but him, he could discard me and left me later if he thinks I wasn't worth it, P. Maybe the main reason I was scared all this time because I felt like I walked on glass if I chose this. It would break anytime, P. I will be destroyed if that really happens, P."

Godt was patting Copter's shoulder when Copter would wipe his own tears that would just fall whenever he talked about his insecurity. "Then, I just want you to enjoy the moment, Cop. If one day he decides to do that, I promise I will not let you break, I'll be there for you, Cop. and he had to pay for that too, I'll make sure of that, too. Please don't be afraid, and try to have a little faith in Tae. That would be best. If you keep being like this, it makes it more difficult between him and you. Just enjoy the now time, instead of thinking about the future that you weren't even sure, okay?"

Copter then take a deep breath hearing his brother, and was trying hard to convince himself with his brother's words. His brother was right, he was afraid of unsure things. things could be different from what he thought. He was taking another deep breath and was looking straight to his brother, trying to form a smile. "Thank you, P'Godt."


Going down to the shop, Godt and Copter could see Bas stunned expression while sitting at one of the tables with a girl they didn't recognize. While they were walking coming near, Bas had slowly stood up but then when Godt saw the girl was standing up fast, he was faster coming near to them and had been there at the right time to catch her hand that was about to slap Bas.

When her first attempt was failed, she took the cup that was still filled with orange juice and was about to throw the water on Bas's face, but then this time, Copter was fast to stand in front of Bas, hugging him, giving his back to the girl, making the fresh orange splash on his back instead.

Seeing that, Tae who was just coming out from the kitchen fast running, coming closer, holding the other hand of that girl. "What the h*ll are you doing? Sunan, call P'Kim. Cop, take Bas in. We handle her here."

The girl was just laughing. "Yeah, running like that you cowardly my fiancé stealer!" She was shouting, just to humiliate Bas, and let all the people around know the made up fact that Bas was taking her fiancé. "Fiance? You were ex-fiance of P'Joss then?" Tae was asking her in his harsh tone, make her jumps a little bit.

Hearing ex-fiance, Bas who was walking pulling by Copter was stopped and turning back to her. "Why are you here after you left P'Joss when you thought he wouldn't have anything from his late grandfather's wealth?" Tae was asking her, while she still trying to wiggle her hands out from Godt's and Tae's hold.

"What's this? What happened?" Kimmon was coming out from his office when he was been called while succumbing himself with reading all the reports he needs to finish by today and saw a very weird aura? When he saw Bas's pale face, he runs to him right away. "Bas, why? Why are you pale? Who did this?"

He then was looking around when nobody answered him. They didn't know how to give fast and shorts explanations, really. "Aranya? What are you doing here? Godt, let her hand go, you can only hold my hand, you too Tae, don't start cheating on Copter."

With an irritation face, Godt was letting go of that girl's hand and Tae was actually pushed that girl's hand harshly, while he would turn to Copter, afraid the guy would think otherwise, since Kimmon had gave him that idea. Luckily, Copter was busy trying to calm Bas down.

"What are you doing to my brother? You were not thinking that Joss was still your fiancé, did you?" Now that girl's face was pale. She never thought Bas would be Kimmon's brother, her ex-fiance's best friend that he was only met on the engagement day, but then Joss would always talked about him.

Kimmon then coming closer to her, standing right in front of her. When suddenly Kimmon was cupping the girl's chin harshly, Godt was gaping. He could see the dangerous eyes of Kimmon his yet to see, but it was there, looking straight at the girl's face, shaking her to the brim. "Don't tell me that you were harassing my brother, telling him he was stealing your fiancé or something like that, do you? Cause if you do, you would see my wrath, and believe me, you might not even see the next day if it happened."

Kimmon then pushed her, letting go his hand, and then smiling widely looking around and was waii to the few customers that were there. Luckily there were not many customers at this time of the day. "I'm sorry for the disturbance. You will have a 20% discount today. Please enjoy your meal."

"You should leave and never ever shown up in front of Bas or P'Joss. Stupid girl." Tae was telling stunned Aranya to leave. Gone was all the confidence she had. Just like Tae had said, she was leaving Joss when she thought Joss couldn't have a penny from his grandfather's will and was having an affair with Joss's enemy instead. But she mistook it as a serious relationship when she was just past time affair that she was trying to crawl her way back to Joss when she realizes she had made a wrong decision.

Kimmon was coming closer to Bas who was still standing at the same place he was stopped before and Tae was coming closer to Copter. Godt would just follow Kimmon, tailing him from behind.

"Cop, come, you need to change your uniform, I don't want you to catch a cold later. You just coming out of the hospital." Tae would say that, taking Copter's attention back to him.

Tae was just pulling Copter right away, heading upstairs. Kimmon then was putting his hand on his brother's shoulder, pulling him to his office. Godt was just following their step to Kimmon's office.

End of Chapter 47

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