Chapter 51

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After spending some time, Tae and Copter were leaving the private room of the restaurant and heading straight to get outside. They were just passing the table in front when suddenly Copter had to pull Tae's hand, making their steps halted.

"I need to use the washroom." Copter was telling him. "Do you need me to come with you?" Looking around and Copter could see the direction to the toilet and that there were not many people occupied the table along the way.

"No, it's okay. I think I can manage. You just have to wait here, P." Tae was looking intently at Copter, worried for him. "Are you sure?" Copter was giving out his reassuring smile then nods his head. Reluctantly, Tae was letting go of Copter's hand and watch his step, and even until he lost the sight of Copter at the corner, he was still looking in the same direction, and only when someone had patted his shoulder did he turned away from it.

Once Copter just stepping into the washroom, a guy was just about to get out, walking past him. He knew he shouldn't be, but then watching the guy was walking to his direction, his heart skips a beat, and his stepped halted. When the guy was just ignored him walking pass him, he took in a deep breath, telling himself everything's gonna be okay and he better be quick.

He walked straight in, straight to his business, so he can quickly come back to his P'Tae, who was waiting outside. Once he finished, after washing his hands, he gets out and when he was at the corner, he was smiling thinking his P'Tae would be looking at his direction but then what he sees was makes his step halted once again.

His P'Tae was still standing at the same place he left the guy 10 minutes before, but then there was someone else with him. Someone he knew and he still remembers the sweet and handsome face, which talking and laughing with his P'Tae.

He watched them quite some time, hoping his P'Tae to turn to his direction, but both of them were so into their conversation that Copter couldn't help but be insecure. Tee was much more handsome and sweet than him, and the he right now, couldn't make his P'Tae laughing that hard over a conversation. It was always a question of him okay or not or something like that over the conversation.

His P'Tae should be with someone like that instead of stuck with someone as abnormal as him. They shouldn't break-off their engagement in the first place. If I wasn't here, they would be happily married to each other. With that thought, Copter was walking slowly taking another route to the main door and left the restaurant right away.

He took a walk outside the restaurant and the night was clear with the full moon up in the sky. he took in the sight for a while before making his way following his own two feet. It was still early, so when he reached an area with shops lots, and then a group of guy was walking passing him, his step was halted, his heart stop beating until the moment all those guys were already behind him.

He forgot. He was so into his own emotion that he forgot he was outside. When another two guys in front of him walking to his direction, he couldn't move yet again and he felt those eyes were boring holes into his soul that he couldn't breathe. Yet, his heart was beating fast and he was shaking.

He was trying hard to calm down, and when those guys were behind him already, only then he could make his step again. He was looking for a quiet place with no people around. He walked past ahead, and he could see the dark alley, so he going into the dark alley, leaning on the wall, sitting on the ground, hugging his own knee, and was crying his wholeheartedly.

Meanwhile, Tae who was stumbling to Tee was talking with Tee while waiting for his Copter. But then he felt Copter was taking longer than he should that he started to get worried. "I'm sorry, Tee, I need to look for Copter." Tae was running to the bathroom and was looking at every toilet in there, but there was no one inside that he got nervous and worried.

He runs outside the bathroom, back to where he was standing, and was looking around while Tee who was still there frowning watching Tae's reaction. "What happened, Tae? Where's Copter?" Tae was shaking his head, while still looking around, and he was running back to the private room they were occupied earlier, just maybe Copter going back there that he had left something behind, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Cop, where are you. Please, don't scare me, Cop. Where are you?" Tae then walking straight to the door of the restaurant and asking the receptionist. "Miss, have you seen my partner?" The woman would glance at Tae and Tee who was also following him around before answer. Tae could guess the meaning of the look, but he could care less, the most important thing was only Copter.

"Are you talking about the first partner you were here? Yes, he walked out almost 10 minutes ago." Hearing almost sarcastic remark of the woman, Tae was running outside right away, not even a thank you, but Tee was saying his thanks anyway.

Tae was coming to his car, just maybe, Copter was waiting there, but no, there's no trace of Copter anywhere and he was raking his hair. He was so into his conversation that he couldn't even realize Copter was going outside.

Running to the gate, Tae didn't know which side to take. If Copter was walking he might not have gone far, but if he took another direction, he might lose Copter far away than necessary. "You go to the right I'll look for him to the left. Call me if you already found him, and I'll call you if I found him."

Tae was going straight to the right and he was looking everywhere. When he reaches the area of most of the shops were, he was afraid for his Copter. There were so many people and so many guys in the group around here. He was looking for Copter around, chanting in his head, "Copter, Copter, love, please, Copter...."

He was running around like a mad man, that every passer-by was looking at him weirdly but seriously people, he doesn't care. He was looking for his love, and that was all-important for him. He walked past a dark alley when his step stopped. With these people walking around, dark alley might be some private space Copter would take. And if he really did, Tae was wished with his full heart that Copter wouldn't be hurt.

Tae was slowly making his way into the dark alley and he could hear some sobbing. It was a faint sound, but he could clearly say it was sobbing sound. "Copter?" He was slowly called while keep walking deeper. "Copter, love, are you here?"

When the sound was clear enough, Tae could see Copter was leaning on the wall sitting down the floor, hugging his own knees, shaking while his tears were falling nonstop. He was fast running to him and hugging him right away.

"Love, oh my, Copter, thank goodness you were alright." He was pulling Copter's head and was looking down on his face, "Love, why are you running away from me? You are okay, right? No one did anything to you, right?" Tae was checking Copter's whole body while keeps asking him.

Copter was looking straight to Tae's face without a word that making Tae feeling weird and worried more. When he was about to asked Copter, the guy was already falling into his arm, unconscious. "Cop, Copter. Love!"

He took out his phone and calling Tee, asking him to bring his car to where he was while he was taking Copter in bridal style waiting for Tee's car. He heard some murmured around, but it wasn't his concern. Copter needs to go to the hospital and he was getting into the car right away once it reaches in front of him.

While in the car, he had called Kimmon telling everything and also telling him the hospital they were going to while never let go of Copter. Once arrived at the emergency, he would get out taking Copter bridal style that the hospital staff would come to him with a hospital bed and was taking him right into the emergency room.

He was standing there watching the door of the emergency room, wishing he would do the same at the restaurant earlier, even though he was into the conversation. They were talking about his date with Copter, which Tae had excitedly telling Tee about their date and how Copter would enjoy the date that he was so excitedly chimed everything to Tee, that he forgot to look into the direction he was supposed to.

His Copter might have seen him with Tee, and was thinking the same thing just like the woman receptionist would think of him. He was supposedly a genius, but then why would he be this stupid whenever it comes to Copter.

He was deep in his thought when suddenly, he was pulled making him turned around, and out of nowhere, he fell down getting hit on his jaw. P'Godt was towering him with his red face and fist hand.

End of Chapter 51

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