Chapter 32

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Tae was staring at Copter and the position the guy was with his own friend. Copter was about to take a step coming to him when Tae was fast walking straight to Kimmon ignoring Copter, as if they didn't knew each other. To that Copter was shocked and stunned and dumbfounded. 'Did he changed?'

"P'Kim, it's been a long time. How are you?" Tae was going straight to Kimmon and was hugging the guy while Copter would standing still in his place, dumbfounded still. His tears were already pooling, but he knew he had to keep it in. His P'Tae was no more, and this guy was just P'Kim's and P'Joss's friend, nothing more.

"You said you were coming to visit us but didn't even come for once. You make us nervous with all the message, and now, here you are, already engage." Tae was just smile at Kimmon's remark. "Where's your fiancé?"

Hearing the word 'engage' and 'fiance', Copter felt his world got darker and he was afraid he couldn't get out from it. He tried to take a deep breath, trying to gather all energy he had left, which he wasn't sure whether he still had, but he had to. He had to.

"Babe, come here. This is my other friend, P'Kim." Hearing Tae was calling someone else 'babe', Tae had killed him again and again. This couldn't be real, it shouldn't be. "This is P'Kim. P'Kim, this is Tee, my fiancé." Kimmon was smiling sweetly while shaking hands to a sweet Tee, which Tae was pulling him on his shoulder.

Kimmon then pulling Copter on his shoulder, making him turn around facing his nightmare with arms on another man he called babe which currently status was his fiancé. He felt like his heart stopped at the guy smile face, which wasn't for him, anymore. Facing them both, he tried to form his smile, and he did, awkwardly.

"And this is, Copter......" Kimmon was just about to say, someone like a brother when Tae had cut him to it, shocking everyone. "A slut, I know." Copter was biting his inner lips hard trying to contain his tears, hearing the cold tone of the man once he thought his life but he wasn't sure he even could hold it in any longer.

"What are you saying, Tae?" Kimmon suddenly asks. He didn't know why Tae was saying it to Copter, but this isn't fair to Copter. Joss who was standing beside them was shocking to that too. He was sending Bas to the front when Tae and Tee had arrived and was introduce them to Bas first before Bas had left them. Tae was walking first, eagerly to meet Kimmon while Joss was talking with Tee, trying to get to know each other, walking side-by-side.

"It's okay, P'Kim. He's right. I'm just a slut. Since I'm just a slut, I don't think I have the right to mingle with you guys. I think I have to go first. Thank you for dinner P'Joss."

Joss and Kimmon were dumbfounded with all things to turn right now. Copter coming closer to Kimmon and was whispering to him, making Tae was sicker and keep on glaring on them. The main reason he was here the first thing he could get away from Tee's family was to find Copter and to see with his own eyes the fact that his mother was telling him, he could feel the rage inside him, and he had to keep it in, seeing both of them getting friendly with each other.

He wanted to trust Copter more, but when he witnessed how Kimmon and Copter were hugging and laughing, he felt betrayed. He sacrificed his own freedom just so he would be safe, and here he was, hugging and laughing, and who knows what else he did with another guy. And that doing it with his own friend, he felt sicker and sicker. 'That stupid bitch!'

"Don't tell anything about me to him, P'Kim." Copter was left right away and Kimmon was just stunned and it took him a few minutes just to get a hold of himself and to realize that Copter was gone, while Copter was turning and running right away, together with tears he couldn't hold it in anymore when he was sure no one could see it.

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