Chapter 16

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Copter wasn't really comfortable on how the waitress was looking, or maybe staring at him for he felt like she was sneering at him the moment he was walking into the restaurant and even be in this private room.

And when she had brought the food to the table, she even smirking at him, mocking him with the way she was looking at him, or maybe it was all his feelings, but he wasn't comfortable, at all. This wasn't a place for him, and he shouldn't agree to this guy in a first place. He gets more irritated when the waiter would just standing at the door, staring at him just like she was waiting for him to make a mistake.

And the kind of food that was laying in front of him doesn't help his insecurity at all when he could see a knife and a fork. He never knew how to eat a steak using a knife and fork. He was just sitting there watching Joss and Bas who was start to eat their food.

After one piece of meat, Joss was turning to Copter curiously. "Doesn't even want to have a taste? Please, na, or it would be a waste and wasting foods was never a good thing."

"I'm sorry Mr. Joss. I really couldn't eat right now. I'm having a gastric. If I ever eat anything I would throw up. I'll eat later. I'm really sorry." Hearing Copter's answer was making Joss concerns more for him. "Really? Do you need to go to the clinic? Did you have any medicine?"

"Oh, no, no. I'm okay, just a little bit tired, that's all. After some rest, I'll be okay." The waitress was laughing a little hearing Copter, making Bas irritated and was standing right away shocking Joss and Copter. It turns out, it wasn't just Copter, but Bas was seeing how the waiter had reacted to Copter and how she was staring and sneering and smirking at Copter the whole time they were here.

"What's your problem?" the waitress was shocked and was anxious when Bas was standing in front of her confronting her. "Yes?" Bas was chuckled looking at her playing innocent. Joss was coming near, oblivious with the whole things. "What's wrong, Bas?"

"Ask her! Why she would be staring and sneering and smirking at Copter and even had to laugh to him just now. Is that your manner as a waiter here? I thought this was a high-class restaurant, never thought they would hire a low-level worker to work here." Bas was angry.

"Bas, please calm down, na. Let's just please go home. I'm tired. I'm sorry Mr. Joss. Please enjoy your lunch, we will leave first." Copter would just dragged Bas who was still staring at the annoying face of the waitress and Joss was dumbfounded.


Back at the coffee house, Godt was just finished his lunch with Kimmon, who adamantly demanded him to eat together here since he promised Copter to take care of his brother, which Godt was just giving him a straight face.

He didn't want to hate the guy so much since the guy had really sincerely helped him and his brother so much that he didn't even know how to repay him. But somehow, he still felt irritated every time he saw the guy that makes it hard for him to even just smile to him.

But even after finished lunch, Kimmon was still there with him which he was really astonished to it. "Don't you have a coffee shop to take care of downstairs? You don't have to babysit me, you know?" Godt was talking suddenly after a moment of silence between them.

"I was having a break, and my break isn't over yet. Since I was promised Copter, might as well stay here until I finished my break, just in case you need my help with anything." Godt was sigh out loud to that. "Why all of you treating me like I'm that useless brat?" Godt who was lashing out suddenly make Kimmon shocked.

"Am I dumb? Or am I dead? I just hurt my leg, g*ddamn it! Stop treating me like I'm a disable old man that needs to look after every second! You and Copter and every....."

Godt's words were halted when he could see Copter at the door with all the groceries in plastic bags in both of his hands with teary eyes. Bas was standing behind him, almost stumbled when Copter was stopped suddenly. Copter was swallowing his saliva trying to calm himself down and then was just turning to the dining table, putting everything on it. He then would just walk to the bathroom without even saying anything or looking at his brother or Kimmon or to Bas.

Once getting out from it, Godt was trying to say something but Copter wouldn't even looking at him. Copter would then just lying on the bed on his side facing the window giving his back to everyone. He even pulled the blanket up to his neck, even though the weather was quite hot and the air-conditioner didn't even turn-on. And to that, Copter was crying silently, tired with everything that happened today. And he gets more tired when even his brother was lashing out of him out of the blue.

Godt was just looking at his brother's small body lying on the bed, regretted his every word. His frustration was eating him up that he didn't even realize what he was saying. He never felt this worthless all his life. And his brother was supposed to rely on him, not vice-versa that he felt useless. After sometimes, and Copter was already fast asleep, Bas start talking.

"P, please don't be harsh on Copter na. He had been going through a lot today at the mall, and he didn't even have his lunch yet. I'm sorry, P. It was all my fault." Hearing Bas, Godt was turning to him fast. "What do you mean he was been through a lot? He was supposed to go shopping with you."

Bas was looking at his brother and Godt alternately before start telling them what happened at the mall with the woman accusing him of stealing. But he left out the restaurant part, afraid both guys would blame Joss, and he didn't want that to happen.

Somehow, he think he likes the guy. The looks, the skin and those tough body of his, and the way he defends Copter was all looking cool to him that he can't help getting a little bit jealous when the guy gave a little bit more attention to Copter that he might think the guy was actually into Copter. But he didn't want to assume things since he still wants to have hope for himself.

It wasn't wrong to just pursue your crush, right? And besides, he still needs to find out whether the guy was actually single or not, but he really wished he was single. He must be single, since he doesn't seem to have someone to eat lunch with. Definitely single.

He forgot for a while about the two-person in front of him right now. Fair enough, he could see red on Godt's eyes and even Kimmon's eyes too? Now, he wasn't sure whether his decision telling them about it was actually a good decision. Copter would kill him for sure. 'Urghh, why everything was so complicated when it comes to you, Cop?'

End of Chapter 16

p/s: I wanted to appreciate friends who always support my story and never get tired commenting on every episode, though I don't reply much.

Please know that I always appreciate your comments, guys, no matter what.

@Linny2019  @milkypetals  @prajaktalawande 

@MintyKittoKatto  @Urmi08  @Hiatus_1994


And everyone whose names I couldn't mention.

And never forget for all of you who have vote for my stories! Loves you all!

Love you guys!

Thank you for stopping by;)

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