Chapter 25

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Godt was stunned the moment he arrived at the old man's house. It was so big that he never dreamt of stepping his whole life, yet here he was standing right in front of it. Looking around, he was frowning. He was really sure that this old man doesn't need him for a job, considering the worker he could see around.

Once getting in, they would be giving him foods that were laying almost the whole table, eating together with the old man. It turns out, he was previously the director of the hospital in that town, that makes him get the ambulance fast to get to the location of the accident.

The one in the car was his daughter and son-in-law, along with his grandchild, and he was waiting for them to have dinner together but they were not arriving as intended. They were living up in the city of Chiang Mai, having a career of their own. He was waiting for the update from the hospital about their condition. If it wasn't bad, which he wished it was, they would be brought back here to his home, taking care by the nurses, personal nurses he had for his family.

Godt had followed the old man together to the hospital after dinner when he got a call from the hospital. Once reaching there, they were heading straight to the doctor's room, which along the way, people will waii to this old man whenever they got past them. Godt was feeling awkward to be beside such an important man, but he tried his best to try to adapt and not doing anything that could shame this man in any way.

"They weren't unconscious. They were sleeping deep sleeping." The old man was frowning with the information he heard from this friend of his. Godt was calm when he thought as much when he was looking at their condition.

"You were the one who found them?" Godt was shocked, never thought the doctor would ask him, but he just nods his head. He was just standing behind the old man. "How are they when you first see them?" Godt was thinking a little bit before answering the doctor. "The man's head on the steering wheel with hands down, the woman was leaning on the headrest. Both of them were hurt on the forehead, had a little bleeding but not that much. The boy didn't hurt anywhere, at least anywhere I could see."

"Mr. Teerasak, this was like someone had deliberately wished they fell into an accident. If not, why would they be taking sleeping pills before driving? And a strong one at that." The old man named Teerasak just nods his head. "Leave the rest to me. Thank you. Please arrange for them to be sent back to my house. I'll be leaving now."

Back at the house, Godt was helping with taking all the three of the family members of Mr. Teerasak to settle down on their respective room, once he finished and the hospital worker had gone, Mr. Teerasak had called for him to have a talk at his reading room.

"What happened to your feet?" the first question of the old man took him off-guard. He knew eventually he will be asked about it, but he didn't think it would be this fast. "I hurt it when my house had been caught in fire, though I don't remember about it."

"Why?" Godt was taking in a deep breath. "I was deep in sleep when that happened. The doctor said I was been exposed by some sleeping gas, stronger than a normal sleeping pill." The old man was frowning. "Which hospital?"

"Town hospital, up north of Chiang Rai. I was been living there." Teerasak nods his head for that. "You must be tired. Go rest for today, and it's okay to sleep in for tomorrow. I'll talk to you in the evening for your job. You may go rest now."

Godt was waii to him before heading to the room that was prepared for him. He was feeling thankful for meeting this nice old man, but then, he was really tired. He was fast asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.


"Before you start working, I want to talk about your leg first. I've seen your medical report, and your leg could be okay with surgery. I've made a reservation for you with the doctor, Prem will take you there. And it was up to no discussion. You may leave now."

Godt was dumbfounded and he just followed this guy called Prem around and now he was at the hospital doing all the checking needed. He did an x-ray, blood test, and meeting the doctor. He was trying to catch up as much as he can, but everything was just blurred for him.

Coming back from the hospital, Prem had taught about things he had to learn in order to do his job. His one week time, while waiting for the surgery schedule, he fills his time fully to learn things he could, focusing on Teerasak needs and things he loves to do, including understanding his schedule from the moment he opens his eyes till the moment he needs to close it.

At the same time, his relationship with Teerasak's daughter's family getting closer. They were staying there three days straight after the accident and the boy really loved to play with him. Godt was good with kids even when they were in the village. The naturally caring and sweet personality of his that makes his relationship with Copter wasn't as normal as others. To Copter, he was playing the mother part, since his mother had died out of illness when he was 7 and Copter was only 4.

Never been in school was makes things difficult for him, even some of the maid were mocking him, saying he was more stupid than them, and that he didn't deserve special treatment or the job. However, Prem had been cool about it the whole time, Teerasak and his daughter Preeda along with his husband, Wuttichai also treated him nicely, and that he was really thankful for them.

The surgery had been done as scheduled and it was a success. And even the whole family of Teerasak had waited for him that he was speechless. He didn't know how to thank them for everything they did for him.

"Don't feel like you owe things to me, because if you feel, so, I had to feel so towards you too. Just like what you think when you saved my daughter and her family, I wanted to think the same for you." That's what Teerasak had said when Godt was thanking him over and over again with tears he couldn't suppress, but still, he felt thankful for the family.

Teerasak didn't let him stay long at the hospital and was brought him back home not long after that. Godt had to stay bedridden almost a month, but during those times, he filled his times to study a lot of things, with the help of Prem. So, by the time he was fully healed, he was able to start his job right away, as Prem's assistant to be Teerasak's PA and butler.

On the day he was at the hospital at Chiang Mai, together with Teerasak and Prem, for a discussion Teerasak had with the director of that hospital that he overheard the name Copter Panuwat been called. He had to ask leave from Teerasak right away, telling him about his brother, which Teerasak didn't hesitate to give him the leave he needed.

That's how he approaches Copter that day, after months of being separate.

End of Chapter 25

p/s: So that's what happened to Godt. I hope you like it.

Enjoy reading and thank you for stopping by;)

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