Chapter 10

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"So, please introduce yourself and why did you were interested of working here. We were still a new opened coffee shop that most people wouldn't really interested in working with us, since we were still new and the unstable income."

"My name is Copter Panuwat, P. This was all certificate I could get earlier today at my old school, since my house had burnt along with all the document I had." Copter had handing him the copy of certificate and school result from his secondary school before he was heading to this town.

"You were from Chiang Rai? Up the north town. It was quite far. Why are you here, far from home? You were not running from home, are you?" the guy was looking at the documents Copter was provided him.

"No, P. Like I said, my house had caught in fire, and I lost everything including my father in that fire. I was still in mourning period, but I want to start a new life away from my village and looking for a job that I manage to do on my own. For the moment there outside, while walking in here, the aroma of coffee had caught me off guard. I think from today, I love coffee."

The guy was laughing hearing Copter which earlier he was pitying this young guy for losing his father and even still in mourning period, he had to travel far away from his comfort zone just to build a new life. "You were not trying to flatter me, are you?" Copter's reaction was that of anxious and afraid.

"No, P. I didn't meant it that way. I was never been in a coffee shop before. And back in my village, we usually drinks tea out of the leaves that were grow in the village. I just hope I will get a job here. And even though I don't have any experience working in a coffee shop, but I was a fast-learner, P. I could adapt better, please trust me, P."

"You said you lost your father in the fire, and I'm really sorry to hear that. What about other family members? And if I hired you, have you have a place to stay around here?" The guy was asking Copter while still gauging Copter's honesty.

"I have a brother who had hurt because of the fire, P. I will found some place around, by hook or by crook, P, as long as you hired me, P." Copter was begging, and he really hope he will got this job. Somehow, he likes this shop already and the way this guy was treating him in this interview, he knew the guy was a good guy. He really hope this guy would accept him to work here.

"Let's do this, then. I really need a worker right now, so I will hired you...." Copter was standing right away, making the chair was falling down behind and was waii to him right away. "Thank you, P. Thank you so much, P."

"Please, sit down and calm down. I wasn't finished." Copter was giving away his apologetic smile, and waii, "Sorry, P." and then he would pick up the chair up and sit on it once again. "But for you to look around looking for a cheap room around here was hard, nearly impossible, so I was thinking that you can use a quarter, I made for myself if ever I want to stay here upstairs, but I will deduct the rent from your wages. But still you were in a probation for six months and you will do a lot of task, for me to see which position are suitable for you, since you have zero experience. Are we clear?"

Copter was nodding his head eagerly for the most important things he needed had solved right away. Just like he thought, this guy was a really nice guy. "So, when do you think you could start working?" Copter's eyes was watery that he had a hard time to keep the tears from falling.

"Thank you so much for the offer, sir. I really appreciate and I promise you, you will not regret hiring me, sir. I will have to go back home early tomorrow morning to fetch my brother. For now he was still unconscious, but I'm sure once he wakes up, he might be able to travel right away. Please give me two days, sir. I will start right away once I bring my brother here."

The guy was watching Copter intently making Copter swallowing his saliva. He was silent for a few minutes that making Copter's anxious going up and up every second pass. 'Will he cancelled his hiring for me because I couldn't start right away? Please, don't. Please.' Copter was begging in his heart hoping this guy wouldn't change his mind.

"Are you planning to take your injured brother in a public transport, and that even was what, two or three times transit, I meant change bus?" The guy was frowning while asking this to Copter make Copter smile. "Yes, sir. It was fine. We can manage that. My brother might not travel a lot, but he is a strong man. We can manage that, somehow."

Actually even when he was saying this, Copter wasn't sure himself. His brother even rarely going out to town and he didn't really like to be at the town. He was always telling him that he felt inferior and he felt foreign to be in the middle of the town, with all the staring people had given him, especially the women.

He was even more worried that his brother didn't even want to come with him just like he will refused him every time he would ask him to go to the town, and now he even had to go out far from the main city they was living their whole life. But somehow, they need to do this. They can do this, as long as they stay together. He was sure of that and that he will make sure of that, even if it wasn't.

But then the sudden clap of the guy in front of him startled him that making him jump a little, taking him out from his reverie.

"A-ha! I've decided. You'll come with me to Chiang Rai. Tomorrow my off day, literally I could take an off day and leaving the shop to my brother and I was meaning to visit my old friend who recently moving there, settling at his father's hometown." Copter was blinking his eyes a few times, with "huh?"

"By the way, my name is Kimmon, Copter. Don't call me sir, call me P'Kim."

End of Chapter 10

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