Chapter 12

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"What? No! He owned a coffee house, and I will work there. He did come here with me because coincidentally he came to visit his friend who happened to move here not long ago. Since he wants to hire me, he offered a room upstairs from the coffee house, because he said the area was really hard to find a cheap room for us to stay. He will deduct the rent from my wages. He really was a nice guy, trust me. You'll know when you see him later."

Godt was still hard to believe that a guy could be as nice as him. But Copter was quite good at judging people, whether he realizes it or not, so he thinks he just has to believe in Copter, even though he didn't believe the guy.

"P, I'll go talk to the doctor about your discharge and settle the bill. Please wait for me, na?" Copter was just about to leave when Godt had pulled him making him turn around once again. "How are you going to pay my bill?" Godt was asking and Copter was just smiling.

"Did you forget that dad did save money for my study? I used that money. That's all we have. Don't think too much about it, okay?" Copter was patting on Godt's hand which holding his hand and left after that, looking for the doctor.

"Am I going to be a burden to him from now on, Som?" Godt was talking right after Copter had gone leaving the room, while he keeps looking at the way Copter was leaving. "How could you think that way, Godt? You will upset him if he heard you said that."

"But I...." Somchai was coming near to Godt and sitting on the chair beside him. "Don't you heard him? You are all he has now. If you trying to find a reason to get away from him, that would kill him for sure Godt. You weren't conscious when the fire happened. But I was there. He was jumping into the fire just to save you and your dad. We had to pull him out because the fire was just getting bigger if not, he would still jump into the fire just to save your father. He was that desperate, Godt. Please, you have to be strong for him, because that's what he did for you. He didn't even stay long at your dad's funeral and left right away, so he could find a place you can get back to. Even though he had to go far away, to a place that foreign to him. He took that risk just because of you. He did this all for you if you didn't realize it yet."

Godt was crying and the crying gets harder by every word he heard from Somchai. Somchai was right. He was lying here like a fool when Copter did everything else, even as far as looking for a job and a new place to stay, just so that he could be safe. They could be safe. His baby brother had done so much and suffered so much alone while he was lying here pitifully.

"P, what's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere? Why are you crying?" Copter who turns up again suddenly and was coming to Godt sitting beside him on the bed, shocking Somchai a little bit. "No, I just remembered about our dad. And I was thinking about you too." Copter then pulled his brother into his hugs once again while keeps on rubbing his back. His tears were falling too. He missed his dad so much.

"Mr. Copter...." A nurse's voice had startled them both and Copter was fast wiping his tears and coming closer to the nurse. "Yes." The nurse was handing him the hospital bill and the medicine list he had to buy for his brother. "This is your bill and this is the medicines you need to get from the pharmacy. They will tell you what to do. Once settled, Mr. Godt can go home. That's all."

"Thank you." The nurse was leaving right after and Copter was turning to his brother. "I'll settle the bill and get your medicine. P, please help P'Godt with his things. I'll be back later." Copter was walking out from the room once again leaving Godt and Somchai. Previously he was going to see the doctor talk about his brother's condition and had asked him whether his brother could be discharged. The doctor gave him permission and asked him to wait for the bill in the wardroom, and the nurse will send it to him there.

He settled the bill and was about to go to the pharmacy when he saw his boss, Kimmon was walking around in the hospital and he was running to him right away. "P'Kim." Kimmon then turns to him. "Ah, Copter. Good thing you saw me. I forgot to ask you about your brother's wardroom's number. And how silly of me, I even forgot to ask you your phone number." Kimmon was laughing to himself when he saw the straight face of Copter.

"You do have a phone number, do you?" Copter was swallowing his saliva to that question. "Hmmm... I need to buy the medicine at the pharmacy first, then we could go up to the wardroom together right after. Come." Copter was changing the topic, evading the question throwing at him earlier.

Kimmon was frowning but just follow Copter right after. He was standing not far from Copter who was at the pharmacy counter buying all the medicine needed for his brother. Once he got the medicine and was about to leave, Copter had seen something behind the counter. It was a crutch.

Copter was asking the price of it, then he would just smiling trying to walk away when Kimmon stopped him. Kimmon went straight to the counter and bought the crutch. Once coming closer to Copter, he was handing the crutch to Copter. "Tell your brother it was from the hospital. The room you are going to live in doesn't have a lift, so it will be inconvenient for him. Please, take it."

Copter was reluctantly taking the crutch from Kimmon. "How did you know my brother hurt his leg?" Copter was asking while they were walking side-by-side heading to the nearest lift. "I heard the instruction for medicine. The nurse keeps mention legs so, I have a rough idea." Copter was nodding his head to that.

"Thank you for this. You've done so much for us, even though we were strangers to you. I'm sorry I was imposed on you a lot." Kimmon would just pat his shoulder telling him it was all okay. Once reaching the wardroom, Copter could see Godt was changing his shirt and Somchai was still tidying his brother things into the bag, so Copter was fast going in and getting closer to Somchai to help him.

But Kimmon was actually stunned. He knew Copter was cute with white skin and dimples and all, but he never thought his brother could be this.....handsome. He was watching the shirtless patient and could see his abs and the tattoo? 'The skin tone was obviously white and tanned. His inner body was white just like Copter but the tanned skin he had on his arm was making him look even hotter. The tattoo, that was stunning, but wait, why would I assess a male's body? Am I going crazy? But h*ck, he was so g*ddamn hot.'

", P'Kim." Copter's voice taking him out of his reverie and he could see Godt was ready with clothes and all. "P'Kim, this is my brother, P'Godt and this is our friend, P'Somchai. P'Godt, P'Somchai, this is my boss, P'Kim." Kimmon then coming closer to Godt and offered him a handshake which Godt had took it with a firm grasp and a straight face. He still couldn't fully believe the guy but Kimmon was only smiling and would shake Somchai's hand too.

End of Chapter 12

p/s: I tried to finish this story as fast as i can, before i got busy again with work, though it still a loooong way to finished....

I hope i can do this.

Thank you for all your support and comments, i hope you will keep supporting me;)

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